"The Journal of Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology (JICIVILTECH)" is a Journal that includes original engineering articles, as well as qualified research and review studies in all areas of civil engineering, architecture, environmental engineering, geomatics engineering, and geology engineering. The writing principles of the articles to be published in the journal are given below. All articles, which will be published, are evaluated by the scientific committee for their scientific contribution, originality, and content. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their data given. The journal reserves the right to make appropriate corrections regarding language and spelling where it deems necessary. The articles can be sent back to the responsible author for revision when considered necessary. All copyrights of the articles published in the journal belong to the journal. Articles previously published in a journal in any language will not be considered for publication in the journal. Authors cannot send an article submitted to The Journal of Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology (JICIVILTECH) to another journal.
Authors must upload the
copyright form to the system at the first registration, along with the article, via the online system (Dergipark system).
ARTICLE TEMPLATEPlease click to download the EndNote Style (APA 6) for organizing references.Submitted articles will be reviewed and evaluated by the relevant field editors, and the author will be informed about the status of the article.
Writing language
Turkish or English.
(Right-Left-Bottom-Top) should be 2.5 cm.
Column Dimensions
Column Width should be 6.3 cm, and the interval should be 1.25 cm.
Title14 Punto, Palatino Linotype font, centered and initials capitalized (except and, with, etc.). The title should be appropriate to the text, short and clear.
Author Names
The first letter of the author (s) 's name should be written in capital letters, the others should be in small letters, and the surname should be centered in capital letters, written in 10 font size. No academic titles are specified when writing the names of the authors. More than one author's name should be separated by commas and listed side by side. Numbers should be used as superscript to indicate author information (1, 2, 3, etc.) after author names. The name of the corresponding author must have a superscript star symbol (*). Author's name and surname should be written, and 1 line space should be left and the author's address, mail and ORCID ID information should be written in 8 pt, italic and centered. Author (s) are required to acquire and state an open researcher and participant ID (ORCID) (http://orcid.org).
It should be written without using a paragraph, not less than 100 words, and not exceeding 200 words. Abstract must be 10 point font, Palatino Linotype font, and justified.
1. Research article; If it is written in English, there should be an English title and summary followed by a Turkish title and summary.
2. Research article; If it is written in Turkish, there should be a Turkish title and summary followed by an English title and summary.
It should be given at least 3 and maximum 5, 10 point, Palatino Linotype font, aligned on both sides and in Turkish / English. The first letters of the keywords must be capital, with ","
TextHeadings in double columns should be prepared as stated below.
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Findings
4. Results
Declaration of Ethical Standards
Authorship Contribution Statement
Conflict of Interest Declaration
Data Availability
5. ConclusionAttachments
The text of the article should be written in Palatino Linotype font, 10 pt. Spacing 0 cm, Single line spacing and aligned to both sides (Only the text in the Acknowledgments and References section should be 9 pt.). The text can include numbered subheadings as needed. Each subtitle should be listed under its main heading. For example; 2.1., 2.2., 2.3. etc. The first letters of all the words of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree titles in the text should be written in capital letters (except and, etc.) and bold, for lower titles only the first word of the title should be capitalized and italicized. There should not be any spaces between paragraphs.
It must be in JPEG or TIFF format. Figure texts should be below the figure, Palatino Linotype font, 10 pt., Aligned on both sides and specially hanging (1.25 cm). The width of the figures should not exceed 6.3 cm for two columns and 13.2 cm for a single column. Each figure should be placed in the nearest place of reference in the text. Before the figure, reference should be made to the relevant figure. See the article template for an example of the figure. When ordering items in the text, bullets such as • should be preferred instead of numbers such as 1, 2, and 3.
Table titles should be on the upper side of the table, with Palatino Linotype font, 10 pt., Special hanging (1.25 cm) aligned on both sides. Each table should be placed in the nearest place of reference in the text. Before the table, reference must be made to the relevant table. See the article template for a sample table.
All formulas in the text should be written with the help of the equation editor in Palatino Linotype font and 10 pt using MS Office equation editor, and the equation number should be given in brackets (1), (2) at the end of the line where the equation is written. All units in articles must be in the SI unit system.
1. Introduction:
The purpose and original value of the study, the studies done in the past, the research problem and how the presented study produced a solution, the innovation it brought to the literature, etc. This section should be specified by collating. A raw literature summary should be avoided. SI (Systeme International) units and abbreviations should be used in the article. When other abbreviations are used, they should be explained once in the first mention in the text.
2. Material and Method:
If the study is experimental, the experimental methods used should be given in detail and descriptively. The method (s) used in the article should be written descriptively in a way that can be repeated by other researchers.
3. Findings:
In this section, the data or findings obtained should be given; The results should be explained, if necessary, supported by tables and figures. The results should be discussed in a scientific framework, but unnecessary duplication should be avoided. In this section, rather than giving literature information, the results of the study should be focused on, the similarities and differences of the results with the previous studies should be given, and their possible reasons should be discussed. In this section, the contribution and importance of the obtained results to science should be included as much as possible.
4. Conclusion
The main purpose and objectives of the study, the most important results achieved in line with these goals, and general evaluations and recommendations should be presented in this section.
Declaration of Ethical Standards
Authors must follow all ethical guidelines including authorship, citation, data reporting, and publishing original research.
Credit Authorship Contribution Statement
Author 1: Resources, Research, Experimentation, Writing – original draft Visualization, Writing – original draft
Author 2:..
Conceptualization, Methodology / Study design, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review and editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
Contributor Roles Taxonomy was introduced with the intention of recognizing individual author contributions, reducing authorship disputes and facilitating collaboration.
Declaration of Competing Interest
Competing Interest is defined as a set of conditions in which professional judgment concerning a primary interest, such as the validity of research, may be influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain.
Data Availability
If you have made your research data available in a data repository, you can link your article directly to the dataset.
The thank you text should be written in Palatino Linotype font, 9 points, spacing 0 cm, single line spacing, and formatted side-aligned. If people or institutions are to be thanked, it should be written in this section. If there is a project for which support is received, the project source and number must be specified.
5. References
Palatino Linotype font should be 9 pt. (Indentation: Special Hanging 0.5 cm). Each reference should be without gaps. All literature referred to in the text should be included in "References". Unpublished information should not be given as a reference. (Examples of unpublished sources: Articles that are being prepared or sent to publish, unpublished information or observations, information obtained by interviewing individuals, reports, lecture notes, seminars, etc.). However, completed and juryed theses and articles with DOI numbers can be given as references. References should be given in alphabetical order at the end of the article (according to the surnames of the authors). If many publications of the same author (s) are cited, in the "sources" section, the relevant sources are listed in an order from old to new. Sources with the same date are listed by letter. For example: 2019a, 2019b. For authors with the same surname, the first letter of the first name is given alphabetically before the bibliography. For authors with the same surname, the first letter of the name is given alphabetically before the bibliography, even if the publication is older.
The survey form, data, statistical analysis etc., supporting documents can be given in the appendices section. When more than one additional document is required to be submitted, a separate sequence number should be given for each annex. Appendices should be presented on different pages after the bibliography.
Endnote APA 6 format should be used in in-text references and in the writing of the bibliography, and the spelling rules of the journal should be carefully examined.
Forms of Referring Within the Text should be made as below;
At the beginning of the sentence;
Single author;
Korkmaz (2019)
Two authors;
Gurer and Korkmaz (2019)
With more than two authors; While all author surnames are written where the first citation is made, only the surname of the first author is written in subsequent citations.
First cited impression ---> Akbulut, Gürer, and Korkmaz (2019)
The notation in the second reference ---> Akbulut et al. (2019)
At the end of the sentence;
If a general reference is quoted in the text, the author's surname and publication year should be written in parentheses.
For example (Korkmaz, 2019).
If a specific page is quoted from a book, the reference should be given with the page number. For example (Korkmaz, 2019, p.42).
If an author's works of the same date are quoted; (Korkmaz, 2019a) and (Korkmaz, 2019b).
With two authors; (Gürer & Korkmaz, 2019)
If there are more than two authors; While all author surnames are written where the first citation is made, only the surname of the first author is written in subsequent citations.
First cited impression ---> (Akbulut, Gürer, & Korkmaz, 2019)
The notation in the second citation ---> (Akbulut et al., 2019)
If more than one source is to be cited;
(Korkmaz, 2019; Gürer & Korkmaz, 2019; Akbulut et al., 2019)
It is essential to reach the main reference in scientific studies. However, in cases where the original reference is not available, if the secondary reference is quoted, the secondary reference is indicated in the bibliography. For example (Korkmaz, quoted by Gürer, 2019). Korkmaz (2019) is included in the list of references with all his bibliographic information, while Gürer is not included in the references.
1. Reference from the Book.
1.1. Book with a single author or editor
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) all in lowercase. Place of Print: Publisher.
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). Chapter title. E. E. (Ed.), The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in lowercase (pp. Xx-xx). Place of publication: Publisher.
1.2. Book with two or more authors or editors
First Author's Last Name, First Author's Initials. and Second Author's Last Name, Second Author's Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) all in lowercase. Place: Publisher.
First Author's Last Name, First Author's Initials., Second Author's Last Name, Second Author's Initials. and Third Author's Last Name, Third Author's Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) all in lowercase. Place: Publisher.
1.3. Revised or enlarged prints
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in lower case (Revised / expanded xth edition). Place of Print: Publisher.
1.4. Books with an unknown author
The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names), all in lowercase. (Year). Place: Publisher.
1.5. Books of two or more volumes
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names), all in lowercase (x. Volume). Place of Print: Publisher.
1.6. Translated books
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names), all in lowercase. (Initial Letters of Translator's Name. Translator's Surname, Trans.) Place of Publication: Publisher.
1.7. Writing in a compiled book
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). Title of the article. The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in lower case (pp. Page number range). Place of Print: Publisher.
1.8. An article or chapter in the review
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). Title of the article. Initial letter of the editor's name (s). Editor's surname (Ed.), The name of the book in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names) (pp. Page number range). Place of Print: Publisher.
1.9. Chapter or article in reference books
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). Title of the article. The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in lower case (pp. Page number range). Place of Print: Publisher.
2. Articles
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year, Month, if any). The name of the article is only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, and the rest is lowercase if the rest is not a proper name, Journal Name Italic and First Letter of Each Word Capitalized (International Abbreviation if available), Volume Italic (Number), Page Number Range doi: xxxxxx
3. Other References
3.1. Internet references
Author's Last Name, Author's Initials (or source name). (Published Year, Month Day). The name of the article is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest is lowercase if not a proper name. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from https: // .......
World Health Organization. (2018, May 24). The top 10 causes of death. Retrieved December 28, 2019, from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death
4. Unpublished master's / doctoral dissertations
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). The name of the thesis is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest is lowercase if not a proper name. Unpublished Master's / Doctoral Thesis. Name of the Institution, Location of the Institution, Country
5. Published master's / doctoral dissertations
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). The name of the thesis is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest is lowercase if not a proper name. Master / Doctorate Thesis. Name of the Institution, Location of the Institution, Country
6. Notification
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year). Name of the notification, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest is lowercase if not proper. Papers Published in Conference, Kongra Symposium Name in Italic and First Letter of Each Word Capitalized. City Country.
7. Patent
Author's Surname, Author's Initials. (Year), Patent Received Institution and Number. Location.
8. Standard
Standard Authority. (Year). Standard number: Title. Place: Author.
9. Government Report
Government writer. (year). Report title: Subtitle of the report, if any (Report No. 123). Retrieved from http: // xxxxx
Draft articles are scanned for similarity. Similarity limits: General similarity should not be more than 25%, and individual similarity should not be more than 5%. If the similarity limits are exceeded, the author is requested to revise the text.