e-ISSN: 2148-8940
Founded: 2014
Publisher: Kafkas University
Cover Image

To the attention of the authors!

* Since our journal will only publish in English by 2023, only articles in English will be accepted in the evaluation process.

*e-Kafkas Journal of Educational started to be indexed by TR Dizin (TR index) in 2020. The journal meticulously follows the ethical considerations of TR Dizin. Therefore, please consider these considerations while sending your manuscripts to the journal. 

*Journal e-mail: ekead.kafkas@gmail.com

2024 - Volume: 11 Issue: 3


* Call for Special Issue

Dear researchers,
We are delighted to extend an invitation for your participation in the forthcoming special issue of the e-Kafkas Educational Research Journal. The special issue is dedicated to the exploration of the evolving image of science and mathematics education in the 21st century, with a specific focus on the integration of digital technologies and the preparation of educators for this digital era.
Special Issue theme: 
Digitalization and Teacher Preparation in the 21st Century Science and Mathematics Education
For more information about the special issue, click HERE

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