Writing Rules

Submissions must involve four separate files: "Cover Page", "Blind Article", "Plagiarism Report" and "Copyright Transfer Form". For the Writing Guide, you can review the Author’s Guide section.

Sending an Article

Articles are sent to Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology at https://dergipark.org.tr.

Manuscript Evaluation Processes

Manuscripts to be submitted to the Journal of Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology (JIST) must be original and have not been published anywhere before (except for articles presented at scientific meetings and only the abstracts of which are published) or submitted for publication. If original research articles are produced from master's or doctoral theses, the authors should indicate this in the acknowledgments section of the article. All responsibilities regarding the scientific content of the articles to be published in the journal belong to the author(s). Review articles are limited to a maximum of 5 articles in each issue.

Blind Review

During the evaluation stages of all manuscripts sent to the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, the identities of the article authors and the reviewers who evaluate the article are hidden by double blinding. For this reason, the article should not contain information about the author(s) when uploading. Author information must be given on the cover page in a separate file.

Articles sent for evaluation to be published in JIST journal are pre-examined by the Editor-in-Chief in line with the publication principles. The Editor-in-Chief has the right to decide to return articles that he/she does not find suitable for publication in the journal without sending them to Pre-Check. Articles sent to the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology are pre-checked by assistant editors according to the publication principles, writing rules and ethical rules stated on our Dergipark page. Articles that do not comply with any of these rules are re-sent to the authors for corrections. If the author does not submit the corrections within 20 days at the latest in accordance with the publication principles, writing rules and the ethical rules of the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, the article may be rejected.
Articles that pass the pre-check stage are sent to the evaluation stage by assistant editors. If it is deemed that the submitted article complies with the scientific content and the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology publication principles, writing rules and ethical rules, the recommendation of our relevant advisory board is taken and sent to the Field editor for the purpose of article evaluation.
The field editor may reject the article if its scientific content is weak and does not comply with ethical rules. The field editor may also direct the article to the language editor and statistics editor and ask them to be checked. Articles that do not comply with the writing rules or have insufficient language of expression are returned to the author(s) for correction. The author(s) is/are recommended to have the work examined by a language expert before submitting it in English. If it has a strong scientific content and complies with the ethical rules, the field editor sends it to at least two reviewers who are experts in the relevant field and they review the article in terms of form, content, original value, contribution to international literature and science/technology. The author(s) must recommend at least three potential reviewers who are related to the subject of the article, are experts in their field, and are not from the same institution as the author(s). Reviewers are given 15 (fifteen) days to accept the article for evaluation and 20 (twenty) days to complete the evaluation of the article. During this process, the reviewers send the corrections to the field editor, and the field editor sends them to the author. After making the reviewers’ corrections, the author must complete the editing process by marking the corrections, uploading the article file and the response to the reviewer file. After this process, the article passes under the control of the field editor. If there are reviewers who wish to see the corrections, the field editor sends them to the relevant reviewers. After receiving the reviewer opinions, the field editor notifies the editor-in-chief of his/her decision about the article.
All responsibility for the scientific content of the articles to be published in the journal belongs to the author(s). The "Copyright Form" must be signed by all authors and uploaded by the responsible author to the journal's online application system as a separate additional file together with the article. All authors must be registered in the DergiPark system, and when uploading the article to the system, the names of all authors, address information of the institutions they work for, e-mail addresses and ORCID ID numbers must be entered completely in the metadata section. If any of the authors is not registered in the DergiPark system, the article will be pending and the Editor appointment will not be fulfilled. Additionally, the abstract and references of the article should be entered in the metadata section. If any of the mentioned information is missing, the article will be returned to the corresponding author to complete the information.
Ethics committee approval must be obtained for surveys and animal experiments or clinical studies. This approval must be stated in the article and the ethics committee report must be attached when submitting the article. After the article is accepted, authors cannot be added and the order of authors cannot be changed.
After reviewer evaluation, articles requiring revision are electronically directed to the author(s) via the DergiPark system. The author(s) should take into account the comments of the reviewer(s) and explain the comments and criticisms one by one. They should also prepare a detailed explanation if they disagree with the reviewer comments. The revisions must be uploaded to the system together with the list of corrections within 30 days at the latest and the article revision process must be completed. The specified period may be extended by the author's request for additional time or by the decision of the field editor. Otherwise, the article will be considered as a newly submitted article. The Field Editor makes the final decision on whether the article will be published by reviewing the revisions and corrections made by the author(s) before making the final decision.

Referencing Style (APA 6.0 Version)

APA (6.0) style is taken into consideration as the referencing format in the journal, and authors are expected to prepare their articles in accordance with the referencing rules. Before submitting their articles, the author(s) must definitely read the referencing rules and publication principles and prepare their articles according to these rules and principles. You can click here for more detailed information about citing. American Psychological Association. (2012). APA style guide to electronic references (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Retrieved from: https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4210512


During this process, the layout of the article is prepared according to the journal template. First of all, the copyedited version of the article is sent to the authors. Authors notify the copyeditors whether they have checked the final version of the article. Then the edited article proceeds to the typesetting stage.

Article Withdrawal

Articles submitted to the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology cannot be withdrawn at the copyediting stage or after they have been accepted for publication. The corresponding author submits his/her request for the article that is not at one of these stages, by a petition signed with the wet signatures by all authors and upload it in PDF format in Dergipark submission system panel or send it to our e-mail address fbed@igdir.edu.tr . The editor-in-chief and assistant editors of the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology notify the corresponding author after approving the withdrawal request. Unless the withdrawal request is approved, authors cannot send their work to another journal for evaluation.

Layout and typesetting of the article

Articles in the editing stage are prepared according to the typesetting format of the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology and sent to the responsible author of the article in PDF format for control. After the final checking of the corresponding author, the article is put in the queue for publication.

Assigning the article a DOI number and publishing

After the typesetting process and author check of the article are completed, the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is obtained and the article is placed on our journal page either as an early view or as published.