Motif Halk Oyunları Eğitim ve Öğretim Vakfı (The Motif Foundation of Folklore Education)
Dervişali Mahallesi Fevzi Paşa Caddesi No: 361
Postal Code: 34087 Fatih/İstanbul-TURKEY
+90 212 531 61 68
+538 2157845 (Editor-in-Chief)
Motif Academy Journal of Folklore began its publication life in 2008 as a peer-reviewed scientific journal under the Motif Folklore Education Foundation (Motif Vakfı). As of the Spring 2018 issue, the editorial board changed its editorial policy and became a quarterly journal. The articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by the members of the advisory board and leading scholars in their related fields in double-blind review system. Articles that do not comply with the publication guidelines and the principles of academic ethics are considered inappropriate for publication and duly rejected. The accepted articles are published according to the date of submission.
We aim to publish, encourage and share folklore studies with a particular focus on both a national and a global perspective. Each article published in the journal permits its readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to full text, provided that it is non-commercial.
Motif Academy Journal of Folklore is indexed by national (ULAKBIM TR-Dizin) and international indexes such as DOAJ, EBSCOHost, ERIHPLUS, CEEOL, and MLA.