Journal Boards


Prof. Dr. Scott Mcbride SMİTH University of Kansas United States Web

Scott McBride Smith is a recognized leader in music education. As the Cordelia Brown Murphy Professor of Piano Pedagogy at the University of Kansas, he focuses on national issues of teacher training and piano pedagogy. As President and CEO of the International Institute for Young Musicians, he leads a summer program offering specialized training for gifted young performers from around the world. A co-author of the groundbreaking new series American Popular Piano, he has helped create a course of study for today's student - providing tools that inspire the necessary hard work while playing music they love. As former president of Royal American Conservatory Examinations, he worked to establish standards by championing national curriculum and assessment in the USA. And as a former division president of Music Teachers National Association and president of the California Association of Professional Music Teachers, he works on concerns that affect all professionals in the music teaching community. A long-time teacher of prize-winning students in Irvine, California, Dr. Smith's students have been California State Champions in the years 1988, 1990, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2008. Former students have been First Prize winners in the Naftsger Competition, Tchaikovsky Competition and in competitions of the Music Teachers National Association. Amir Khosrowpour, Dr. Smith';s student for 11 years, was the 2001-2002 Steinway National Collegiate Champion while a student of Dr. Jack Winerock at the University of Kansas. His student Jeremy Siskind was the 2002 winner of the ASACAP Foundation Young Jazz Composer award. Dr. Smith is co-author of the college text The Well-Tempered Keyboard Teacher and associate editor of the magazine Clavier Companion. He is co-author of Christopher Norton's Guide to Microjazz. The growing interest in his philosophical and cognitive approach to music teaching has resulted in appearances across the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America, including workshops and showcases at every MTNA Conference since 1999. But he has never lost the ability to see humor in the profession and laugh. Dr. Smith has served as Visiting Professor at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Lima, Peru; at the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts; in China, at the Sichaun Conservatory of Music and at the Shenzhen Arts School; and in Taiwan, sponsored by the International Piano Teaching Foundation. Scott McBride Smith received his doctorate from the University of Southern California, where he was co-winner of the Outstanding Graduate in Piano award. A former member of the Music Teachers National Association National Board, he is also a member of the European Piano Teachers Association and a Level One Certified member the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association.

D.M.A., Piano Performance, 1982 University of Southern California
Minor(s): Music History, Conducting, 20th-century American and English Literature

Some important researches
Smith, S. M., Hung, C., & Bu, J. (2019). United States Music Certification Exam Curriculum. Lawrence. (Refereed)
This was a major re-edit and translation of the English language version. There are three books (Repertoire, Technic, and Skills) in 10 levels.
Smith, S. M. (2019). American Popular Piano, Etudes, Bk. 4. (Refereed)
This is a major revision of the 2005 original, incorporating a research-based approach to teaching improvisation at early levels of piano study. It was published in China in Chinese translation.
Smith, S. M. (2018). American Popular Piano Etudes, Preparatory Level. In American Popular Piano. (Refereed)
This is a major revision of the 2005 original, incorporating a research-based approach to teaching improvisation at early levels of piano study.
Smith, S. M. (2018). Seymour Fink Master Technician. Clavier Companion. (Refereed)
Smith, S. M. (2018). Clavier Companion. (Refereed)
McBride Smith, S. (2018). In S. M. Smith, USMCE Piano Studies Book, The New Millennium Series, Diamond Edition, Grade 10. Lawrence. (Refereed)
This is the second of two advanced level studies books to be used in the U.S. Music Certification Examinations. I chose content, indicated leveling, and provided fingering on selected works.
McBride Smith, S. (2018). In S. M. Smith, USMCE Piano Studies Book, The New Millennium Series, Diamond Edition, Grade 9. (Refereed)
This is the first of two advanced level studies books to be used in the U.S. Music Certification Examinations. I chose content, indicated leveling, and provided fingering on selected works.
McBride Smith, S. (2018). In S. M. Smith, USMCE Piano Performance Book The New Millenium Series Diamond Edition, Grade 7. (Refereed)
I re-edited this educational anthology for publication in China, correcting note errors and re-doing fingering where necessary.
McBride Smith, S. (2018). In S. M. Smith, USMCE Piano Performance Book The New Millenium Series Diamond Edition, Grade 8. (Refereed)
I re-edited this educational anthology for publication in China, correcting note errors and re-doing fingering where necessary.

Click full CV
Music, Interpretation in Western Classical Music, Music Education

Editors/Field Editors

Art Education (Other), Painting
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet ALAN ANADOLU UNIVERSITY Türkiye Web
Fine Arts Education, Interpretation in Western Classical Music, Music Education, Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Assoc. Prof. İlker İŞSEVER Istanbul Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı Türkiye
Music, Performing Arts, Dance and Choreography, Opera Singing and Directing

Managing Editor

Music Cognition, Theories of Music

International Editorial Board Member

Asst. Prof. Dr. Krenar DOLİ Instituti Albanologjik Prishtinë Kosovo

Krenar Doli was born in Gjakova on 14.02.1985. He graduated the primary and secondary school in his birthplace. In 2007, he completed his bachelor studies at the Academy of Arts, Faculty of Music, Branch of Musicology in Tirana. In 2014 he completed the Master of Science at the Center for Albanological Studies at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Study in Ethnology-Folklore department, with focus on Ethnomusicology. In 2021 he completed Doctoral Degree, at Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, at the Institute of Social Sciences (Turkish Folklore program) in Ankara. He works at The Institute of Albanology in Prishtina, Branch of Folklore, Section of Ethno-musicology. He deals with different musical practices of the Balkan area, with music and with multilateral connections in the artistic and socio-cultural spheres.

So far, he has published the following writings:

1.“Muzika në reflekset e kohës”, përmbledhje punimesh, “Erpoprint”, Gjakovë, 2007. (“Music in the Reflections of Time”, a collection of publications. “Erpoprint”, Gjakova, 2007.
2.“Gjakova brenda muzikës”, monografi, “Erpoprint”, Gjakovë, 2010. (“Gjakova inside music”, monograph. “Erpoprint”, Gjakova, 2010.)
3.“Dasma në qytetin e Gjakovës”. monografi, Instituti Albanologjik, Prishtinë, 2015. (“Wedding in the town of Gjakova”. Monograph, The Institute of Albanology, Prishtina, 2015.
4. “Tradita e muzikës sufiste në Kosovë”, monografi, Instituti Albanologjik, Prishtinë, 2022. (“Tradition sufi music in Kosova”), Monograph, The Institute of Albanology, Prishtina, 2022.

Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vesna SVALİNA Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Education Croatia Web

Vesna Svalina, Ph.D. (1968) is an associate professor in the field of music education and president of the Music Subdepartment at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek. Since 2020, she has also been working at the University of Slavonski Brod at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities. She graduated from the study program of music pedagogy of the University of Osijek (Faculty of Education) in 1991. She holds a Master of Music Education degree from the University of Zagreb (Music Academy, 2009) and a doctoral degree in early education and compulsory education from the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb (2013). She is the author of thirty one scientific papers and one book. Her scientific interest is focused on the music education curriculum, competencies for teaching at the primary level of education, musical creativity, extracurricular music activities, and education of gifted children. She participated in numerous international scientific conferences at home and abroad. From 2015 to 2016 she was head of the scientific research project Listening to music as an important subject area in the primary music curriculum. From 2009 to 2013 she was involved in the project Development of Creativity in Lifelong Teacher Education, and from 2018 to 2021 in the project Giftedness in the Artistic Field - Analysis of the Situation Among Primary School Pupils in Terms of Artistic and Musical Giftedness. From 2015 to 2018 she was managing editor of the journal Life and School. In September 2021, she became a member of the editorial board of the journal SN Social Sciences and International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences. She has also given numerous concerts with the choirs, both in Croatia and abroad (Italy, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland). She won numerous first prizes, both nationally and internationally, at different choir competitions (11 first prizes at national and 7 at international competitions). She also won three special prizes: for the best performance of the compulsory song, for the best interpretation of the song composed by a Croatian composer, and for the artistically most convincing conductor.

Education, Music Education
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Betül YARAR KOÇER Mersin Üniversitesi Türkiye
Music, Music Technology and Recording, Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Opera Singing and Directing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gvantsa GHVİNJİLİA Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire Georgia Web

Gvantsa Ghvinjilia-Musicologist, PhD, Doctor of Art Studies, Associate Professor and lecturer at Tbilisi State Conservatoire (Department of Music History); A member of the Academic Council, and head of the dissertation Board at Tbilisi State Conservatoire. A member of the Georgian Composer’s Union. The guest senior teacher at Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema Tbilisi State University. The member of the jury of the Tsinandali Awards (2022). She has received the Scholarships of Zakaria Paliashvili and the President of Georgia. PR manager and Head of the literary department at Tbilisi Zakaria Paliashvili Opera and Ballet State Theatre (2006-2013). In 2021-2023 Gvantsa Ghvinjilia was a participant in the Erasmus+Mobility exchange program (Belgium, France, and Poland). She has held public lectures in Georgia, Belgium, Poland and Ukraine. She is often invited as a speaker in Georgian television and radio programs. Gvantsa Ghvinjilia works as a music critic in the periodical press of Georgia. Gvantsa Ghvinjilia actively participates in national and international conferences in Belgium, Croatia, England, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, and Ukraine. Her scientific interests are connected with: Religion and music; Transhumanism, Posthumanism, Metahumanism and music; Multi-media hybrid musical genres; Eco music; The impact of scientific and technical progress on music; Interdisciplinary studies; The ways of European integration of Georgian music; The Georgian music; Transcultural studies; interdisciplinary studies on music and literature intersections; Contemporary Ballet.
ORCID: 0000-0003-3452-4876

Composition in Western Classical Music
Prof. Dr. Luis DİAZ-SANTANA GARZA Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas Mexico
Anthropology of Music, Sociology of Music, Music, Interpretation in Western Classical Music, Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Art History
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sevda GÜREL Ordu Üniversitesi Müzik ve Sahne Sanatları Fakültesi Türkiye
Music, Music Education
Art History
Prof. Dr. Fahrettin GEÇEN İNÖNÜ ÜNİVERSİTESİ Türkiye
Basic Training, Fine Arts Education, Special Education and Disabled Education, Special Talented Education, Mental Disability Education, Creative Arts and Writing, Plastic Arts

Language Editor

English As A Second Language
Last Update Time: 2/4/25, 11:10:53 AM
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