Writing Rules

All submitted manuscripts must be prepared in strict accordance with the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA 7; see http://www.apastyle.org/ or owl.purdue.eduAlthough there is no limit for word count in JETOL, it is recommended that the submitted manuscripts should not exceed 7000 words excluding references and appendices. Book reviews should comprise minimum of 1000 words.


All manuscripts must be submitted online through the JETOL online system. All authors must register to the DergiPark manuscript submission system before submitting a manuscript. The template will assist you in formatting your paper. Please, insert the text keeping the format and styles. The parts of the paper (title, abstract, keywords, sections, text, etc.) are already defined on the style sheet. 

Please click on the link to see the manuscript template.

Please click on the link to see the title page template.

List of files that must be uploaded during the manuscript submission process. In case of any missing documents, the review process can not be started.

  • Full Text File (Anonymous)
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Form
  • Similarity Report
  • Evidence of proofreading, if you are not a native English speaker,  (To upload this document, please select "language editing certificate" under the upload supplementary files section when submitting your manuscript)

Please click on the link to see JETOL's Copyright form


Similarity report of the manuscript must be uploaded during the manuscript submission process.


Proofreading is important to ensure that there is not any grammatical error. So if you are not a native English speaker, then proofreading of the manuscript also must be done and evidence of proofreading must be provided during the manuscript submission process.

Last Update Time: 8/29/24, 12:39:59 AM