Writing Rules


In order for the article evaluation process to work more efficiently and to increase the scientific quality of the journal, authors are recommended to follow the following writing rules.


• Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published anywhere before or should not be in the process of being evaluated simultaneously in another publication. If such a situation is detected, necessary actions will be taken.
• All responsibilities of the published articles belong to the author(s).
• If empirical data is requested by the referee(s) during the evaluation process, the author(s) must share the relevant data.
• In studies produced from theses, projects, and improved versions of conference presentations, this situation should be stated in the article.
• It is necessary to ensure that all authors make a significant contribution to the article and are compatible with the form and content of the article.
• If materials from other sources are used, authors must submit a written statement that they have obtained permission from the copyright owner(s) to post these materials on JOHTI.
• The authors of the articles published by our journal grant JOHTI the right to keep the articles in its database for an unlimited period of time, and to distribute and reproduce the articles electronically.
• Authors should indicate in their cover letter or title page whether the research reported in their article is the result of a paid consulting relationship or whether they or their employers have a financial interest in the topic of the article.
Submission Process

-The prepared research should be sent as a WORD file.
-Tables, graphics, figures, and pictures should be included in the text.
-Additional information (thanks, funding support, explanation, etc.) should be given just before the bibliography.
-A short CV (maximum 200 words) of the authors should be uploaded as a separate file.
-The copyright form must be signed and uploaded through the system.
-Additional materials such as datasets etc. should be submitted with the article.

Before uploading the article, make sure that all authors have an ORCID ID number and that you upload the following files while submitting the article.

-Main document template file (without author information).
-Similarity report (turnitin or ithenticate)
-Ethics committee report (if necessary)
-Document information and a short CV sample (In studies produced from theses or previous research data, specify this situation in this file).

The studies should be written in English or Turkish, in a clear, well-organized manner and with good sentence structure, following the spelling rules. Authors are responsible for the correct use of the written language. If necessary, it can be recommended to get support from the authors about the writing language of the article.

Article Layout
• The main document should contain title, abstract, 3 to 7 keywords, text, additions, notes, references, tables, and figures. Tables and figures should be placed in accordance with the text. Footnotes in the paper should be numbered consecutively.
• The abstract should be between 150 - 200 words. The abstract should be designed to reflect the purpose, method, and main results of the research in a concise manner.
• The word range for research articles is between 6,000 and 8,000 words. For articles written with a qualitative method or with a special situation (derived from the thesis, etc.), flexibility in the number of words can be provided by negotiating with the editorial board in line with the requests of the authors.
• The article should be written structural features below.
Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12 pt, Paragraph Indent: 0, Paragraph Spacing: Before-After 6nk, Line Spacing: 1.15.

• The reference list should be at the end of the text and start on a new page. Issue and volume numbers should be given for all journals cited in the sources and should be shown in APA Style. Click on the link below for accurate reference and more information on APA7;

• Tables should be of reasonable number and size. It should be taken care of texts in the table has a qualification that the reader can easily read. Subjects that need to be explained in the table should be given in footnotes using letters at the bottom of the table. The titles should be formatted as follows above the tables:
Table 1: Factor analysis results related to the research scale

• Figures must be complete and clearly drawn. It should be particular pay attention of letters and symbols are comparable size and legible. When tagging, the first capital letter should be used. Figures should not be overloaded with information. Headings should be formatted in the middle below the figures as follows:
Figure 1: Research model

If you have problems uploading articles through the Dergipark system, please contact editorjohti@gmail.com.

Last Update Time: 11/30/24, 11:57:50 AM