Evaluation Process

Evaluation Process for Maarif Mektepleri International Journal of Educational Sciences (MM-IJES)

Initial Manuscript Processing
Upon receipt, manuscripts submitted to MM-IJES are immediately assigned a unique identification code and undergo a preliminary review. This initial scrutiny assesses both the content and the formal aspects of the submission to ensure compliance with the journal's academic and stylistic standards.

Manuscript Requirements
Submissions must be original works that have not been published elsewhere and should offer substantial contributions to their respective fields. To maintain the integrity of the review process, MM-IJES employs a double-blind peer review system to ensure the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. To support this system, all parties involved in the submission and review process must meticulously remove any identifying information from their documents and file properties.

Editorial Review and Referee Assignment
The Editorial Board conducts a comprehensive review of each manuscript based on the journal's publication principles, thematic relevance, scientific merit, and presentation. Manuscripts that meet preliminary criteria are forwarded to a section editor, who then appoints at least two independent reviewers to provide detailed evaluations of the manuscript.

Peer Review Process
A manuscript must receive favorable evaluations from at least two appointed referees to be considered for publication. If the opinions of the initial referees differ significantly, a third reviewer may be solicited to provide additional insights and ensure a fair assessment process.

Plagiarism Screening
All submissions undergo rigorous scrutiny through a specialized plagiarism detection program to confirm originality and to ensure that they do not contain any plagiarized material. The acceptable threshold for similarity in submissions is set at 15%.

Publication Timeline
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the finalization and publication process typically spans one to two months, depending on the extent of revisions required and the responsiveness of the authors.

Submission and Publication Fees
There is no fee to submit manuscripts to MM-IJES, nor are there any charges for the publication of accepted articles.

Ethical Compliance
By submitting a manuscript to MM-IJES, authors implicitly affirm that they have adhered to the highest ethical standards in the preparation of their work and have not engaged in any form of misconduct.

Last Update Time: 4/14/24, 11:41:46 PM

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