ISSN: 2146-8249
Founded: 2012
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Journal of Education and Future - JEF (ISSN 2146-8249) is an international, interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal published by Nesibe Aydın Education Institutions in Ankara / Turkey. JEF has been published biannually in January and July since 2012.

JEF aims at contributing to increase of quality of future’s education and knowledge generation in the light of developments in every field today. In line with this aim, JEF is an academic journal in which articles, based on unique researches related to educational sciences’ all fields of preschool, elementary education, secondary education, undergraduate education, graduate education.


Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TUBİTAK ULAKBİM National Index, Ani Journal Index, DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, ASOS Index, ProQuest Science Journals, Arastirmax Bilimsel Yayın Indeksi, Akademik Dizin, Research Bible.


2025 - Issue: 27

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