We are committed to fast-processing in editorial evaluation and peer-review process of submitted papers in Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education (JIAE).
Before initiating the double-blinded peer review process, editorial team must evaluate the below conditions. These are as follows:- Comply with Journal's aims and scopes- Comply with journal submission template- Required supporting documents and declarations- Language requirements (as an equity and diversity commitment, this evaluation is undergo according to English as a Lingua-Franco)
Characteristics of the peer-review process are as follows:
- Submissions that pass the requirements of editorial pre-evaluation, will be reviewed by two independent referee those who has publications related to keywords of submission. The referee selection process is managed by section editors. Moreover, the selection process is based on two criteria. These are:
- The selected referee must not have any conflict or interest of profit with the author or authors of submitted article.
- We are, as a JIAE, committed to equity, diversity and inclusivity of underrepresented people in the referee selection process.
- Due to transparency commitment, the editorial cannot be appointed as a referee in any circumstances.
· Publication decisions of JIAE are made by the Editors-in-Chief of JIAE in terms of the reviewers' reports.
- Submitted articles and related documents are archived and protected by cloud backup.
- If a submission is accepted after several peer-review rounds, the pre-publication version document should be uploaded with final similarity report by author.
All processes are being conducted through "Dergipark Journal System" that is designed to maintain transparency and prevention of any academic, editorial and peer-review misconduct in order to prevalence of academic integrity at academic publication processes.
JIAE is the most prestigious peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of art, where your article on art research has undergone high-level review and editing to achieve high visibility and citation potential.