Archive Policy – LOCKSS
IJONASS uses the LOCKSS programme to allow libraries to form permanent achieves for preservation and restoration purposes, so that participating libraries could create a distributed archiving system. If you would like to get more information about LOCKSS, please visit this website.
Based at Standford University Librairies, LOCKSS programme offers award-winning, low-cost, open-source digital preservation tools to provide libraries and publishers with access to permanent and authoritative digital content. The LOCKSS programme ( is a library-led preservation system built on the principle of “securing multiple copies”. The LOCKSS programme improves and supports libraries by using open source end-to-end digital preservation software.
The LOCKSS programme allows librarians in each institution to access and preserve the e-content they subscribe to and restore the printed purchasing model that they are familiar with.
Global LOCKSS Network preserves today’s e-magazines and e-books for tomorrow’s readers. The network is also a proven protection approach that empowers both libraries and publishes in a genuine way. The network is managed by Stanford University Libraries LOCKSS programme. For more details, you can visit the LOCKSS programme website.
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