Mehmet Erdi Korkmaz graduated from his Phd in 2018. He is currently working as Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Karabük University. He got his master degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same university. He also takes a Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering from Middle East Technical University. He had been studied as guest researcher at Ghent University, Belgium in 2017. His research areas are mechanical behaviour of materials, Constitutive material model parameters, Finite element modeling of machining process, tribology in machining and additive manufacturing. He has authored or co-authored over 50 publications, including scientific papers in high impact international journals and conference proceedings. His expertise and contributions in the field of machining have afforded him many collaborative works with important Institutions. He is a reviewer for many international Journals (for Elsevier, Springer, Sage, etc.).
Dr. Mozammel Mia, currently serving as Associate Professor in BBS, has an academic and research focus on manufacturing and business informatics. With a long track record academic and research success, he is now more oriented towards nationally impactful contributions.
Awarded with the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship for his Ph.D. in the UK at Imperial College London, he worked on Manufacturing Informatics that has opened a new wing of research combining the data-driven approach with fundamental investigation and modelling in the field of wear-and-friction. Since then, he is more inclined to data-driven research approaches for manufacturing and business informatics with national and industrial impact.
In early years, Dr. Mia's research contributions were notably focused on manufacturing processes, optimization of production systems, process sustainability, smart and intelligent manufacturing. His research theme includes employment of experimental, simulation, and modeling approaches to advance the understanding of scientific and engineering aspects. He has enriched himself with active collaborations on different research projects with esteemed scholars from multi-countries and continents. This indicates his capability to team work with diverse people and bring outstanding success.
The success of his students in national and international domains i.e., award-winning projects, admission to the top universities for higher studies, placements in big companies, starting their own business or it be scientific publication - all of these testify his teaching and supervision success that further inspires him to add more value for students.
Serdar SALMAN was born in Istanbul in 1962. He completed his primary education in Ankara, started his secondary education in Ankara and completed in Hopa. Then he started his high school education in Hopa and completed at Denizli Cumhuriyet High School in 1979.
He first studied at Ege University between 1979 and 1980. Started his undergraduate education at Istanbul Technical University, Sakarya Engineering Faculty, Department of Metallurgical Engineering in 1980, he graduated in 1984.
In 1985, he became a research assistant in Marmara University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Metal Education. He completed his thesis titled “Residual Decline and Measurement in Welding Process” under the supervision of Prof. Ahmet Topuz, Ph.D. in Yıldız University, Graduate School of Science, Metallurgical Engineering in 1987 and received his title as Metallurgical Engineer, MSc.
Serdar SALMAN served his military service between 1987 and 1988 with the rank of artillery third lieutenant. In 1991, he studied in England (Huddersfield University) for a period of nine months as part of the YÖK (Turkish Higher Education Council) and World Bank II Industrial Education Project. In 1992, he became a lecturer in Marmara University, Faculty of Technical Education.
In 1995, he completed his thesis titled “Properties of Al2O3-13wt.% TiO2 and Cr2O3-5wt.% SiO2-3wt.% TiO2” ceramic coated materials with plasma and flame spraying technique under the supervision of Prof. Zeki Çizmecioğlu, Ph.D. in Yıldız Technical University, Graduate School of Science, Department of Metallurgical Engineering and he received the title of Doctor of Engineer. SALMAN was appointed as assistant professor in Marmara University, Faculty of Technical Education, Department of Metal Education, Subdepartment of Material Education in 1995. He took the title of associate professor in 1997 and professor in 2003 in the same department.
He worked as a part-time lecturer at Dumlupınar University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering between 1997 and 1998. He acted as the director of Marmara University, Directorate of TUAR between 1999 and 2011; as the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technical Education and Head of Department of Metal Education at Marmara University between 2003 and 2006; as the Vice Director of Marmara University, Graduate School of Science between 2005 and 2007. He worked as a Visiting Professor at Georgia Technical University, Department of Material Science in the USA for a year.
Serdar SALMAN served as the Founder Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. After serving as the head of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering at Marmara University, Faculty of Technology between 2016 and 2017, he was appointed as the Vice Rector of the Turkish National Defence University on 06 December 2017.
Having more than 200 articles and papers at international and national levels, 60 of which were published in indexed journals, Prof. Serdar SALMAN, Ph.D. has directed five research projects. He is currently project coordinator of two TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) projects. Prof. Serdar SALMAN has studies in the fields of welding technology, powder metallurgy, ceramic coating and biomaterials.
He has attended several international congresses as presenter of papers, chairman of organizing committee and moderator in the USA, South Korea, China, Mexico, Pakistan, Greece, Bulgaria, Cuba, Spain, Croatia, Macedonia, South Africa, the Netherlands, Germany, Serbia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Morocco and England.
He published two books titled as “Fundamentals of Material Science” and “Metalography”. He has acted as an advisor for 10 Ph.D. dissertations and 35 Master’s theses. He is still an advisor for 3 Ph.D. dissertations and 2 Master’s theses.
Prof. Serdar SALMAN, Ph.D. is married and has two children. He is fluent in English.
Prof.Dr. Serdar Prof.Dr. Serdar SALMAN
Place and Date of Birth Istanbul, 25 May 1962
Communication Address
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Marmara
University Faculty of Technology Goztepe Campus 34722 /
Kadikoy - Istanbul / TÜRKİYE
Phone +90 (216) 7774000
Fax +90 (216) 7774001
Country University Faculty/Institue Department Degree Graduation
TÜRKİYE Istanbul Technical
Sakarya Engineering
Engineering BSc. 1984
TÜRKİYE Yıldız Technical
University Institute of Science Metallurgical
Engineering MSc. 1987
TÜRKİYE Yıldız Technical
University Institute of Science Metallurgical
Engineering PhD. 1995
Organization Country City Unit/
Department Title Duration
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Assistant 1985-1993
Huddersfield University ENGLAND Huddersfield Material
(9 months)
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Instructor 1993-1995
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Asst. Prof. 1995-1997
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Assoc. Prof. 1997-2003
Dumlupınar University TÜRKİYE Kütahya Mechanical
Engineering Assoc. Prof. 1997-1999
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
(Vice Dean)
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
(Head of
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
(3 months)
Georgia Institute of
Technology USA Atlanta Material
(Sabbatical) 2007-2008
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Prof.Dr. 2008-2011
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul
& Materials
( Head of
Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University TÜRKİYE Burdur Engineering
(Dean) 2012-2015
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul
& Materials
(Head of
National Defense
University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Rectorate Vice of
Rector 2017-
Materials Science, Biomaterials, Surface Treatment of Materials, Ceramic coatings
Destructive Material Inspections, Welding Technique, Powder Metallurgy
Project Name Institution Budget Duration Title Project
Modelling and Optimization of
Properties of Multilayer Thin
Films Used in Flat Glass
Applications with Machine
TUBITAK 1.800.000
Effect of Sintering on the
Properties of Hydroxyapatite
(Obtained from Bovine Bone:
BHA)-Al2O3-Commercial Inert
Glass (CIG) Based Ternary
University 2.500 TL 2012-
Manager BAPKO-D
Characterization of
Composite Coatings Produced
by Plasma Spraying Methods
University 6.500 TL 2010-
Manager BAPKO-C
Production of B4C Based
Sandblasting Nozzles by
Powder Injection Molding
Method and Improvement of
Wear Properties
TUBITAK 469.000
TL 2014 Researcher 1003
Bovine-Derived Hydroxyl
Apatites Doped with Nanolanthanum Oxide
University 3.000 TL
2011 Project
Manager BAPKO-D
Increasing Product Quality and
Service Life with Plasma and
HVOF Coatings Against Wear
and Corrosion Problems in Box
Cutting and Laminating
2012 Researcher BAPKO-A
Production of Hydroxyapatite
(HA) Based Biomaterials with
Different Components and
Investigation of Their
Mechanical Properties and In
Vitro Behavior
University 4.500 TL
2014 Project
Manager BAPKO-C
Material Characterization,
Tests and Reliability
Assessment of Lead-Free
Alloys Used in Space
University 3.000 TL
2013 Project
Manager BAPKO-C
Measurement and Optimization
of Sound Levels in Industrial
Working Environments
University 2.500 TL 2009-
Manager BAPKO-D
Planting Wind Seeds on Our
Mehmet Akif
Boron Coating of Steel
Materials in Fluidized Bed
Furnace and Development of
Coating Parameters
Manager BAPKO-C
Determination of Thermal and
Wear Properties of Different
Types of Ceramic Coatings
University 1.785 TL 2006-
Manager BAPKO-C
Investigation of Mechanical
Properties of Metal-Doped
Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics
Üniversitesi 2.556 TL 2006-
Manager BAPKO-C
Production and Investigation of
Zirconia Hydroxyapatites
University 822 TL 2005-
Manager BAPKO-C
Effect of different boron
additions added to different iron
powders on sintering behavior,
mechanical and machinability
not used
Manager BAPKO-F
Production and characterization
of conductive bioceramics
2009 Researcher National
Number of Advisor for Articles/Compilations Registered in International
Indexes in the Last Year 12
Number of Advisor Services for Projects in the Last Year 2
Total Number of Citations to Publications (made on web of science) 718
Number of Students Advised
Completed Continuing
MSc. 37 2
PhD. 8 4
Name of the Award Issued by Institution Year
Second place for the most published faculty member
in the field of science at the university Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 2014
Third place for the faculty member who published the
most in the field of science at the university Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 2013
3 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBITAK 2012
4 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBITAK 2011
5 Publication incentive award (5 times) TUBITAK 2009
6 Publication incentive award (4 times) TUBITAK 2008
7 Publication incentive award (4 times) TUBITAK 2007
8 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBITAK 2006
9 Publication incentive award (6 times) TUBITAK 2005
10 Encouragement and support award for international
publications Marmara University Rectorate 2005
11 Certificate of Appreciation for international publications Marmara University Rectorate
and Institute of Science 2005
12 Certificate of Appreciation for international publications Marmara University Rectorate
and Institute of Science 2004
13 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBİTAK 2003
14 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBİTAK 2001
15 Publication incentive award (1 time) TUBİTAK 1998
Papers in SCI, SSCI, AHCI indexes
Ataş Bakdemir, S., Özkan, D., Türküz, C., Salman, S., “Wear performance under dry and lubricated
conditions of duplex treatment TiN TiCrN coatings deposited with different numbers of CrN
interlayers on steel substrates”, Elsevier BV (2023).
Şimşek, D., Özyürek, D., Salman, S., “Wear behaviors at different temperatures of ZrO2 reinforced
A356 matrix composites produced by mechanical alloying method”, Emerald (2022)
Şimşek, D., Özyürek, D., Salman, S., “Effect of TiC Content on Wear Performance of A356 Matrix
Composites at Different Temperatures”, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2022)
Nevcanoğlu, A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “The Effect of TIG Welding Parameters and Automatization
for Non Heat Treated Inconel 718 Sheets”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021)
Pazarlioglu, S.S., Salman, S., “The effect of alumina additive and sintering temperature on the
microstructural, physical, mechanical, and bioactivity properties of hydroxyapatite–alumina
composites”, J Aust Ceram Soc 56, 413–431 (2020).
Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Effect of yttria on thermal stability mechanical and in vitro bioactivity
properties of hydroxyapatite alumina composite”, Ceramic Research Institute, 20(1), 99–112. (2019)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Effect of lanthanum oxide additive on the sinterability physical
mechanical and bioactivity properties of hydroxyapatite-alpha alumina composite”, Springer
Science and Business Media LLC, 55(4), 1195–1209. (2019)
Kurt, H. İ., Güzelbey, İ. H., Salman, S., “An experimental study of investigating the relationships
between structures and properties of al alloys included with high Mg and high Ti”, International
Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 56(3), 271–0. (2018)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Sintering effect on the microstructural mechanical and in vitro
bioactivity properties of a commercially synthetic hydroxyapatite”, Springer Science and Business
Media LLC, 53(2), 391–401. (2017)
İnan, A. T., Kömür, B. H., Ekren, N., Aydoğdu, M. O., Gökçe, T., Ficai, A., Salman, S., Oktar, F. N.,
Gündüz, O., “Physical Characterization of Turbot Psetta Maxima Originated Natural
Hydroxyapatite”, Acta Physica Polonica A, 131(3), 397–400. (2017)
Kömür, B. H., Altun, E., Aydogdu, M. O., Bilğiç Alkaya, D., Gokce, H., Ekren, N., Salman, S., İnan,
A. T., Oktar, F. N., … Gündüz, O., “Hydroxyapatite Synthesis from Fish Bones Atlantic Salmon
(Salmon Salar)”, Acta Physica Polonica A, 131, 0–0. (2017)
Aktaş, B., Tekeli, S., Salman, S., “Improvements in micro structural and mechanical properties of
ZrO2 ceramics after addition of BaO”, Ceramics International, (2016)
Kurt, H. İ., Güzelbey, İ. H., Salman, S., Asmatulu, R., Dere, M., “Investigating the Relationships
Between Structures and Properties of Al Alloys Incorporated With Ti and Mg Inclusions”, Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology, 138(3), 31006–0. (2016)
Dere, M., Kurt, H. İ., Güzelbey, İ. H., Salman, S., “Investigating the Relationships Between
Structures and Properties of Al Alloys Incorporated With Ti and Mg Inclusions”, Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology, 138(3), (2016)
Bozkurt,Y., Pazarlioglu,S., Gokce,H., Gurler,I., Salman, S., “Hydroxyapatite-lanthanum oxide
composites”, Acta Polonica Physica A (2015)
Bozkurt,Y., Pazarlioglu,S., Gokce,H., Salman,S.,“ The effect of yttrium oxide reinforcement on the
microstructural and mechanical properties of biologically derived hydroxyapatite”,Acta Polonica
Physica A (2015)
Erkınmaz,M., Salman,S.,“Analyzing the effects of sewing machine needle coating materials on the
needle's heating during sewing”, 24(4), 393-398, 2014 (2014)
Aktas,B., Tekeli,S., Salman,S.,“Influence on Static Grain Growth and Sinterability of BaO Addition
into 8YSZ”, Acta Polonica Physica A, Volume: 125 Issue: 2 Pages: 652-655, (2014)
Aktas,B , Tekeli,S, Salman,S.,“Synthesis and Properties of La2O3-Doped 8 mol% Yttria-Stabilized
Cubic Zirconia”, Journal of materials engineering and performance, Volume: 23, Issue: 1, pp: 294-
Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S and Cam,G.,“Effect of welding parameters on lap shear tensile properties of
dissimilar friction stir spot welded AA 5754-H22/2024-T3 joints”,Science and Technology of Welding
and Joining,Vol 18, No 4,pp337-345, (2013)
Gunduz,O., Ahmad, Z., Salman,S., et al.,“Sintering effect on boron based Bioglass doped
composites of bovine hydroxyapatite”, Materials and manufacturing technologies: Advanced
Materials Research, Vol: 445, pp982-987 (2012)
Urtekin,L., Salman,S., et al.,“An Investigation of Thermal Properties of Zirconia Coating on
Aluminum”, Arabian journal for science and engineering, Vol37, Issue:8, pp2323-2332 (2012)
Bozkurt,Y., Kentli,A., Uzun,H., SalmanS.,“Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Mechanical
Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Plates”, Materials science
(Medžiagotyra), Vol18, No.4,(2012)
Oktar,F.N., Demirer,M.R., Gunduz,O., Genc,Y., Agathopoulos,S., Peker,I., Ozyegin,L.S.,
Salman,S., “Sintering Effect on Mechanical Properties of Composites of Bovine Hydroxyapatite
(BHA) and Li2O” Key Engineering Materials.,Issue: 1-2, Vol 309-311, pp 49-52 (2012)
Bozkurt,Y., Uzun,H., Salman,S.,“Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded
particulate AA2124 / SiC/25p-T4 composite”, Journal of Composite Materials, Issue 1, Vol1, pp 1-
9 (2011)
Bozkurt,Y., Uzun,H., Salman,S., “Effect of tool wear on mechanical properties of friction stir welded
AA2124/SiCp/25 composite plates”, Journal of the faculty of engineering and architecture of Gazi
University, Issue1,Vol 26, pp139-149 (2011)
Pazarlioglu,S.S., Karacayli, U., Salman,S., Yetmez, M., Ozyegin, L.S., Yilmaz,S.,Agathopoulos,S.,
Oktar,F.N., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of composites of bovine derived
hydroxyapatite (BHA) doped with nano-powder of lanthanum oxide”, International journal of artificial
organs, Vol34, Issue: 8, pp: 700-70, (2011)
Karacayli, U.,Yetmez, M., Kayali, ES., Yesilbek, B., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos, S., Salman,S.,
Oktar,F.N., “Composites of Hydroxyapatite doped with nano-powder of titanium oxide”, International
journal of artificial organs, Vol34, Isuue8, pp699-700 (2011)
Karacayli, U., Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Ozyegin, L.S., Agathopoulos, S., Sengil, A.Z., Oktar,F.N.,
“Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical properties and microstructure of zeolite (clinoptilolite)
reinforced bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites”, Biodental engineering, Issue 1, Volue1,
pp105-108 (2010)
Salman,S., Gunduz,O.,Yilmaz,S., Ovecoglu, M.L., Snyder,R.L.,Agathopoulos, S., Oktar,F.N.,
“Sintering effect on mechanical properties of composites of natural hydroxyapatites and titanium”,
Ceramics international, Issue7,Vol 35, pp 2965-2969 (2009)
Gunduz, O., Ahmad, Z., Ekren,N., Agathopoulos,S., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N.,“Reinforcing of
Biologically Derived Apatite with Commercial Inert Glass”, Journal of thermoplastic composite
materials, Issue 4, Vol 22, pp 407- 411(2009)
Karacayli, U., Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Agathopoulos, S., Oktar,F.N., “Effect of
Sintering Temperature on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Sheep-bone Derived
Hydroxyapatite (SHA)”, 13th International conference on biomedical engineering, IFMBE
Proceedings, Issue1-3,Vol 23, pp1271-1276 (2009)
Bozkurt,Y., Artır,R., Uzun,H., Salman,S.,“Effect of subsequent aging in SiCp reinforced AA2124
aluminum metal matrix composite”, Advanced composites letters, Issue 5,Vol18, pp151-155 (2009)
Gunduz,O., Karacayli,U., Salman,S., Valerio,P., Goes,A.M., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N.,
“Scaffolds Of Bovine Derived Hydroxyapatite (BHA) Composites Doped With Magnesium Fluoride”,
International journal of artificial organs,Issue7, Vol 31, pp611-619 (2009)
Gunduz,O., Daglilar,S., Salman,S., Ekren,N., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “Effect of yttria-doping
on mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA)”, Journal of composite materials, Issue13,
Vol 42, pp1281-1286 (2008)
Turgut,G., Kayah, M.U., Soydan, A.T.,Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Bas,L., “Biomechanical
comparison of a new technique of mandibular angle fractures: Biplanar and bicortical superior
proximal 3 holes and bicortical inferior plate fixation”, Journal of craniofacial surgery, Issue 3,Vol 19,
pp 871-880, (2008)
Gunduz, O., Erkan,E.M., Daglilar,S., Salman,S., Agathopoulos, S., Oktar,F.N., “Composites of
bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) and ZnO”,Journal of materials science, Issue 8, Vol43, pp 2536-
2539 (2008)
Salman, S., Topal, A., Findik,F., “Performance improvement of Al-alloyed materials via plasma spray
coating”, Industrial lubrication and tribology, Issue1, Vol 60, pp 4-8 (2008)
Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Kayali,E.S., Goller,G., Goker,I., Agathopoulos,S., Ozyegin,L.S.,
Oktar,F.N.,“Improvement of microstructure of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) with machineable
fluorapatite glass (MFG)”, Key engineering materials, Issue 1-2, Vol361-363, pp 495-499,(2008)
Salman,S., Cal,B., Gunduz,O., Agathopolous,S., Oktar,F.N., “The influence of bond-coating on
plasma sprayed alumina-titania, doped with biologically derived hydroxyapatite, on stainless steel”,
3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. Proceedings
and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences, Issue1, Vol1, pp 289-295 (2008)
Salman,S., Cal,B., Gunduz,O., Ozyegin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., ”Aluminium oxide hydroxyapatite
composites”. FEBS Journal, Issue 1, V274, pp287-294, (2007)
Ozyegin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Salman,S., Bozkurt,Y., Eruslu,N., “Improvement of
microstructure of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) by doping with calcium fluoride”, Key engineering
materials, I 1-2. V330-332, pp43-46 (2007)
Dorozhkin,S.V., Dorozhkina,E.I., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N.,”Crystallization of a bone-like apatite from a
milk-containing revised simulated body fluid (SBF)”, Key engineering materials, Issue1-2, V 330-
332, pp641-644 (2007)
Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Öveçoğlu,M.L., Kayali,E.S., “Sintering Effect
on Mechanical Properties of Composites Made of Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA) and Commercial
Inert Glass (CIG)”, Key Engineering Materials, I1-2, V330-332, pp189-192 (2007)
Ozyegin,L.S., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Meydanoglu,O., Akesi,S., Yukler,I.,
“Improvement of Microstructure of Bovine Hydroxyapatite with Yttria” Key Engineering Materials, I1-
2. V330-332,pp47-50 (2007)
Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Goller,G., Gökçe,H., Kayali,E.S., Salman,S., “Highly Bioactive Porous
Composite Scaffolds of Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA-Ti, BHA-TiO2, BHA-Li2O)”, Key Engineering
Materials, I1-2, V330-332,pp411-414(2007)
Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Gunduz,O., Demirkol,N., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S.,
“Mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with SiO2, MgO, Al2O3,
and ZrO2”, Journal of materials science-materials in medicine, 11, V18, pp 2137-2143(2007)
Salman, S., Findik, F., Topuz, P., “Effects of various austempering temperatures on fatigue
properties in ductile iron”, Materials & Design, I 7, V28, pp2210-2214 (2007)
Gulsoy,H.O., Bilici,M.K., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Enhancing the wear properties of iron based
powder metallurgy alloys by boron additions”, Materials & Design, I7, V 28, pp2255-2259 (2007)
Daglilar,S., Erkan,M.E., Gunduz,O., Ozyegin,L.S., Salman,S., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “Water
resistance of bone-cements reinforced with bioceramics”, Materials Letters. I11-12, V61, pp 2295-
2298, (2007)
Ozyegin,L.S., Gunduz,O., Oktar,F.N., Oz,B., Agathopoulos, S., Salman,S., Ovecoglu,L., “Sintering
effect on mechanical properties of composites of bovine derived hydroxyapatite (BHA) with titanium”,
Key Engineering Materials, (V309-311), pp359-362,(2006)
Salman,S., Köse,R., Urtekin,L., Findik,F., “An investigation of different ceramic coating thermal
properties”, Materials & Design, Issue 7, Vol 27, pp585-590, (2006)
Gunduz,O., Oktar,F.N., Oz,B., Altundal,H., Agathopoulos, S., Salman,S., Ovecoglu,L., “Sintering
effect on mechanical properties of composites of enamel derived hydroxyapatite (EHA) and
titanium”, Key Eng.Mater., I 1-2. V309-311, pp 1137-1140(2006)
Dorozhkin,S.V., Dorozhkina,E.I., Oktar,F.N., Salman, S., “A simplified preparation method of siliconsubstituted calcium phosphates according to green chemistry principles”, Key engineering materials,
I 1-2, V 330-332, pp 55-59, (2006)
Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., Özbek,S. and Findik,F., “Sintering of a boron-doped injection moulded 17-
4PH stanless steel”, Journal of materials science, I 15, V 40, pp4101-4104 (2005)
Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Microstructures and mechanical properties of injection molded 17-4PH
stainless steel powder with nickel boride additions”, Journal of Material Science, I 13, V40, pp 3415-
3421, (2005)
Kose, R., Urtekin,L., Ceylan,N., Salman,S., Findik,F., “Three types of ceramic coating applicability
in automotive industry for wear resistance purpose”, Industrial lubrication and tribology, Issue 4,
Vol57, pp140-144 (2005)
Oktar,F.N., Genc,Y., Göller,G., Agathopoulos,S., Tulyaganov,D.U., Ferreira,J.M.F., Kayali,E.S.,
Salman,S., “The influence of sintering temperature on the properties of composites of biologic
hydroxyapatite and zirconia”, Key Eng.Mater., I 1-2, V 284-286, pp 709-712 (2005)
Gulsoy, H.O., Salman,S., Ozbek,S., “Effect of FeB additions on sintering characteristics of injection
moulded 17-4PH stainless steel powder”, Journal of Materials Science, I15, V39, pp 4835-
4840 (2004)
Gulsoy, O., Vayvay, O., Salman,S., “A new technology in production of aerospace components:
Powder Injection Molding (PIM)”, RAST 2003: Recent advances in space technologies, I 1-2, V1,
pp575-578, (2003)
Kentli, F., Terzi,O.K., Salman,S., “The effect of the heat applied during removal of the burned
windings in electric motors to structure of material and magnetic characteristic of (stator) armature”,
IEMDC 2001: IEEE International electric machines and drives conference, I 1-2, V1, pp533-
533, (2001)
Papers in other journals
Ataş Bakdemir, S., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Metal dust explosion risk and prevention methods in
additive manufacturing methods”, Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science, 1, (2021)
Ateş, İ., Salman, S., Bozkurt, Y., “Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and
processing business during the pandemic”, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University Journal of
Engineering Sciences, 10(2), 855–865. (2021)
Akyol, S., Baba, A. F., Salman, S., “Selection of Material for Marine Environments Using Fuzzy
TOPSIS Approach”, Journal of Information Technologies, 14(1), 11–22. (2021)
Kalender, M., Ulupınar, H., Çelik, A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “TIG Welding Mechanism Mounted
on 3D Printer System”, International Periodical of Recent Technologies in Applied Engineering, 2(2),
56-63. (2021)
Ataş Bakdemir, S., Özkan, D., Türküz, Mustafa Cenk, Uzun Kart, E., Salman, S., “Effect of The
Nitriding Process in The Wear Behaviour of DIN1 2344 Hot Work Steel”, Journal of Naval Sciences
and Engineering, 16(1), 45–70. (2020)
Kalender, M., Bozkurt, Y., Ersoy, S., Salman, S., “Product Development by Additive Manufacturing
and 3D Printer Technology in Aerospace Industry”, Journal of Aeronautics And Space
Technologies, 13(1), 129–138. (2020)
Kurt, H. İ., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., Uzun, H., “Application of FSW Technique to AA2124/25SiCp-T4
Aluminum Matrix Composites”, The International Journal of Materials and Engineering
Technology, 2(1), 16–24. (2019)
Bozkurt, Y., Türker, A., Soytemiz, G., Salman, S., “The Investigation and Comparison of Friction Stir
Spot Welding and Electrical Resistance Spot Welding of AA2024 Aluminium Alloy Joints”, European
Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(1), 52–58. (2019)
Ekren, N., Gündüz, O., Çelik, Sibel, Ayata, Bilge, Şahin, Y. M., Chou, Joshua, … Oktar, F. N.,
“Production of Apatite from Snail Shells for Biomedical Engineering Applications”, Key Engineering
Materials, (2016)
Keler, M. K., Dağlılar, S., Gündüz, O., Yüksek, M., Şahin, Y. M., Ekren, N., Salman, S., “Mechanical
Behavior of PCL Nanofibers”, Key Engineering Materials, 696, 196–201. (2016)
İnan, A. T., Gündüz, O., Şahin, Y. M., Ekren, N., Salman, S., Chou, J., Oktar, F. N., “Novel
Bioceramic Production via Mechanochemical Conversion From Plate Limpet Tectura
scutum Shells”, Key Engineering Materials, 696, 45–50. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Bilici, M. K., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., “Effect of Subsequent Aging on Wear Behaviour
of SiCp Reinforced AA2124 Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite”, Journal of Scientific and
Engineering Research, 3(4), 34–40. (2016)
Kaştan, A., Salman, S., Ünal, H., “Investigation of Wear Behavior of Graphite Additive Polyamide
6”, Bartın University Journal of Engineering and Technology Sciences, 4(2), 50–55. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Bilici, M. K., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., “Effect of Subsequent Aging on Wear Behaviour
of SiCp Reinforced AA2124 Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite”, Journal of Scientific and
Engineering Research, 34, 34–40. (2016)
Kömür, B. H., Lohse, T., Can, H. M., Khalilova, G., Geçimli, Z. N., Aydoğdu, M. O., … Gündüz, O.,
“Fabrication of naturel pumice hydroxyapatite composite for biomedical engineering”, Biomedical
Engineering Online, 15(1), (2016)
Pazarlioglu,S.S., Gokce,H., Özyegin,S.L., Salman,S.,”Effect of sintering on the microstructural and
mechanical properties of meleagris gallopova hydroxyapatite”, Bio-Medical Materials and
Engineering 24, 1751–1769 (2014)
Aktas, B., Tekeli, S., Salman, S., "Crystallization and grain growth behavior of La2O3-doped yttriastabilized zirconia", Advanced Materials Letters, 5 (5), pp. 260-264 (2014)
Kerem, A., Atayeter, Y., Görgülü, S., Salman, S. “Preparation and Implementation of Wind Energy
Feasibility Infrastructure of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Istiklal Campus”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University Journal of Science Institute, 5 (1): 18-24. (2014)
Pazarlioglu,S., Ersoy,S., Sancak,E., Beyit,A., Salman,S.,”Mechanical properties of bi–axial glass
fiber and pistachio shell reinforced polyester composites”,Usak University Journal of Material
Sciences, vol:1, Issue: 1, pp9–14, 2012
Pazarlioglu,S., Berk,M., Fidan,A., KOÇAK,D., Salman,S.,”Sintering effect on mechanical properties
of composites of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA)-5%(Al2O3 -TiO2), Usak University Journal of Material
Sciences,vol:1,Issue:1,pp 23–27,2012
Gündüz,O., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Investigation of electroless Ni-P coating properties”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 58, Volume 1, pp 60-66 (2008)
Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Production errors encountered in forging process and solution
suggestions”, Mold and Technologies Journal, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 96-103 (2007)
Gündüz,O., Bozkurt,Y., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Mechanical alloying technology and application
areas”, Metal World, Issue 124. Volume 1 pp 85-88(2003)
Gündüz,O., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Investigation of ZrN coatings deposited by FBB
method”, Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 60, Volume 1, pp 64-73 (2008)
Boran,N., Salman,S.,” Investigation of joints made by TIG spot welding”, Metal World, Issue 8,
Volume 1, pp. 20-25 (2003)
Boran,N., Salman,S., “Comparison of mechanical and microstructure properties of joints made with
electric resistance spot and TIG spot welding on 6114 steel sheet materials”, Metal World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp. 46-51 (2003)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Determination of machinability properties of powder metallurgy product
Fe-Cu-C and Fe-Cu parts by drilling test”, Metal World, Issue 125, pp. 91-94 (2003)
Topal,A., Salman,S., “Experimental investigation of ceramic coating of engine piston materials”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp. 43-47 (2002)
Salman,S., Köse,R., Dündar,F., “Investigation of mechanical properties of different glass fiber
reinforced PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylate) composite materials”, Machine Market Journal, Issue
2, Volume 1, pp. 53-56, (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Parameters affecting forging force and mold filling in hot forging”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 1, Volume 1, pp. 12-15 (2002)
Girit,O., Sözöz,H., Salman,S.,”Prediction of the quality of parts produced in injection molding
process by using artificial neural networks”, Plastic-Packaging Technology, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp.
22-25 (2002)
Salman,S., “Protective relays in medium and high voltage systems”, Energy, Electricity,
Electromechanics, Issue 45, pp. 48-55 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Analysis techniques for forging forming process”, Machine Tech
Journal, Issue 24, Volume 1, pp. 148-157 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ.,”Theoretical analysis of optimum height/diameter ratio in forging
process”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp. 50-53 (1998)
Koç, Y.,Salman,S., “Galvanized coating of steel”, Machine Market Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp.
28-33 (1998)
Köse,R., Salman,S., “Heat treatment of metallic materials by using fluidized bed systems”, Machine
Tech Journal, Issue 35, Volume 1, pp. 32-34 (1998)
Salman,S., Dal,H., “Protection of metallic materials by phosphating”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue
38, Volume 1, pp 40-47 (1998)
Salman,S., Köse,R., “New method for measuring residual stresses resulting from welding process”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 33, Volume 1, pp. 42-46 (1997)
Yüce,H., Salman,S., “Use of search services on the Internet”, Packaging-Plastic World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp. 74-81, (1997)
Salman,S.,”Electrical insulation properties of two types of alumina ceramic coatings”, Metallurgy
Journal,Issue 109,Volume 21,pp 55-59 (1997)
Salman,S., Ünver,B.,”A new process in surface hardening of tool steels:nitempering”, MetalMachinery Journal, Issue 93, Volume 1, pp. 69-74, (1997)
Salman,S., “Modern Fire Detector and Alarm Systems Technology”, Electricity, Energy,
Electromechanics Journal, Issue: 42, pp. 104-108, (1997)
Salman, S.,”Typical Application Areas of Ceramic Coatings Made by Thermal Spraying Method”,
Makine-Tek Journal, Issue 16, Volume 1, pp. 60-65 (1996)
Salman,S.,”Wear Behavior-Bond Strength Relationship in Ceramic Coatings Made by Plasma
Spraying Technique”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 245-259,
Salman,S., “Investigation of Thermal Shock Properties of Plastic Coatings Coated on Metal Surfaces
by Flame Spray Method”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 179-189,
Salman,S.,“Ceramic Coatings”,Technical Education Journal, Issue 3, Volume 1, pp. 16-19(1993)
Publications in the proceedings of refereed conferences and symposiums
Ulupinar, H., Kalender, M., Çelik, A. A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “TIG Welding Fixture Design for 3-
Axis Machines”, Presented at The V. International Battalgazi Scientific Studies Congress, Malatya.
Kalender, M., Ulupinar, H., Çelik, A. A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Usability of Additive Manufacturing
Technologies in Welding Technologies Course”, Presented at the V. International Battalgazi
Scientific Studies Congress, Malatya. (2020)
Kalender, M., Kılıç, S. E., Ersoy, S., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printer
Technology in Aerospace Industry”, Presented at the 9th International Conference on Recent
Advances in Space Technologies, İstanbul. (2019)
Nevcanoğlu, A., Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Investigation of Microstructre and Hardness
Properties of Inconel 718 Material Combined With TIG Welding After Aging Heat Treatments”
Presented at the IMSMATEC 2019, Nevşehir. (2019)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Kıyıcı, Ismail Akın, Salman, S., “Effect of Yttrium Oxide Addition on the
Mechanical Properties of Sheep Based Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the 3rd International Scientific
Studies Congress, Antalya. (2019)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Ataş, S., Salman, S., “The Effect Of Barium Zirconate Additive On The Bovine
Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the icomus 2019, Istanbul. (2019)
Kalender, M., Kiliç, S. E., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., Türker, A., “Design and Development of Portable
Fixture for Various Dimensions Specimens Joining by Friction Stir Welding”, Presented at the Middle
East International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies, Beyrut. (2019).
Nevcanoğlu, A., Algan, O., Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “The Effect Of Magnesium Oxide Additive
On The Sinterability Microstructural And Mechanical Properties Of Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at
The Imsmatec 2019, Nevşehir. (2019).
Kılıç, S. E., Kalender, M., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Effect of Welding Parameters on Mechanical
Properties and Microstructure in Joining Titanium Sheets with Intig Welding”, Presented at the 5th
International Conference on Welding Technologies and Exhibition (ICWET’18). (2018)
Bozkurt, Y., Türker, A., Soytemiz, G., Salman, S., “The Investigation and Comparison of friction stir
spot welding and Electrical Resistance Spot Welding of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Joints”, Presented
at the 4 th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Kiev. (2018)
Ergül, E., Kurt, H. İ., Oduncuoğlu, M., Yılmaz, N. F., Salman, S., Gül, F. Magnesıum Oxıde Adding
to Al2024 Alloys. Presented at The 3rd International Energy Engineering Congress. (2018)
Kalender, M., Kılıç, S. E., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Effect of Tool Geometry on Mechanical
Properties in Friction Stir Welding of Different Materials”, Presented at The 5th International
Conference On Welding Technologies And Exhibition (Icwet’18), Sarajevo. (2018)
Kırıkçı, H., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Three-layer friction stir spot welding of Al-Mg-Si alloy”,
Presented at the 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, Istanbul. (2017)
Imamoglu, Kerim, Özbey, S., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., “The Effect of Copper Addition On
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AA 1055 Aluminium Alloys”, Presented at the IATS 2017.
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Altun, E., Aydoğdu, M. O., Salman, S., “Biomaterials, Spare Parts of the Living
Body”, Presented at the 1st International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress in
Antalya, ANTALYA. (2017)
Bozkurt, Y., Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., & Salman, S. “Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar AlCu4Mg1 and
AlMg3 Plates Joined by Friction Stir Spot Welding”. Presented at the International Symposium on
Multidisciplinary Studies (ISMS), Belgrad. (2016)
Çakmak, M. A., Ömeroğlu, A., Bayrak, F., OKTAR, F. N., More, Y. S., SALMAN, S., GÜNDÜZ, O.,
“Investigation of Electrospun Corn Starch”, Presented at the 12th International Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Conference. (2016)
Turan, E., Çakmakli, B., Gökkurt, T., Salman, S., “Development of Polypropylene
polymethylpentene Blends for use in food Packaging”, Presented at the 1st International
Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016), Adana. (2016)
Kömür, B. H., Altun, E., Aydoğdu, M. O., Bilgiç, D., Gökçe, H., Ekren, N., … Gündüz, O.,
“Hydroxyapatite Synthesis From Fish Scale Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar”, Presented at the 6th
International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress&Exhibition
(APMAS2016). (2016)
İnan, A. T., Kömür, B. H., Gökçe, H., Ficai, A., Salman, S., Ekren, N., … Gündüz, O., “Physical
Characterization of Turbot Psetta Maxima Originated Natural Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the
6th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress&Exhibition. (2016)
Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., Gökçe, Hasan, Salman, S., “Effect of Sintering Temperatures on a Commercially
Pure Synthetic Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the Internatioan Material Science and Technologies
Conference, Kapadokya (IMSTEC’16), Nevşehir. (2016)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Effect of Cerium Oxide on Hydroxyapatite Alumina
Binary Composites”, Presented at the ISMS 2016, International Symposium on Multidisciplinary
Studies. (2016).
Çakmak, M., Ömeroğlu, A., Bayrak, F., OKTAR, F. N., More, Y. S., Salman, S.,Gündüz, O.,
“Investigation of Electrospun Corn Starch”, Presented at the 12th International Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Conference. (2016)
Kaştan, A., SALMAN, S., “An Investigation on the corrosion behaviour of zinc coated Ç1050 Steel
in 3 HCl Solution”, Presented at the International Academic Research Congress, ANTALYA. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Mechanical Properties Of Dissimilar Alcu4mg1 and
Almg3 Plates Joined By Friction Stir Spot Welding”, Presented at the International Symposium on
Multidisciplinary Studies (ISMS), Belgrad. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., Uzun, H., “Effect of Temperature Distribution on Mechanical Properties of
Metal Matrix Composite Materials Joined by Friction Stir Welding”, Presented at the 4th International
Conference on Welding Technologies and Exhibition (ICWET’16), Gaziantep. (2016).
Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., Gökçe, Hasan, Salman, S., “Meleagris Galopova Hydroxyapatite TiO2
Composites”, Presented at The 16th International Scientific Congress, CNIC 2015. (2015)
Ergin, S., Keskin, K., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., Özbey, S., “The Usage of Conditioned BCG Signals
for the Detection of Fundamental Cardiac Arrhythmia Diseases”, Presented at the 2015 International
Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, Madrid. (2015).
Kerem,A., Atayeter,Y., Salman,S., "An Infinite Energy (Wind Energy) Study for Burdur Province",
1st Teke Region Symposium, (2015)
Minez, B., Salman, S.,Köse,R., “Investigation of WC and CrC coatings for abrasion resistance of
mixer blades used in magnesite refractory production”, KOMPEGE III, 2015.
Pazarlıoğlu,S., Kurt,H., Salman, S., “Effect of silica addition to bovine hydroxyapatite”, KOMPEGE
III, 2015.
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gokce, H., Salman,S., “ Effect of sintering on meleagris gallapova titanium oxide
composites”, 16th International Scientific Congress, La Havana-Cuba, 2015
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gokce, H., Salman,S., "Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Meleagris
Gallopova Hydroxyapatite", POLYCAR 22, World Forum on Advanced Materials, Stellenbosch,
South Africa, (2014)
Bozkurt, Y., Turkuz, M. C., Salman, S.,"Friction stir welding of metal matrix composite sheets with
thin film coated tools", 3rd International Welding Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Manisa,
Türkiye (2014)
Ozen, M.S., Yuksek, O., Sancak, E., Usta, I., Pazarlıoğlu, S., Salman, S., “Investigation of
electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of mono axial, biaxial, multiaxial fabrics and their
composites produced from stainless steel yarns", 2nd International Conference on Value
Addition&Innovation in Textiles, Faisalabad, PAKISTAN (2013)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Salman, S., "Sintering Effects on Physical Properties of Bovine Hydroxyapatite
(BHA)- Al2O3-Commercial Inert Glass (CIG) Ternary Composites", Euro PM2012 - PM Biomaterials,
Bozkurt,Y., Çam,G., Salman,S., “Investigation of Joining of 2xxx and 5xxx Series Aluminum Sheets
by Friction Stir Spot Welding”, 2nd International Conference on Welding Technologies and Exibition,
Ankara, (2012)
Akgül,A., Pazarlıoğlu,S.S., Tutak,D., Ozomay,Z., Beytut,H., Ozakhun,C.,Salman,S.,”Ceramic
coating application for a worn steel based material of printing industry”, International Iron & Steel
Syposium, Karabük, (2012)
Pazarlıoğlu,S.S.,Oktar,F.N., Salman,S., “Sintering effects on the properties of bovine hydroxyapatite
(BHA)- Al2O3- commercial inert glass (CIG) ternary composites”, EURO PM 2012 Conference, Vol.
1, pp 235-240, Basel, Switzerland, (2012)
Topuz,P., Topuz,A., Salman,S.,” Boronizing in Indirect Heated Fluidized Bed Furnace”, I. Surface
treatment symposium, Istanbul (2011)
Salman,S., Gül,F., “Effect of Al2O3 weight ratio on abrasive wear behavior of Al/(SiCp+Al2O3)
Composites”, KOMPEGE 2011, İzmir,(2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Tutak,D., Akgül,A., Özomay,Z., Beytut,H., Özakhun,C &Salman,S.,”Investigation
of wear behavior, hardness and bond strength properties of Al2O3 -%40TiO2 composite coatings
formed by plasma spray method”, KOMPEGE 2011, İzmir, (2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Beyit,A., Ersoy,S., Sancak,E., Küpeli,G., Salman,S.,” Mechanical Properties of biaxial glass fiber and pistachio shell reinforced polyester composites”, KOMPEGE 2011, İzmir, (2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Berk,M., Küpeli,G., Koçak,D., Salman,S.,“Effect of Sintering Temperatures on
Mechanical Properties of Bovine Hydroxyaapatite 5%( Al2O3-TiO2) Composites”, KOMPEGE 2011,
İzmir, (2011)
Çal,B., Aydemir,B., Salman,S.,“The advantages of new generation hardness measurement
methods” 5. International quality conference, Kragujevac, Srbije,(2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman,S., Koz,M., “Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steels
Reinforced with 5% and 10% Al2O3 Particle Reinforcement in Nano and Micro Sizes”, 6th
International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Elazığ, (2011)
Çal,B., Aydemir,B., Salman,S., “Material selection criteria and priorities in different electronic
applications”, 5.International quality conference,Kragujevac, Srbije,(2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Kıyıcı,I.A., Salman,S., “Characterization of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite-glass
composite coatings onto titatium alloy substrate”, Ti-2011,12th World Conference on TitaniumBeijing, China, (2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Oktar,F.N., Salman,S., “Characterization of porous bovine
hydroxapatite (BHA) structures and layer porous composites with inert glass (CIG)”, Euro PM 2011
Barcelona-Spain. Barcelona, Spain(2011)
Akyurt,N., Oktar,F.N., Karacaylı,U., Yetmez,M., Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Salman,S.,”Characterization
bovine dentine derived hydroxiapatite (BDHA) structures”, Euro PM 2011 Barcelona-Spain, (2011)
Bozkurt,Y., Uzun,H., Salman,S.,”Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Composite Sheets Joined
by Friction Stir Welding Method”, 13. International Materials Symposum (IMPS 2010), 13-15 October
2010, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Türkiye (2010)
Çal,B., Baylakoğlu,İ., Pazarlıoğlu,S.S., Salman,S., “Failure types and analysis in electronic
components and materials” 13th International Materials Symposium (IMSP’2010), Denizli, Türkiye
Küpeli,G., Tekin,N., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S.,”Joining Stainless Steel and Low Carbon Non-Alloyed
Steels by Submerged Arc Welding Method”, 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium,
Salman,S., Akalin,M., Ersoy,S., Kupeli,G., Okuscuk,E., Pazarlıoğlu,S.S.,”Mechanical properties of
bi-axial glass fiber and walnut shell reinforced polyester composites”, 5th International textile,
clothing & design conference – Magic World of Textiles, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2010)
Oktar,F.N., Gunduz,O., Kayali,E.S., Salman,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Agathopoulos,S.,”Bovine derived
hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with nano-titanium oxide (TiO2)”, V Congreso
Internacional de Biomateriales, BIOMAT'2010. La Habana, Cuba (2010)
Ozyegin,L.S., Kiyici,I.A., Salman,S., Yilmaz,S., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N.,”Effect of nano-dopants
on mechanical properties of nanohydroxyapatite composite”, V Congreso Internacional de
Biomateriales, BIOMAT '2010. La Habana, Cuba(2010)
Salman,S., Pazarlioglu,S.S., Ozyegin,L.S., Yilmaz,S., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “Effect of nanolanthanum-oxide doping on mechanical properties of natural hydroxyapatite”, V Congreso
Internacional de Biomateriales,BIOMAT '2010. La Habana, Cuba (2010)
Pazarlioglu,S.S., Salman,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., Yelten,A., Yilmaz,S., Agathopoulos,S.,
“Hydroxyapatite nano-lanthanum-oxide composites”, 4th Greek Conference of the Hellenic Society
of Biomechanics, HSB (ELEMBIO). Ioannina, Greece(2010)
Gunduz,O., Karacayli,U., Salman,S., Kayali,E.S., Sengil,A.Z., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “A
Novel Hydroxyapatite: Sheep Hydroxyapatite”, BIOCERAMICS 22. Daegu, Korea(2009)
Salman,S., Karacayli,U., Gunduz,O., Kayali,E.S., Sengil,A.Z., Valerio,P., Agathopoulos,S.,
Oktar,F.N., “Nb-oxide-Hydroxyapatite Composites”, BIOCERAMICS 22, Daegu, Korea (2009)
Demirkol,N., Karaçaylı,U., Gündüz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Salman,S., Kayalı,E.S., Oktar,F.N., “A
novel biomaterial Chicken hydroxyapatite (CHA)”, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced
Materials and Processes, Euromat 2009. Glaskow, UK. (2009)
Salman,S., Ozyeğin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., “Effect of sintering temperature on
mechanical and microstructural properties of zeolite (clinoptilolite) reinforced bovine hydroxyapatite
(BHA) composites”, Proceedings of the I International Conference on Biodental Engineering” Porto,
Portugal (2009)
Sennaroğlu,B., Keskin,Z., Salman,S., “The process is applied with Taguchi experimental design
method”, ÜAS 08 VIII.National Production Research Symposium, Istanbul (2008)
Aktaş,B., Tekeli,S., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Effect of microstructure on
fracture toughness of NiO/YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia) ceramics”, VII. Ceramics Congress with
International Participation, Afyon (2008)
Aktaş,B., Tekeli,S., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Sağlam,N., Salman,S., “Impedance spectroscopy of
SiO2/YSZ (Yttria Stabilized Zirconia) ceramic materials”, VII. Ceramic Congress with International
Participation, Afyon (2008)
Bozkurt,Y., Gündüz,O., Salman,S., Uzun,H., “Mechanical properties of sheet aluminum alloys joined
by environmentally friendly friction stir welding technique”, 13th International Energy, Cogeneration
and Environmental Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Istanbul (2007)
Gündüz,O., Demetgül,M., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Prediction of ZrN coated tool steels
produced by physical vapor deposition method using artificial neural networks”, 13th International
Energy, Cogeneration and Environmental Technologies Conference and Exhibition, İstanbul (2007)
Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Cost analysis in closed die forging of steels”, IV. Machine Design and
Manufacturing Technologies Congress, TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Konya Branch,
Konya (2007)
Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Oveçoğlu,L., Kayali,E.S., “Sintering effect on
mechanical properties of composites made of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) and commercial inert
glass (CIG)”, Key Engineering Materials, (Volumes 330-332), Bioceramics19(2007)
Gunduz,O., Bozkurt,Y., Küpeli,G., Çalış,İ., Salman,S., “Use of green technology laser beam source
in automotive industry”, 13th International Energy, Cogeneration and Environmental Technologies
Conference and Exhibition, Istanbul (2007)
Gunduz,O., Demirkol,N., Bozkurt,Y., Agathopoulos,S., Ozyegin,S.L., Oktar,F.N., Salman,S.,
“Mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with SiO2, MgO, Al2O3,
and ZrO2”, 1 st Chinese-European Symposium Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine, Suzhou,
China (2006)
Salman,S., Cal,B., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “The influence of bond-coating on
plasma sprayed alumina-titania,doped with biologically derived hydroxyapatite on stainless steel”,
AVS 53rd International Symposium and Exhibition”, San Francisco, CA, USA(2006)
Salman,S., İ.Çalış, “Investigation of fatigue properties of austempered spheroidal graphite cast iron
(ASGCI) at different temperatures”, 10. Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2004)
Bozkurt,Y., Sözöz,H., Salman,S., “Computer aided cost analysis in closed die forging of steels”, 10.
Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2004)
Salman, S., Gülsoy, H.Ö., “Sintering of 17-4 PH stainless steel powders”, 10th Denizli Materials
Symposium, Denizli (2004)
Salman,S., Urtekin,L., “An experimental example of ceramic coating on engine piston rings and
cylinder liners”, Automotive Technologies Congress-OTEKON’02, Bursa (2002)
Girit,O., Sözöz,H., Gülsoy, Ö.H., Salman,S., “Determination of optimum cutting range in the
production of copper and its alloy sheet materials with cutting die”, 9th Denizli Materials Symposium,
Denizli (2002)
Salman,S., Girit,O., Sözöz,H., “Grinding and tool sharpening education”, International Educational
Technologies Symposium, Sakarya (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Determination of appropriate cutting range in aluminum materials”,
9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Determination of appropriate cutting range in steel sheet materials”,
9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Urtekin, L., Salman, S., Köse, R., “Wear properties of some ceramic and metallic coatings”, 11th
International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, p:1220-1227, Istanbul, (2002)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Effect of heat treatment conditions on mechanical properties of 17-4PH
stainless steel parts”, 9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Kurt,M., Salman,S., Evkaya,M., “Mathematical modeling of porosities in coatings made by thermal
spraying techniques”, 9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Urtekin, L., Salman, S., Köse, R., “Investigation of thermal properties of different ceramic coatings”,
11th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, p: 1273-1280, Istanbul, (2002)
Salman,S., Gunduz, O., “Investigation of the properties of electroless nickel coatings under
laboratory conditions”, 11th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress. Istanbul, Turkiye
Urtekin,L., Salman,S., Köse,R., “Applicability of ceramic coatings for wear resistance in automotive
industry”, 5th International Ceramics Congress, No:21, p:284-290, Istanbul(2001)
Girit,O., Salman,S., Sözöz,H., “Machinability of GGG 40-50-60 Cast Irons”, MAMTEK 200, Manisa
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Determination of Optimum Burr Geometry in Die Forging
of Al6061 Material”, MAMTEK 2001, Manisa (2001)
Salman,S., Arda,T., Yükler,İ., “Investigation of Wear Problem in Valve-Seat Element of Atomized
Drying Plant”, 8th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2000)
Salman,S., Öksüz,M., “Porosity-Coating Properties Relationship of Ceramic and Plastic Coated
Surfaces”, 8th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2000)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Effect of Graphite and Phosphorus Additions on Mechanical Properties
of Iron Based Powder Metallurgy Products”, Machinery & Manufacturing Technologies Symposium,
Konya (1999)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Effect of Temperature and Lubrication Variables on the Ring Test
of 6061 Aluminum Alloy”, Machinery & Manufacturing Technologies Symposium, Konya (1999)
Uçar,M., Demirer,H., Salman,S., “Residual Stresses in Ceramic Coatings”, Denizli Science Days,
Denizli (1999)
Kurt,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Effect of Varying Silicon Amount in Aluminum Alloys on Chip Removal
Ability”, Denizli Science Days, Denizli (1999)
Salman,S., “Ceramic Converters and Their Use in Turkish Conditions”, Fifth Combustion
Symposium, Bursa (1997)
Salman,S., Vayvay,Ö., “The Thermal Sprayed Coatings Applications In Aero Engines Components”,
Fifth Combustion Symposium, Bursa (1997)
Salman,S., Erçetin,R., Samur,R., “Effect of the Change in Coating Thickness on the Dielectric
Strength of Ceramic Coatings in Different Ceramic Coatings”, 7th Denizli Materials Symposium,
Denizli (1997)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., Koz, M., “Effect of Cu Varying Between 2% and 3% on Mechanical
Properties in Fe-Cu Compacts Produced by P/M”, 7th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (1997)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Effect of Different Amounts of Graphite Additions to Fe-Cu Compacts on
Mechanical Properties at Constant Sinter Temperature and Constant Times”, 1st National Powder
Metallurgy Conference, Ankara (1996)
Oksuz,M., Salman,S., Samur,R., Yildirim,H.,“Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Plastic
Coatings Coated on Metal Surfaces of Some Transportation Vehicles by Flame Spraying Method”,
First National Transportation Symposium, Istanbul (1996)
Samur,R., Oksuz,M., Salman,S., Yildirim,H., “Investigation of Wear Resistance of Plastic Coating
Coated on Metal Surfaces by Thermal Spraying Method” International Welding Technology 96
Symposium, Istanbul (1996)
Köse, R., Salman, S., “Evaluation of Hardness Values in Fillet Welds Applied to Shafts with and
without Heat Treatment”, Proceedings Book of International Welding Technology’96 Symposium, p:
271-280, Istanbul (1996)
Salman,S., Samur,R., “Investigation of Thermal Shock Properties of Zirconia Based Ceramic
Coatings Made with Two Different Coating Techniques”, First International Aviation and Advanced
Technologies Symposium, Istanbul (1995)
Kaya,A.A., Salman,S., Samur,R., Koz,M., “Effect of Combustion Atmosphere on Coating Powders
in Thermal Coating Methods”, Fourth Combustion Symposium, Bursa (1995)
Samur,R., Salman, S., Kaya,A.A., “Experimental Observations on Bond Strength of Ceramic
Coatings”, 8th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, pp39-407(1995)
Oksuz,M., Samur,R., Salman,S., Yildirim,H., “Effects of Combustion Atmosphere on Plastic Coating
Dust in Plastic Coating Made by Thermal Spraying Method”, Fourth Combustion Symposium, Bursa
Kaya,A.A., Samur,R., Salman,S., “Microcracks in Ceramic Coatings Before Service” 6. Denizli
Materials Symposium, Denizli (1995)
Salman,S., Samur,R., Kaya,A.A., “Investigation of Wear Behavior of Two Types of Ceramic
Coatings in Laboratory and Service Conditions”, II. International Ceramic Congress,Vol2, page 430-
441 (1994)
Cakici,M., Salman,S., Gulluoglu,A., “Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Zirconia Based Thermal
Barrier Coatings”, Air War Academy 1st Aviation Symposium, Istanbul (1994)
Prof. Dr.Serdar Salman, Doç.Dr. H. Özkan Gülsoy, ““Science of Metallography”, Nobel Publications,
Prof. Dr. Fehim Fındık, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzun, Prof. Dr. Serdar Salman , “Fundamentals of
Materials Science”, Nobel Publications, (2011)
Other papers
Gündüz,O., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Investigation of electroless Ni –P coating properties”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 58, Volume 1, pp 60-66 (2008)
Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Production errors encountered in forging process and solution suggestions”,
Mold and Technologies Journal, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 96-103 (2007)
Gündüz,O., Oktar,F.N., Salman,S., “Effect of pulse bias voltage on ZrN coatings by cathodic vacuum
arc”, Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, YTU,
Istanbul (2005)
Gündüz,O., Bozkurt,Y., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Mechanical alloying technology and application
areas”, Metal World, Issue 124, Volume 1, pp 85-88 (2003)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Determination of machinability properties of powder metallurgy product
Fe-Cu-C and Fe-Cu parts by drilling test”, Metal Dünyası, Issue: 125, Page: 91-94 (2003)
Boran,N., Salman,S., “Investigation of joints made by TIG spot welding”, Metal World, Issue 8,
Volume 1, pp. 20-25 (2003)
Boran,N., Salman,S., “Comparison of mechanical and microstructure properties of joints made with
electric resistance spot and TIG spot welding on 6114 steel sheet materials”, Metal World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp. 46-51 (2003)
Topal,A., Salman,S., “Experimental investigation of ceramic coating of engine piston materials”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp. 43-47 (2002)
Salman,S., Köse,R., Dündar,F., “Investigation of mechanical properties of different glass fiber
reinforced PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylate) composite materials”, Machine Market Journal, Issue
2, Volume 1, pp. 53-56 (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Parameters affecting forging force and mold filling in hot forging”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 1, Volume 1, pp. 12-15 (2002)
Girit,O., Sözöz,H., Salman,S., “Prediction of part quality produced in injection molding process by
using artificial neural networks”, Plastic-Packaging Technology, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp. 22-25 (2002)
Koç,Y., Salman,S., “Galvanized coating of steel”, Machine Market Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp.
28-33 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Theoretical analysis of optimum height/diameter ratio in forging
process”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp. 50-53 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Analysis techniques for forging forming process”, Machine Tech
Journal, Issue 24, Volume 1, pp 148-157 (1998)
Salman,S., Dal,H., “Protection of metallic materials by phosphating”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue
38, Volume 1, pp 40-47 (1998)
Köse,R., Salman,S., “Heat treatment of metallic materials by using fluidized bed systems”, Machine
Tech Journal, Issue 35, Volume 1, pp. 32-34 (1998)
Salman,S., Köse,R., “New method for measuring residual stresses resulting from welding process”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 33, Volume 1, pp. 42-46, (1997)
Yüce,H., Salman,S.,“Use of search services on the Internet”, Packaging-Plastic World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp 74-81 (1997)
Salman,S., Ünver,B., “A new process in surface hardening of tool steels: Nitempering”, MetalMachinery Journal, Issue 93. Volume 1 pp. 69-74 (1997)
Salman,S., “Modern fire detector and alarm systems technology”, Electricity, Energy,
Electromechanics Journal, Issue: 42, pp. 104-108 (1997)
Salman,S., “Electrical Insulation Properties of Two Types of Alumina Ceramic Coatings”, Metallurgy
Journal, Issue 109, Volume 21, pp. 55-59 (1997)
Köse,R., Salman,S., “Evaluation of hardness values in fillet welds applied to shafts with and without
heat treatment”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue 34, Volume 1, pp. 22-24 (1996)
Salman,S., “Investigation of thermal shock properties of plastic coatings applied to metal surfaces
by flame spray method”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp 179-189
Salman,S., “Wear Behavior-Bond Strength Relationship in Ceramic Coatings Made by Plasma
Spraying Technique”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 245-
Salman,S., “Typical Application Areas of Ceramic Coatings Made by Thermal Spraying Method”,
Machine-Tech Journal, Issue 16, Volume 1, pp. 60-65 (1996)
Supervisor of MSc Theses
Furkan KELEŞTİMUR, Investigation of the effect of parameter changes in the production and heat
treatment processes of maraging steels on mechanical properties, National Defence University
Alparslan Defence Sciences and National Security Institute, (2023)
Ozan ŞERBETÇİ, Carbine Buffers for Small Caliber Rifles, Tungsten (Tungsten) Ratios and
Alternatives, National Defence University Alparslan Defence Sciences and National Security
Institute, (2021)
Seda Ataş BAKDEMİR, Investigation of ticrn thin film coatings produced by nitration and cathodic
arc pvd method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2020)
Erkan SAĞDIÇ, Analysis of defects in machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)
composite materials and their effects on mechanical properties, National Defence University
Alparslan Defence Sciences and National Security Institute, (2020)
Akay NEVCANOĞLU, Investigation of the post-welding properties of inconel 718 super alloy
materials combined with TIG welding method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2019)
Yağızer YAVUZ, Effect of nanoparticles on mechanical properties of weld made from nanoparticle
added core welding wire, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2019)
Burak ÖZBEK, Skeletal structure production for tissue engineering with the help of 3D printer,
Marmara University Institute of Science, (2019)
Mehmet Onur AYDOĞDU, Production of tissue hydrogel added scaffolds with 3D bioprinting
method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2018)
Ece MURAÇAL, Investigation of the effects of alpha type nucleating reagents on the recycled
polypropylene blends from domestic wastes, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, (2017)
Emine TURAN, Development of polypropylene/polymethylpentene blends for use in food
packaging, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, (2017)
Serel ÖZMEN, Material selection for marine environments by fuzzy desision methods, Marmara
University Institute of Science, (2012)
İsmail Akın KIYICI, Characterization of hydroxyapatite-glass composite coating produced by
plasma spray method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2011)
Engin ŞAHİN, The optimization of current, voltage and welding speed from the parameters of
robotic gas metal arc welding with Taguchi Method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2008)
Yalçın Yazıcıoğlu, Application of advanced technological platings on metallic substrates and
investigation of functional properties, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2007)
Tolga GÖKKURT, Evaluation of mechanical properties of thermoplastics coated by different
methods, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2007)
Zafer KESKİN, Optimization of process parameters and coating selection of CNC miling cutters
with taguchi method in processing aluminium compozite plates, Marmara University Institute of
Science, (2006)
Barış ÇAL, Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of calcium phosphate
reinforced alumina-titania coating, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2006)
Veysel KAYIŞ, The effect of B and FeB additions on the sintering behaviour and mechanical
properties of premixed a partially alloyed iron powders, Marmara University Institute of Science,
İskender TURAN, The effect of B and NiB additions on microstructure and mechanical properties
of iron base structural parts were produced by powder metallurgy, Marmara University Institute of
Science, (2005)
Alim KAŞTAN, Experimental investigation of trybological properties of graphite added polyamide
6(nylon 6), Marmara University Institute of Science, (2005)
Bülent SELEK, Friction and wear behaviour of multi layer AITİN coatings by phsical vapor
deposition technique, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2004)
Özcan KARADAYI, Production and characterization of multi layer AITİN coatings by phsical vapour
deposition technique, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2004)
Oğuzhan GÜNDÜZ, Production and characterisation of ZrN coatings by arc physical vapour
deposition technique under different biasing voltages, Marmara University Institute of Science,
Polat TOPUZ, The Investigation of fatigue properties of austempered ductile iron, Marmara
University Institute of Science, (2003)
Murat BATI, Investigation of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Different Selected Coatings,
Marmara University Institute of Science, (2003)
Yakup ALP, Glass fiber reinforced PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) base, investigation of the
strength of resins, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2002)
Nurettin BORAN, Mechanical and metallographic examination of low carbon steel materials joined
by TIG spot welding, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2002)
Yusuf KOÇ, Surface coating for abrasive problems in industry, Marmara University Institute of
Science, (2002)
Yıldırım ERBOZ, Quality control and statistical process control in mass, Dumlupınar University
Institute of Science, (2002)
Ali TOPAL, Increasing performance with ceramic coating of aluminum alloy piston materials,
Marmara University Institute of Science, (2002)
Levent URTEKİN, Improvement of the wearing resistance of cast iron used in automotive industry,
Dumlupınar University Institute of Science, (2001)
Ferruh DÜNDAR, Investigation of mechanical properties of polymetlylmethacrylate (PMMA) by Eglass reinforcement, Dumlupınar University Institute of Science, (2001)
Hüseyin YÜCE, Preparation of a computer programme for steel material selection, Marmara
University Institute of Science, (2000)
Servet Bülent YILMAZ, The Effect of the mechanical properties the added graphite iron parts of
different types iron powder which is manufactured with powder metallurgy process, Marmara
University Institute of Science, (1998)
Burhan ÜNVER, The Properties of nitriding and nitempering in steels, Marmara University Institute
of Science, (1997)
H.Özkan GÜLSOY, Investigation of mechanical properties of iron based structural parts produced
by powder metallurgy processes, Marmara University Institute of Science, (1996)
Supervisor of PhD Theses
DOĞAN ŞİMŞEK, The investigation of the tribological behavior at high temperatures of aluminium
matrix composite materials produced by mechanochemical method, Karabük University Institute of
Science, (2021)
Süleyman Serdar PAZARLIOĞLU, Production of hydroxyapatite based bioceramics in different
compounds and investigation of their mechanical and biocompability properties, Marmara University
Institute of Science, (2017)
Barkın MİNEZ, Research on the effects of the abrasion resistant coating (CrC, WC wire, WC plate)
of refractory monolithic mixer beaters to beater life, Dumlupınar University Institute of Science,
Halil İbrahim KURT, Investigation of the effect of magnesium and titanium to mechanical and
microstructure properties of aluminum-magnesium-titanium (Al-Mg-Ti) alloys, Marmara University
Institute of Science, (2011)
Polat TOPUZ, Development of boronizing parameters and boronizing of different steels in fluidized
bed furnace, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2009)
Yahya BOZKURT, Mechanical properties and microstructure of friction stir butt welded
AA2124/SiCp/25 composite sheets, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2008)
Bülent AKTAŞ, An investigation of microstructure, mechanical properties and ionic conductivity of
barium oxide and lantanium oxide doped cubic zirconia ceramic, Marmara University Institute of
Science, (2008)
H.Özkan GÜLSOY, The Effect of two types of added boron on the microstructure and mechanical
properties of 17-4PH stainless steel parts produced by powder injection molding, Marmara
University Institute of Science, (2003)
Issue Date: 04th of December 2024
Place and Date of Birth Istanbul, 25 May 1962
Communication Address
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Marmara
University Faculty of Technology Goztepe Campus 34722 /
Kadikoy - Istanbul / TÜRKİYE
Phone +90 (216) 7774000
Fax +90 (216) 7774001
Country University Faculty/Institue Department Degree Graduation
TÜRKİYE Istanbul Technical
Sakarya Engineering
Engineering BSc. 1984
TÜRKİYE Yıldız Technical
University Institute of Science Metallurgical
Engineering MSc. 1987
TÜRKİYE Yıldız Technical
University Institute of Science Metallurgical
Engineering PhD. 1995
Organization Country City Unit/
Department Title Duration
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Assistant 1985-1993
Huddersfield University ENGLAND Huddersfield Material
(9 months)
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Instructor 1993-1995
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Asst. Prof. 1995-1997
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Assoc. Prof. 1997-2003
Dumlupınar University TÜRKİYE Kütahya Mechanical
Engineering Assoc. Prof. 1997-1999
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
(Vice Dean)
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
(Head of
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
(3 months)
Georgia Institute of
Technology USA Atlanta Material
(Sabbatical) 2007-2008
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Metal
Education Prof.Dr. 2008-2011
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul
& Materials
( Head of
Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University TÜRKİYE Burdur Engineering
(Dean) 2012-2015
Marmara University TÜRKİYE Istanbul
& Materials
(Head of
National Defense
University TÜRKİYE Istanbul Rectorate Vice of
Rector 2017-
Materials Science, Biomaterials, Surface Treatment of Materials, Ceramic coatings
Destructive Material Inspections, Welding Technique, Powder Metallurgy
Project Name Institution Budget Duration Title Project
Modelling and Optimization of
Properties of Multilayer Thin
Films Used in Flat Glass
Applications with Machine
TUBITAK 1.800.000
Effect of Sintering on the
Properties of Hydroxyapatite
(Obtained from Bovine Bone:
BHA)-Al2O3-Commercial Inert
Glass (CIG) Based Ternary
University 2.500 TL 2012-
Manager BAPKO-D
Characterization of
Composite Coatings Produced
by Plasma Spraying Methods
University 6.500 TL 2010-
Manager BAPKO-C
Production of B4C Based
Sandblasting Nozzles by
Powder Injection Molding
Method and Improvement of
Wear Properties
TUBITAK 469.000
TL 2014 Researcher 1003
Bovine-Derived Hydroxyl
Apatites Doped with Nanolanthanum Oxide
University 3.000 TL
2011 Project
Manager BAPKO-D
Increasing Product Quality and
Service Life with Plasma and
HVOF Coatings Against Wear
and Corrosion Problems in Box
Cutting and Laminating
2012 Researcher BAPKO-A
Production of Hydroxyapatite
(HA) Based Biomaterials with
Different Components and
Investigation of Their
Mechanical Properties and In
Vitro Behavior
University 4.500 TL
2014 Project
Manager BAPKO-C
Material Characterization,
Tests and Reliability
Assessment of Lead-Free
Alloys Used in Space
University 3.000 TL
2013 Project
Manager BAPKO-C
Measurement and Optimization
of Sound Levels in Industrial
Working Environments
University 2.500 TL 2009-
Manager BAPKO-D
Planting Wind Seeds on Our
Mehmet Akif
Boron Coating of Steel
Materials in Fluidized Bed
Furnace and Development of
Coating Parameters
Manager BAPKO-C
Determination of Thermal and
Wear Properties of Different
Types of Ceramic Coatings
University 1.785 TL 2006-
Manager BAPKO-C
Investigation of Mechanical
Properties of Metal-Doped
Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics
Üniversitesi 2.556 TL 2006-
Manager BAPKO-C
Production and Investigation of
Zirconia Hydroxyapatites
University 822 TL 2005-
Manager BAPKO-C
Effect of different boron
additions added to different iron
powders on sintering behavior,
mechanical and machinability
not used
Manager BAPKO-F
Production and characterization
of conductive bioceramics
2009 Researcher National
Number of Advisor for Articles/Compilations Registered in International
Indexes in the Last Year 12
Number of Advisor Services for Projects in the Last Year 2
Total Number of Citations to Publications (made on web of science) 718
Number of Students Advised
Completed Continuing
MSc. 37 2
PhD. 8 4
Name of the Award Issued by Institution Year
Second place for the most published faculty member
in the field of science at the university Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 2014
Third place for the faculty member who published the
most in the field of science at the university Mehmet Akif Ersoy University 2013
3 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBITAK 2012
4 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBITAK 2011
5 Publication incentive award (5 times) TUBITAK 2009
6 Publication incentive award (4 times) TUBITAK 2008
7 Publication incentive award (4 times) TUBITAK 2007
8 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBITAK 2006
9 Publication incentive award (6 times) TUBITAK 2005
10 Encouragement and support award for international
publications Marmara University Rectorate 2005
11 Certificate of Appreciation for international publications Marmara University Rectorate
and Institute of Science 2005
12 Certificate of Appreciation for international publications Marmara University Rectorate
and Institute of Science 2004
13 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBİTAK 2003
14 Publication incentive award (2 times) TUBİTAK 2001
15 Publication incentive award (1 time) TUBİTAK 1998
Papers in SCI, SSCI, AHCI indexes
Ataş Bakdemir, S., Özkan, D., Türküz, C., Salman, S., “Wear performance under dry and lubricated
conditions of duplex treatment TiN TiCrN coatings deposited with different numbers of CrN
interlayers on steel substrates”, Elsevier BV (2023).
Şimşek, D., Özyürek, D., Salman, S., “Wear behaviors at different temperatures of ZrO2 reinforced
A356 matrix composites produced by mechanical alloying method”, Emerald (2022)
Şimşek, D., Özyürek, D., Salman, S., “Effect of TiC Content on Wear Performance of A356 Matrix
Composites at Different Temperatures”, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2022)
Nevcanoğlu, A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “The Effect of TIG Welding Parameters and Automatization
for Non Heat Treated Inconel 718 Sheets”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2021)
Pazarlioglu, S.S., Salman, S., “The effect of alumina additive and sintering temperature on the
microstructural, physical, mechanical, and bioactivity properties of hydroxyapatite–alumina
composites”, J Aust Ceram Soc 56, 413–431 (2020).
Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Effect of yttria on thermal stability mechanical and in vitro bioactivity
properties of hydroxyapatite alumina composite”, Ceramic Research Institute, 20(1), 99–112. (2019)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Effect of lanthanum oxide additive on the sinterability physical
mechanical and bioactivity properties of hydroxyapatite-alpha alumina composite”, Springer
Science and Business Media LLC, 55(4), 1195–1209. (2019)
Kurt, H. İ., Güzelbey, İ. H., Salman, S., “An experimental study of investigating the relationships
between structures and properties of al alloys included with high Mg and high Ti”, International
Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 56(3), 271–0. (2018)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Sintering effect on the microstructural mechanical and in vitro
bioactivity properties of a commercially synthetic hydroxyapatite”, Springer Science and Business
Media LLC, 53(2), 391–401. (2017)
İnan, A. T., Kömür, B. H., Ekren, N., Aydoğdu, M. O., Gökçe, T., Ficai, A., Salman, S., Oktar, F. N.,
Gündüz, O., “Physical Characterization of Turbot Psetta Maxima Originated Natural
Hydroxyapatite”, Acta Physica Polonica A, 131(3), 397–400. (2017)
Kömür, B. H., Altun, E., Aydogdu, M. O., Bilğiç Alkaya, D., Gokce, H., Ekren, N., Salman, S., İnan,
A. T., Oktar, F. N., … Gündüz, O., “Hydroxyapatite Synthesis from Fish Bones Atlantic Salmon
(Salmon Salar)”, Acta Physica Polonica A, 131, 0–0. (2017)
Aktaş, B., Tekeli, S., Salman, S., “Improvements in micro structural and mechanical properties of
ZrO2 ceramics after addition of BaO”, Ceramics International, (2016)
Kurt, H. İ., Güzelbey, İ. H., Salman, S., Asmatulu, R., Dere, M., “Investigating the Relationships
Between Structures and Properties of Al Alloys Incorporated With Ti and Mg Inclusions”, Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology, 138(3), 31006–0. (2016)
Dere, M., Kurt, H. İ., Güzelbey, İ. H., Salman, S., “Investigating the Relationships Between
Structures and Properties of Al Alloys Incorporated With Ti and Mg Inclusions”, Journal of
Engineering Materials and Technology, 138(3), (2016)
Bozkurt,Y., Pazarlioglu,S., Gokce,H., Gurler,I., Salman, S., “Hydroxyapatite-lanthanum oxide
composites”, Acta Polonica Physica A (2015)
Bozkurt,Y., Pazarlioglu,S., Gokce,H., Salman,S.,“ The effect of yttrium oxide reinforcement on the
microstructural and mechanical properties of biologically derived hydroxyapatite”,Acta Polonica
Physica A (2015)
Erkınmaz,M., Salman,S.,“Analyzing the effects of sewing machine needle coating materials on the
needle's heating during sewing”, 24(4), 393-398, 2014 (2014)
Aktas,B., Tekeli,S., Salman,S.,“Influence on Static Grain Growth and Sinterability of BaO Addition
into 8YSZ”, Acta Polonica Physica A, Volume: 125 Issue: 2 Pages: 652-655, (2014)
Aktas,B , Tekeli,S, Salman,S.,“Synthesis and Properties of La2O3-Doped 8 mol% Yttria-Stabilized
Cubic Zirconia”, Journal of materials engineering and performance, Volume: 23, Issue: 1, pp: 294-
Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S and Cam,G.,“Effect of welding parameters on lap shear tensile properties of
dissimilar friction stir spot welded AA 5754-H22/2024-T3 joints”,Science and Technology of Welding
and Joining,Vol 18, No 4,pp337-345, (2013)
Gunduz,O., Ahmad, Z., Salman,S., et al.,“Sintering effect on boron based Bioglass doped
composites of bovine hydroxyapatite”, Materials and manufacturing technologies: Advanced
Materials Research, Vol: 445, pp982-987 (2012)
Urtekin,L., Salman,S., et al.,“An Investigation of Thermal Properties of Zirconia Coating on
Aluminum”, Arabian journal for science and engineering, Vol37, Issue:8, pp2323-2332 (2012)
Bozkurt,Y., Kentli,A., Uzun,H., SalmanS.,“Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Mechanical
Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Plates”, Materials science
(Medžiagotyra), Vol18, No.4,(2012)
Oktar,F.N., Demirer,M.R., Gunduz,O., Genc,Y., Agathopoulos,S., Peker,I., Ozyegin,L.S.,
Salman,S., “Sintering Effect on Mechanical Properties of Composites of Bovine Hydroxyapatite
(BHA) and Li2O” Key Engineering Materials.,Issue: 1-2, Vol 309-311, pp 49-52 (2012)
Bozkurt,Y., Uzun,H., Salman,S.,“Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded
particulate AA2124 / SiC/25p-T4 composite”, Journal of Composite Materials, Issue 1, Vol1, pp 1-
9 (2011)
Bozkurt,Y., Uzun,H., Salman,S., “Effect of tool wear on mechanical properties of friction stir welded
AA2124/SiCp/25 composite plates”, Journal of the faculty of engineering and architecture of Gazi
University, Issue1,Vol 26, pp139-149 (2011)
Pazarlioglu,S.S., Karacayli, U., Salman,S., Yetmez, M., Ozyegin, L.S., Yilmaz,S.,Agathopoulos,S.,
Oktar,F.N., “Microstructure and mechanical properties of composites of bovine derived
hydroxyapatite (BHA) doped with nano-powder of lanthanum oxide”, International journal of artificial
organs, Vol34, Issue: 8, pp: 700-70, (2011)
Karacayli, U.,Yetmez, M., Kayali, ES., Yesilbek, B., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos, S., Salman,S.,
Oktar,F.N., “Composites of Hydroxyapatite doped with nano-powder of titanium oxide”, International
journal of artificial organs, Vol34, Isuue8, pp699-700 (2011)
Karacayli, U., Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Ozyegin, L.S., Agathopoulos, S., Sengil, A.Z., Oktar,F.N.,
“Effect of sintering temperature on mechanical properties and microstructure of zeolite (clinoptilolite)
reinforced bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites”, Biodental engineering, Issue 1, Volue1,
pp105-108 (2010)
Salman,S., Gunduz,O.,Yilmaz,S., Ovecoglu, M.L., Snyder,R.L.,Agathopoulos, S., Oktar,F.N.,
“Sintering effect on mechanical properties of composites of natural hydroxyapatites and titanium”,
Ceramics international, Issue7,Vol 35, pp 2965-2969 (2009)
Gunduz, O., Ahmad, Z., Ekren,N., Agathopoulos,S., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N.,“Reinforcing of
Biologically Derived Apatite with Commercial Inert Glass”, Journal of thermoplastic composite
materials, Issue 4, Vol 22, pp 407- 411(2009)
Karacayli, U., Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Agathopoulos, S., Oktar,F.N., “Effect of
Sintering Temperature on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Sheep-bone Derived
Hydroxyapatite (SHA)”, 13th International conference on biomedical engineering, IFMBE
Proceedings, Issue1-3,Vol 23, pp1271-1276 (2009)
Bozkurt,Y., Artır,R., Uzun,H., Salman,S.,“Effect of subsequent aging in SiCp reinforced AA2124
aluminum metal matrix composite”, Advanced composites letters, Issue 5,Vol18, pp151-155 (2009)
Gunduz,O., Karacayli,U., Salman,S., Valerio,P., Goes,A.M., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N.,
“Scaffolds Of Bovine Derived Hydroxyapatite (BHA) Composites Doped With Magnesium Fluoride”,
International journal of artificial organs,Issue7, Vol 31, pp611-619 (2009)
Gunduz,O., Daglilar,S., Salman,S., Ekren,N., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “Effect of yttria-doping
on mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA)”, Journal of composite materials, Issue13,
Vol 42, pp1281-1286 (2008)
Turgut,G., Kayah, M.U., Soydan, A.T.,Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Bas,L., “Biomechanical
comparison of a new technique of mandibular angle fractures: Biplanar and bicortical superior
proximal 3 holes and bicortical inferior plate fixation”, Journal of craniofacial surgery, Issue 3,Vol 19,
pp 871-880, (2008)
Gunduz, O., Erkan,E.M., Daglilar,S., Salman,S., Agathopoulos, S., Oktar,F.N., “Composites of
bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) and ZnO”,Journal of materials science, Issue 8, Vol43, pp 2536-
2539 (2008)
Salman, S., Topal, A., Findik,F., “Performance improvement of Al-alloyed materials via plasma spray
coating”, Industrial lubrication and tribology, Issue1, Vol 60, pp 4-8 (2008)
Gunduz,O., Salman,S., Kayali,E.S., Goller,G., Goker,I., Agathopoulos,S., Ozyegin,L.S.,
Oktar,F.N.,“Improvement of microstructure of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) with machineable
fluorapatite glass (MFG)”, Key engineering materials, Issue 1-2, Vol361-363, pp 495-499,(2008)
Salman,S., Cal,B., Gunduz,O., Agathopolous,S., Oktar,F.N., “The influence of bond-coating on
plasma sprayed alumina-titania, doped with biologically derived hydroxyapatite, on stainless steel”,
3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. Proceedings
and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences, Issue1, Vol1, pp 289-295 (2008)
Salman,S., Cal,B., Gunduz,O., Ozyegin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., ”Aluminium oxide hydroxyapatite
composites”. FEBS Journal, Issue 1, V274, pp287-294, (2007)
Ozyegin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Salman,S., Bozkurt,Y., Eruslu,N., “Improvement of
microstructure of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) by doping with calcium fluoride”, Key engineering
materials, I 1-2. V330-332, pp43-46 (2007)
Dorozhkin,S.V., Dorozhkina,E.I., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N.,”Crystallization of a bone-like apatite from a
milk-containing revised simulated body fluid (SBF)”, Key engineering materials, Issue1-2, V 330-
332, pp641-644 (2007)
Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Öveçoğlu,M.L., Kayali,E.S., “Sintering Effect
on Mechanical Properties of Composites Made of Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA) and Commercial
Inert Glass (CIG)”, Key Engineering Materials, I1-2, V330-332, pp189-192 (2007)
Ozyegin,L.S., Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Meydanoglu,O., Akesi,S., Yukler,I.,
“Improvement of Microstructure of Bovine Hydroxyapatite with Yttria” Key Engineering Materials, I1-
2. V330-332,pp47-50 (2007)
Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Goller,G., Gökçe,H., Kayali,E.S., Salman,S., “Highly Bioactive Porous
Composite Scaffolds of Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA-Ti, BHA-TiO2, BHA-Li2O)”, Key Engineering
Materials, I1-2, V330-332,pp411-414(2007)
Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Gunduz,O., Demirkol,N., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S.,
“Mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with SiO2, MgO, Al2O3,
and ZrO2”, Journal of materials science-materials in medicine, 11, V18, pp 2137-2143(2007)
Salman, S., Findik, F., Topuz, P., “Effects of various austempering temperatures on fatigue
properties in ductile iron”, Materials & Design, I 7, V28, pp2210-2214 (2007)
Gulsoy,H.O., Bilici,M.K., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Enhancing the wear properties of iron based
powder metallurgy alloys by boron additions”, Materials & Design, I7, V 28, pp2255-2259 (2007)
Daglilar,S., Erkan,M.E., Gunduz,O., Ozyegin,L.S., Salman,S., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “Water
resistance of bone-cements reinforced with bioceramics”, Materials Letters. I11-12, V61, pp 2295-
2298, (2007)
Ozyegin,L.S., Gunduz,O., Oktar,F.N., Oz,B., Agathopoulos, S., Salman,S., Ovecoglu,L., “Sintering
effect on mechanical properties of composites of bovine derived hydroxyapatite (BHA) with titanium”,
Key Engineering Materials, (V309-311), pp359-362,(2006)
Salman,S., Köse,R., Urtekin,L., Findik,F., “An investigation of different ceramic coating thermal
properties”, Materials & Design, Issue 7, Vol 27, pp585-590, (2006)
Gunduz,O., Oktar,F.N., Oz,B., Altundal,H., Agathopoulos, S., Salman,S., Ovecoglu,L., “Sintering
effect on mechanical properties of composites of enamel derived hydroxyapatite (EHA) and
titanium”, Key Eng.Mater., I 1-2. V309-311, pp 1137-1140(2006)
Dorozhkin,S.V., Dorozhkina,E.I., Oktar,F.N., Salman, S., “A simplified preparation method of siliconsubstituted calcium phosphates according to green chemistry principles”, Key engineering materials,
I 1-2, V 330-332, pp 55-59, (2006)
Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., Özbek,S. and Findik,F., “Sintering of a boron-doped injection moulded 17-
4PH stanless steel”, Journal of materials science, I 15, V 40, pp4101-4104 (2005)
Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Microstructures and mechanical properties of injection molded 17-4PH
stainless steel powder with nickel boride additions”, Journal of Material Science, I 13, V40, pp 3415-
3421, (2005)
Kose, R., Urtekin,L., Ceylan,N., Salman,S., Findik,F., “Three types of ceramic coating applicability
in automotive industry for wear resistance purpose”, Industrial lubrication and tribology, Issue 4,
Vol57, pp140-144 (2005)
Oktar,F.N., Genc,Y., Göller,G., Agathopoulos,S., Tulyaganov,D.U., Ferreira,J.M.F., Kayali,E.S.,
Salman,S., “The influence of sintering temperature on the properties of composites of biologic
hydroxyapatite and zirconia”, Key Eng.Mater., I 1-2, V 284-286, pp 709-712 (2005)
Gulsoy, H.O., Salman,S., Ozbek,S., “Effect of FeB additions on sintering characteristics of injection
moulded 17-4PH stainless steel powder”, Journal of Materials Science, I15, V39, pp 4835-
4840 (2004)
Gulsoy, O., Vayvay, O., Salman,S., “A new technology in production of aerospace components:
Powder Injection Molding (PIM)”, RAST 2003: Recent advances in space technologies, I 1-2, V1,
pp575-578, (2003)
Kentli, F., Terzi,O.K., Salman,S., “The effect of the heat applied during removal of the burned
windings in electric motors to structure of material and magnetic characteristic of (stator) armature”,
IEMDC 2001: IEEE International electric machines and drives conference, I 1-2, V1, pp533-
533, (2001)
Papers in other journals
Ataş Bakdemir, S., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Metal dust explosion risk and prevention methods in
additive manufacturing methods”, Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science, 1, (2021)
Ateş, İ., Salman, S., Bozkurt, Y., “Assessment of hazards and risks in glass products production and
processing business during the pandemic”, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University Journal of
Engineering Sciences, 10(2), 855–865. (2021)
Akyol, S., Baba, A. F., Salman, S., “Selection of Material for Marine Environments Using Fuzzy
TOPSIS Approach”, Journal of Information Technologies, 14(1), 11–22. (2021)
Kalender, M., Ulupınar, H., Çelik, A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “TIG Welding Mechanism Mounted
on 3D Printer System”, International Periodical of Recent Technologies in Applied Engineering, 2(2),
56-63. (2021)
Ataş Bakdemir, S., Özkan, D., Türküz, Mustafa Cenk, Uzun Kart, E., Salman, S., “Effect of The
Nitriding Process in The Wear Behaviour of DIN1 2344 Hot Work Steel”, Journal of Naval Sciences
and Engineering, 16(1), 45–70. (2020)
Kalender, M., Bozkurt, Y., Ersoy, S., Salman, S., “Product Development by Additive Manufacturing
and 3D Printer Technology in Aerospace Industry”, Journal of Aeronautics And Space
Technologies, 13(1), 129–138. (2020)
Kurt, H. İ., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., Uzun, H., “Application of FSW Technique to AA2124/25SiCp-T4
Aluminum Matrix Composites”, The International Journal of Materials and Engineering
Technology, 2(1), 16–24. (2019)
Bozkurt, Y., Türker, A., Soytemiz, G., Salman, S., “The Investigation and Comparison of Friction Stir
Spot Welding and Electrical Resistance Spot Welding of AA2024 Aluminium Alloy Joints”, European
Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(1), 52–58. (2019)
Ekren, N., Gündüz, O., Çelik, Sibel, Ayata, Bilge, Şahin, Y. M., Chou, Joshua, … Oktar, F. N.,
“Production of Apatite from Snail Shells for Biomedical Engineering Applications”, Key Engineering
Materials, (2016)
Keler, M. K., Dağlılar, S., Gündüz, O., Yüksek, M., Şahin, Y. M., Ekren, N., Salman, S., “Mechanical
Behavior of PCL Nanofibers”, Key Engineering Materials, 696, 196–201. (2016)
İnan, A. T., Gündüz, O., Şahin, Y. M., Ekren, N., Salman, S., Chou, J., Oktar, F. N., “Novel
Bioceramic Production via Mechanochemical Conversion From Plate Limpet Tectura
scutum Shells”, Key Engineering Materials, 696, 45–50. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Bilici, M. K., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., “Effect of Subsequent Aging on Wear Behaviour
of SiCp Reinforced AA2124 Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite”, Journal of Scientific and
Engineering Research, 3(4), 34–40. (2016)
Kaştan, A., Salman, S., Ünal, H., “Investigation of Wear Behavior of Graphite Additive Polyamide
6”, Bartın University Journal of Engineering and Technology Sciences, 4(2), 50–55. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Bilici, M. K., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., “Effect of Subsequent Aging on Wear Behaviour
of SiCp Reinforced AA2124 Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite”, Journal of Scientific and
Engineering Research, 34, 34–40. (2016)
Kömür, B. H., Lohse, T., Can, H. M., Khalilova, G., Geçimli, Z. N., Aydoğdu, M. O., … Gündüz, O.,
“Fabrication of naturel pumice hydroxyapatite composite for biomedical engineering”, Biomedical
Engineering Online, 15(1), (2016)
Pazarlioglu,S.S., Gokce,H., Özyegin,S.L., Salman,S.,”Effect of sintering on the microstructural and
mechanical properties of meleagris gallopova hydroxyapatite”, Bio-Medical Materials and
Engineering 24, 1751–1769 (2014)
Aktas, B., Tekeli, S., Salman, S., "Crystallization and grain growth behavior of La2O3-doped yttriastabilized zirconia", Advanced Materials Letters, 5 (5), pp. 260-264 (2014)
Kerem, A., Atayeter, Y., Görgülü, S., Salman, S. “Preparation and Implementation of Wind Energy
Feasibility Infrastructure of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Istiklal Campus”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy
University Journal of Science Institute, 5 (1): 18-24. (2014)
Pazarlioglu,S., Ersoy,S., Sancak,E., Beyit,A., Salman,S.,”Mechanical properties of bi–axial glass
fiber and pistachio shell reinforced polyester composites”,Usak University Journal of Material
Sciences, vol:1, Issue: 1, pp9–14, 2012
Pazarlioglu,S., Berk,M., Fidan,A., KOÇAK,D., Salman,S.,”Sintering effect on mechanical properties
of composites of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA)-5%(Al2O3 -TiO2), Usak University Journal of Material
Sciences,vol:1,Issue:1,pp 23–27,2012
Gündüz,O., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Investigation of electroless Ni-P coating properties”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 58, Volume 1, pp 60-66 (2008)
Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Production errors encountered in forging process and solution
suggestions”, Mold and Technologies Journal, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 96-103 (2007)
Gündüz,O., Bozkurt,Y., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Mechanical alloying technology and application
areas”, Metal World, Issue 124. Volume 1 pp 85-88(2003)
Gündüz,O., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Investigation of ZrN coatings deposited by FBB
method”, Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 60, Volume 1, pp 64-73 (2008)
Boran,N., Salman,S.,” Investigation of joints made by TIG spot welding”, Metal World, Issue 8,
Volume 1, pp. 20-25 (2003)
Boran,N., Salman,S., “Comparison of mechanical and microstructure properties of joints made with
electric resistance spot and TIG spot welding on 6114 steel sheet materials”, Metal World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp. 46-51 (2003)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Determination of machinability properties of powder metallurgy product
Fe-Cu-C and Fe-Cu parts by drilling test”, Metal World, Issue 125, pp. 91-94 (2003)
Topal,A., Salman,S., “Experimental investigation of ceramic coating of engine piston materials”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp. 43-47 (2002)
Salman,S., Köse,R., Dündar,F., “Investigation of mechanical properties of different glass fiber
reinforced PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylate) composite materials”, Machine Market Journal, Issue
2, Volume 1, pp. 53-56, (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Parameters affecting forging force and mold filling in hot forging”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 1, Volume 1, pp. 12-15 (2002)
Girit,O., Sözöz,H., Salman,S.,”Prediction of the quality of parts produced in injection molding
process by using artificial neural networks”, Plastic-Packaging Technology, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp.
22-25 (2002)
Salman,S., “Protective relays in medium and high voltage systems”, Energy, Electricity,
Electromechanics, Issue 45, pp. 48-55 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Analysis techniques for forging forming process”, Machine Tech
Journal, Issue 24, Volume 1, pp. 148-157 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ.,”Theoretical analysis of optimum height/diameter ratio in forging
process”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp. 50-53 (1998)
Koç, Y.,Salman,S., “Galvanized coating of steel”, Machine Market Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp.
28-33 (1998)
Köse,R., Salman,S., “Heat treatment of metallic materials by using fluidized bed systems”, Machine
Tech Journal, Issue 35, Volume 1, pp. 32-34 (1998)
Salman,S., Dal,H., “Protection of metallic materials by phosphating”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue
38, Volume 1, pp 40-47 (1998)
Salman,S., Köse,R., “New method for measuring residual stresses resulting from welding process”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 33, Volume 1, pp. 42-46 (1997)
Yüce,H., Salman,S., “Use of search services on the Internet”, Packaging-Plastic World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp. 74-81, (1997)
Salman,S.,”Electrical insulation properties of two types of alumina ceramic coatings”, Metallurgy
Journal,Issue 109,Volume 21,pp 55-59 (1997)
Salman,S., Ünver,B.,”A new process in surface hardening of tool steels:nitempering”, MetalMachinery Journal, Issue 93, Volume 1, pp. 69-74, (1997)
Salman,S., “Modern Fire Detector and Alarm Systems Technology”, Electricity, Energy,
Electromechanics Journal, Issue: 42, pp. 104-108, (1997)
Salman, S.,”Typical Application Areas of Ceramic Coatings Made by Thermal Spraying Method”,
Makine-Tek Journal, Issue 16, Volume 1, pp. 60-65 (1996)
Salman,S.,”Wear Behavior-Bond Strength Relationship in Ceramic Coatings Made by Plasma
Spraying Technique”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 245-259,
Salman,S., “Investigation of Thermal Shock Properties of Plastic Coatings Coated on Metal Surfaces
by Flame Spray Method”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 179-189,
Salman,S.,“Ceramic Coatings”,Technical Education Journal, Issue 3, Volume 1, pp. 16-19(1993)
Publications in the proceedings of refereed conferences and symposiums
Ulupinar, H., Kalender, M., Çelik, A. A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “TIG Welding Fixture Design for 3-
Axis Machines”, Presented at The V. International Battalgazi Scientific Studies Congress, Malatya.
Kalender, M., Ulupinar, H., Çelik, A. A., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Usability of Additive Manufacturing
Technologies in Welding Technologies Course”, Presented at the V. International Battalgazi
Scientific Studies Congress, Malatya. (2020)
Kalender, M., Kılıç, S. E., Ersoy, S., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printer
Technology in Aerospace Industry”, Presented at the 9th International Conference on Recent
Advances in Space Technologies, İstanbul. (2019)
Nevcanoğlu, A., Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Investigation of Microstructre and Hardness
Properties of Inconel 718 Material Combined With TIG Welding After Aging Heat Treatments”
Presented at the IMSMATEC 2019, Nevşehir. (2019)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Kıyıcı, Ismail Akın, Salman, S., “Effect of Yttrium Oxide Addition on the
Mechanical Properties of Sheep Based Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the 3rd International Scientific
Studies Congress, Antalya. (2019)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Ataş, S., Salman, S., “The Effect Of Barium Zirconate Additive On The Bovine
Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the icomus 2019, Istanbul. (2019)
Kalender, M., Kiliç, S. E., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., Türker, A., “Design and Development of Portable
Fixture for Various Dimensions Specimens Joining by Friction Stir Welding”, Presented at the Middle
East International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies, Beyrut. (2019).
Nevcanoğlu, A., Algan, O., Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “The Effect Of Magnesium Oxide Additive
On The Sinterability Microstructural And Mechanical Properties Of Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at
The Imsmatec 2019, Nevşehir. (2019).
Kılıç, S. E., Kalender, M., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Effect of Welding Parameters on Mechanical
Properties and Microstructure in Joining Titanium Sheets with Intig Welding”, Presented at the 5th
International Conference on Welding Technologies and Exhibition (ICWET’18). (2018)
Bozkurt, Y., Türker, A., Soytemiz, G., Salman, S., “The Investigation and Comparison of friction stir
spot welding and Electrical Resistance Spot Welding of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Joints”, Presented
at the 4 th International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Kiev. (2018)
Ergül, E., Kurt, H. İ., Oduncuoğlu, M., Yılmaz, N. F., Salman, S., Gül, F. Magnesıum Oxıde Adding
to Al2024 Alloys. Presented at The 3rd International Energy Engineering Congress. (2018)
Kalender, M., Kılıç, S. E., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Effect of Tool Geometry on Mechanical
Properties in Friction Stir Welding of Different Materials”, Presented at The 5th International
Conference On Welding Technologies And Exhibition (Icwet’18), Sarajevo. (2018)
Kırıkçı, H., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Three-layer friction stir spot welding of Al-Mg-Si alloy”,
Presented at the 2nd International Defense Industry Symposium, Istanbul. (2017)
Imamoglu, Kerim, Özbey, S., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., “The Effect of Copper Addition On
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AA 1055 Aluminium Alloys”, Presented at the IATS 2017.
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Altun, E., Aydoğdu, M. O., Salman, S., “Biomaterials, Spare Parts of the Living
Body”, Presented at the 1st International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress in
Antalya, ANTALYA. (2017)
Bozkurt, Y., Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., & Salman, S. “Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar AlCu4Mg1 and
AlMg3 Plates Joined by Friction Stir Spot Welding”. Presented at the International Symposium on
Multidisciplinary Studies (ISMS), Belgrad. (2016)
Çakmak, M. A., Ömeroğlu, A., Bayrak, F., OKTAR, F. N., More, Y. S., SALMAN, S., GÜNDÜZ, O.,
“Investigation of Electrospun Corn Starch”, Presented at the 12th International Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Conference. (2016)
Turan, E., Çakmakli, B., Gökkurt, T., Salman, S., “Development of Polypropylene
polymethylpentene Blends for use in food Packaging”, Presented at the 1st International
Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2016), Adana. (2016)
Kömür, B. H., Altun, E., Aydoğdu, M. O., Bilgiç, D., Gökçe, H., Ekren, N., … Gündüz, O.,
“Hydroxyapatite Synthesis From Fish Scale Atlantic Salmon Salmo Salar”, Presented at the 6th
International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress&Exhibition
(APMAS2016). (2016)
İnan, A. T., Kömür, B. H., Gökçe, H., Ficai, A., Salman, S., Ekren, N., … Gündüz, O., “Physical
Characterization of Turbot Psetta Maxima Originated Natural Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the
6th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress&Exhibition. (2016)
Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., Gökçe, Hasan, Salman, S., “Effect of Sintering Temperatures on a Commercially
Pure Synthetic Hydroxyapatite”, Presented at the Internatioan Material Science and Technologies
Conference, Kapadokya (IMSTEC’16), Nevşehir. (2016)
Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., “Effect of Cerium Oxide on Hydroxyapatite Alumina
Binary Composites”, Presented at the ISMS 2016, International Symposium on Multidisciplinary
Studies. (2016).
Çakmak, M., Ömeroğlu, A., Bayrak, F., OKTAR, F. N., More, Y. S., Salman, S.,Gündüz, O.,
“Investigation of Electrospun Corn Starch”, Presented at the 12th International Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Conference. (2016)
Kaştan, A., SALMAN, S., “An Investigation on the corrosion behaviour of zinc coated Ç1050 Steel
in 3 HCl Solution”, Presented at the International Academic Research Congress, ANTALYA. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Pazarlioğlu, S. S., Salman, S., “Mechanical Properties Of Dissimilar Alcu4mg1 and
Almg3 Plates Joined By Friction Stir Spot Welding”, Presented at the International Symposium on
Multidisciplinary Studies (ISMS), Belgrad. (2016)
Bozkurt, Y., Salman, S., Uzun, H., “Effect of Temperature Distribution on Mechanical Properties of
Metal Matrix Composite Materials Joined by Friction Stir Welding”, Presented at the 4th International
Conference on Welding Technologies and Exhibition (ICWET’16), Gaziantep. (2016).
Pazarlıoğlu, S. S., Gökçe, Hasan, Salman, S., “Meleagris Galopova Hydroxyapatite TiO2
Composites”, Presented at The 16th International Scientific Congress, CNIC 2015. (2015)
Ergin, S., Keskin, K., Salman, S., Gülsoy, H. Ö., Özbey, S., “The Usage of Conditioned BCG Signals
for the Detection of Fundamental Cardiac Arrhythmia Diseases”, Presented at the 2015 International
Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, Madrid. (2015).
Kerem,A., Atayeter,Y., Salman,S., "An Infinite Energy (Wind Energy) Study for Burdur Province",
1st Teke Region Symposium, (2015)
Minez, B., Salman, S.,Köse,R., “Investigation of WC and CrC coatings for abrasion resistance of
mixer blades used in magnesite refractory production”, KOMPEGE III, 2015.
Pazarlıoğlu,S., Kurt,H., Salman, S., “Effect of silica addition to bovine hydroxyapatite”, KOMPEGE
III, 2015.
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gokce, H., Salman,S., “ Effect of sintering on meleagris gallapova titanium oxide
composites”, 16th International Scientific Congress, La Havana-Cuba, 2015
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gokce, H., Salman,S., "Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Meleagris
Gallopova Hydroxyapatite", POLYCAR 22, World Forum on Advanced Materials, Stellenbosch,
South Africa, (2014)
Bozkurt, Y., Turkuz, M. C., Salman, S.,"Friction stir welding of metal matrix composite sheets with
thin film coated tools", 3rd International Welding Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Manisa,
Türkiye (2014)
Ozen, M.S., Yuksek, O., Sancak, E., Usta, I., Pazarlıoğlu, S., Salman, S., “Investigation of
electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of mono axial, biaxial, multiaxial fabrics and their
composites produced from stainless steel yarns", 2nd International Conference on Value
Addition&Innovation in Textiles, Faisalabad, PAKISTAN (2013)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Salman, S., "Sintering Effects on Physical Properties of Bovine Hydroxyapatite
(BHA)- Al2O3-Commercial Inert Glass (CIG) Ternary Composites", Euro PM2012 - PM Biomaterials,
Bozkurt,Y., Çam,G., Salman,S., “Investigation of Joining of 2xxx and 5xxx Series Aluminum Sheets
by Friction Stir Spot Welding”, 2nd International Conference on Welding Technologies and Exibition,
Ankara, (2012)
Akgül,A., Pazarlıoğlu,S.S., Tutak,D., Ozomay,Z., Beytut,H., Ozakhun,C.,Salman,S.,”Ceramic
coating application for a worn steel based material of printing industry”, International Iron & Steel
Syposium, Karabük, (2012)
Pazarlıoğlu,S.S.,Oktar,F.N., Salman,S., “Sintering effects on the properties of bovine hydroxyapatite
(BHA)- Al2O3- commercial inert glass (CIG) ternary composites”, EURO PM 2012 Conference, Vol.
1, pp 235-240, Basel, Switzerland, (2012)
Topuz,P., Topuz,A., Salman,S.,” Boronizing in Indirect Heated Fluidized Bed Furnace”, I. Surface
treatment symposium, Istanbul (2011)
Salman,S., Gül,F., “Effect of Al2O3 weight ratio on abrasive wear behavior of Al/(SiCp+Al2O3)
Composites”, KOMPEGE 2011, İzmir,(2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Tutak,D., Akgül,A., Özomay,Z., Beytut,H., Özakhun,C &Salman,S.,”Investigation
of wear behavior, hardness and bond strength properties of Al2O3 -%40TiO2 composite coatings
formed by plasma spray method”, KOMPEGE 2011, İzmir, (2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Beyit,A., Ersoy,S., Sancak,E., Küpeli,G., Salman,S.,” Mechanical Properties of biaxial glass fiber and pistachio shell reinforced polyester composites”, KOMPEGE 2011, İzmir, (2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Berk,M., Küpeli,G., Koçak,D., Salman,S.,“Effect of Sintering Temperatures on
Mechanical Properties of Bovine Hydroxyaapatite 5%( Al2O3-TiO2) Composites”, KOMPEGE 2011,
İzmir, (2011)
Çal,B., Aydemir,B., Salman,S.,“The advantages of new generation hardness measurement
methods” 5. International quality conference, Kragujevac, Srbije,(2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman,S., Koz,M., “Mechanical Properties of 316L Stainless Steels
Reinforced with 5% and 10% Al2O3 Particle Reinforcement in Nano and Micro Sizes”, 6th
International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Elazığ, (2011)
Çal,B., Aydemir,B., Salman,S., “Material selection criteria and priorities in different electronic
applications”, 5.International quality conference,Kragujevac, Srbije,(2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Kıyıcı,I.A., Salman,S., “Characterization of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite-glass
composite coatings onto titatium alloy substrate”, Ti-2011,12th World Conference on TitaniumBeijing, China, (2011)
Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Oktar,F.N., Salman,S., “Characterization of porous bovine
hydroxapatite (BHA) structures and layer porous composites with inert glass (CIG)”, Euro PM 2011
Barcelona-Spain. Barcelona, Spain(2011)
Akyurt,N., Oktar,F.N., Karacaylı,U., Yetmez,M., Pazarlıoğlu, S.S., Salman,S.,”Characterization
bovine dentine derived hydroxiapatite (BDHA) structures”, Euro PM 2011 Barcelona-Spain, (2011)
Bozkurt,Y., Uzun,H., Salman,S.,”Mechanical Properties of Metal Matrix Composite Sheets Joined
by Friction Stir Welding Method”, 13. International Materials Symposum (IMPS 2010), 13-15 October
2010, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Türkiye (2010)
Çal,B., Baylakoğlu,İ., Pazarlıoğlu,S.S., Salman,S., “Failure types and analysis in electronic
components and materials” 13th International Materials Symposium (IMSP’2010), Denizli, Türkiye
Küpeli,G., Tekin,N., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S.,”Joining Stainless Steel and Low Carbon Non-Alloyed
Steels by Submerged Arc Welding Method”, 6th International Advanced Technologies Symposium,
Salman,S., Akalin,M., Ersoy,S., Kupeli,G., Okuscuk,E., Pazarlıoğlu,S.S.,”Mechanical properties of
bi-axial glass fiber and walnut shell reinforced polyester composites”, 5th International textile,
clothing & design conference – Magic World of Textiles, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2010)
Oktar,F.N., Gunduz,O., Kayali,E.S., Salman,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Agathopoulos,S.,”Bovine derived
hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with nano-titanium oxide (TiO2)”, V Congreso
Internacional de Biomateriales, BIOMAT'2010. La Habana, Cuba (2010)
Ozyegin,L.S., Kiyici,I.A., Salman,S., Yilmaz,S., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N.,”Effect of nano-dopants
on mechanical properties of nanohydroxyapatite composite”, V Congreso Internacional de
Biomateriales, BIOMAT '2010. La Habana, Cuba(2010)
Salman,S., Pazarlioglu,S.S., Ozyegin,L.S., Yilmaz,S., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “Effect of nanolanthanum-oxide doping on mechanical properties of natural hydroxyapatite”, V Congreso
Internacional de Biomateriales,BIOMAT '2010. La Habana, Cuba (2010)
Pazarlioglu,S.S., Salman,S., Ozyegin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., Yelten,A., Yilmaz,S., Agathopoulos,S.,
“Hydroxyapatite nano-lanthanum-oxide composites”, 4th Greek Conference of the Hellenic Society
of Biomechanics, HSB (ELEMBIO). Ioannina, Greece(2010)
Gunduz,O., Karacayli,U., Salman,S., Kayali,E.S., Sengil,A.Z., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “A
Novel Hydroxyapatite: Sheep Hydroxyapatite”, BIOCERAMICS 22. Daegu, Korea(2009)
Salman,S., Karacayli,U., Gunduz,O., Kayali,E.S., Sengil,A.Z., Valerio,P., Agathopoulos,S.,
Oktar,F.N., “Nb-oxide-Hydroxyapatite Composites”, BIOCERAMICS 22, Daegu, Korea (2009)
Demirkol,N., Karaçaylı,U., Gündüz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Salman,S., Kayalı,E.S., Oktar,F.N., “A
novel biomaterial Chicken hydroxyapatite (CHA)”, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced
Materials and Processes, Euromat 2009. Glaskow, UK. (2009)
Salman,S., Ozyeğin,L.S., Oktar,F.N., Agathopoulos,S., “Effect of sintering temperature on
mechanical and microstructural properties of zeolite (clinoptilolite) reinforced bovine hydroxyapatite
(BHA) composites”, Proceedings of the I International Conference on Biodental Engineering” Porto,
Portugal (2009)
Sennaroğlu,B., Keskin,Z., Salman,S., “The process is applied with Taguchi experimental design
method”, ÜAS 08 VIII.National Production Research Symposium, Istanbul (2008)
Aktaş,B., Tekeli,S., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Effect of microstructure on
fracture toughness of NiO/YSZ (yttria stabilized zirconia) ceramics”, VII. Ceramics Congress with
International Participation, Afyon (2008)
Aktaş,B., Tekeli,S., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Sağlam,N., Salman,S., “Impedance spectroscopy of
SiO2/YSZ (Yttria Stabilized Zirconia) ceramic materials”, VII. Ceramic Congress with International
Participation, Afyon (2008)
Bozkurt,Y., Gündüz,O., Salman,S., Uzun,H., “Mechanical properties of sheet aluminum alloys joined
by environmentally friendly friction stir welding technique”, 13th International Energy, Cogeneration
and Environmental Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Istanbul (2007)
Gündüz,O., Demetgül,M., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Prediction of ZrN coated tool steels
produced by physical vapor deposition method using artificial neural networks”, 13th International
Energy, Cogeneration and Environmental Technologies Conference and Exhibition, İstanbul (2007)
Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Cost analysis in closed die forging of steels”, IV. Machine Design and
Manufacturing Technologies Congress, TMMOB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Konya Branch,
Konya (2007)
Salman,S., Oktar,F.N., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Oveçoğlu,L., Kayali,E.S., “Sintering effect on
mechanical properties of composites made of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) and commercial inert
glass (CIG)”, Key Engineering Materials, (Volumes 330-332), Bioceramics19(2007)
Gunduz,O., Bozkurt,Y., Küpeli,G., Çalış,İ., Salman,S., “Use of green technology laser beam source
in automotive industry”, 13th International Energy, Cogeneration and Environmental Technologies
Conference and Exhibition, Istanbul (2007)
Gunduz,O., Demirkol,N., Bozkurt,Y., Agathopoulos,S., Ozyegin,S.L., Oktar,F.N., Salman,S.,
“Mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with SiO2, MgO, Al2O3,
and ZrO2”, 1 st Chinese-European Symposium Biomaterials in Regenerative Medicine, Suzhou,
China (2006)
Salman,S., Cal,B., Gunduz,O., Agathopoulos,S., Oktar,F.N., “The influence of bond-coating on
plasma sprayed alumina-titania,doped with biologically derived hydroxyapatite on stainless steel”,
AVS 53rd International Symposium and Exhibition”, San Francisco, CA, USA(2006)
Salman,S., İ.Çalış, “Investigation of fatigue properties of austempered spheroidal graphite cast iron
(ASGCI) at different temperatures”, 10. Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2004)
Bozkurt,Y., Sözöz,H., Salman,S., “Computer aided cost analysis in closed die forging of steels”, 10.
Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2004)
Salman, S., Gülsoy, H.Ö., “Sintering of 17-4 PH stainless steel powders”, 10th Denizli Materials
Symposium, Denizli (2004)
Salman,S., Urtekin,L., “An experimental example of ceramic coating on engine piston rings and
cylinder liners”, Automotive Technologies Congress-OTEKON’02, Bursa (2002)
Girit,O., Sözöz,H., Gülsoy, Ö.H., Salman,S., “Determination of optimum cutting range in the
production of copper and its alloy sheet materials with cutting die”, 9th Denizli Materials Symposium,
Denizli (2002)
Salman,S., Girit,O., Sözöz,H., “Grinding and tool sharpening education”, International Educational
Technologies Symposium, Sakarya (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Determination of appropriate cutting range in aluminum materials”,
9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Determination of appropriate cutting range in steel sheet materials”,
9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Urtekin, L., Salman, S., Köse, R., “Wear properties of some ceramic and metallic coatings”, 11th
International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, p:1220-1227, Istanbul, (2002)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Effect of heat treatment conditions on mechanical properties of 17-4PH
stainless steel parts”, 9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Kurt,M., Salman,S., Evkaya,M., “Mathematical modeling of porosities in coatings made by thermal
spraying techniques”, 9th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2002)
Urtekin, L., Salman, S., Köse, R., “Investigation of thermal properties of different ceramic coatings”,
11th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, p: 1273-1280, Istanbul, (2002)
Salman,S., Gunduz, O., “Investigation of the properties of electroless nickel coatings under
laboratory conditions”, 11th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress. Istanbul, Turkiye
Urtekin,L., Salman,S., Köse,R., “Applicability of ceramic coatings for wear resistance in automotive
industry”, 5th International Ceramics Congress, No:21, p:284-290, Istanbul(2001)
Girit,O., Salman,S., Sözöz,H., “Machinability of GGG 40-50-60 Cast Irons”, MAMTEK 200, Manisa
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Determination of Optimum Burr Geometry in Die Forging
of Al6061 Material”, MAMTEK 2001, Manisa (2001)
Salman,S., Arda,T., Yükler,İ., “Investigation of Wear Problem in Valve-Seat Element of Atomized
Drying Plant”, 8th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2000)
Salman,S., Öksüz,M., “Porosity-Coating Properties Relationship of Ceramic and Plastic Coated
Surfaces”, 8th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (2000)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Effect of Graphite and Phosphorus Additions on Mechanical Properties
of Iron Based Powder Metallurgy Products”, Machinery & Manufacturing Technologies Symposium,
Konya (1999)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Effect of Temperature and Lubrication Variables on the Ring Test
of 6061 Aluminum Alloy”, Machinery & Manufacturing Technologies Symposium, Konya (1999)
Uçar,M., Demirer,H., Salman,S., “Residual Stresses in Ceramic Coatings”, Denizli Science Days,
Denizli (1999)
Kurt,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Effect of Varying Silicon Amount in Aluminum Alloys on Chip Removal
Ability”, Denizli Science Days, Denizli (1999)
Salman,S., “Ceramic Converters and Their Use in Turkish Conditions”, Fifth Combustion
Symposium, Bursa (1997)
Salman,S., Vayvay,Ö., “The Thermal Sprayed Coatings Applications In Aero Engines Components”,
Fifth Combustion Symposium, Bursa (1997)
Salman,S., Erçetin,R., Samur,R., “Effect of the Change in Coating Thickness on the Dielectric
Strength of Ceramic Coatings in Different Ceramic Coatings”, 7th Denizli Materials Symposium,
Denizli (1997)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., Koz, M., “Effect of Cu Varying Between 2% and 3% on Mechanical
Properties in Fe-Cu Compacts Produced by P/M”, 7th Denizli Materials Symposium, Denizli (1997)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Effect of Different Amounts of Graphite Additions to Fe-Cu Compacts on
Mechanical Properties at Constant Sinter Temperature and Constant Times”, 1st National Powder
Metallurgy Conference, Ankara (1996)
Oksuz,M., Salman,S., Samur,R., Yildirim,H.,“Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Plastic
Coatings Coated on Metal Surfaces of Some Transportation Vehicles by Flame Spraying Method”,
First National Transportation Symposium, Istanbul (1996)
Samur,R., Oksuz,M., Salman,S., Yildirim,H., “Investigation of Wear Resistance of Plastic Coating
Coated on Metal Surfaces by Thermal Spraying Method” International Welding Technology 96
Symposium, Istanbul (1996)
Köse, R., Salman, S., “Evaluation of Hardness Values in Fillet Welds Applied to Shafts with and
without Heat Treatment”, Proceedings Book of International Welding Technology’96 Symposium, p:
271-280, Istanbul (1996)
Salman,S., Samur,R., “Investigation of Thermal Shock Properties of Zirconia Based Ceramic
Coatings Made with Two Different Coating Techniques”, First International Aviation and Advanced
Technologies Symposium, Istanbul (1995)
Kaya,A.A., Salman,S., Samur,R., Koz,M., “Effect of Combustion Atmosphere on Coating Powders
in Thermal Coating Methods”, Fourth Combustion Symposium, Bursa (1995)
Samur,R., Salman, S., Kaya,A.A., “Experimental Observations on Bond Strength of Ceramic
Coatings”, 8th International Metallurgy and Materials Congress, pp39-407(1995)
Oksuz,M., Samur,R., Salman,S., Yildirim,H., “Effects of Combustion Atmosphere on Plastic Coating
Dust in Plastic Coating Made by Thermal Spraying Method”, Fourth Combustion Symposium, Bursa
Kaya,A.A., Samur,R., Salman,S., “Microcracks in Ceramic Coatings Before Service” 6. Denizli
Materials Symposium, Denizli (1995)
Salman,S., Samur,R., Kaya,A.A., “Investigation of Wear Behavior of Two Types of Ceramic
Coatings in Laboratory and Service Conditions”, II. International Ceramic Congress,Vol2, page 430-
441 (1994)
Cakici,M., Salman,S., Gulluoglu,A., “Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Zirconia Based Thermal
Barrier Coatings”, Air War Academy 1st Aviation Symposium, Istanbul (1994)
Prof. Dr.Serdar Salman, Doç.Dr. H. Özkan Gülsoy, ““Science of Metallography”, Nobel Publications,
Prof. Dr. Fehim Fındık, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzun, Prof. Dr. Serdar Salman , “Fundamentals of
Materials Science”, Nobel Publications, (2011)
Other papers
Gündüz,O., Küpeli,G., Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Investigation of electroless Ni –P coating properties”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 58, Volume 1, pp 60-66 (2008)
Bozkurt,Y., Salman,S., “Production errors encountered in forging process and solution suggestions”,
Mold and Technologies Journal, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 96-103 (2007)
Gündüz,O., Oktar,F.N., Salman,S., “Effect of pulse bias voltage on ZrN coatings by cathodic vacuum
arc”, Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, YTU,
Istanbul (2005)
Gündüz,O., Bozkurt,Y., Gülsoy,H.Ö., Salman,S., “Mechanical alloying technology and application
areas”, Metal World, Issue 124, Volume 1, pp 85-88 (2003)
Gülsoy, H.Ö., Salman, S., “Determination of machinability properties of powder metallurgy product
Fe-Cu-C and Fe-Cu parts by drilling test”, Metal Dünyası, Issue: 125, Page: 91-94 (2003)
Boran,N., Salman,S., “Investigation of joints made by TIG spot welding”, Metal World, Issue 8,
Volume 1, pp. 20-25 (2003)
Boran,N., Salman,S., “Comparison of mechanical and microstructure properties of joints made with
electric resistance spot and TIG spot welding on 6114 steel sheet materials”, Metal World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp. 46-51 (2003)
Topal,A., Salman,S., “Experimental investigation of ceramic coating of engine piston materials”,
Surface Treatment Journal, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp. 43-47 (2002)
Salman,S., Köse,R., Dündar,F., “Investigation of mechanical properties of different glass fiber
reinforced PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylate) composite materials”, Machine Market Journal, Issue
2, Volume 1, pp. 53-56 (2002)
Sözöz,H., Girit,O., Salman,S., “Parameters affecting forging force and mold filling in hot forging”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 1, Volume 1, pp. 12-15 (2002)
Girit,O., Sözöz,H., Salman,S., “Prediction of part quality produced in injection molding process by
using artificial neural networks”, Plastic-Packaging Technology, Issue 2, Volume 1, pp. 22-25 (2002)
Koç,Y., Salman,S., “Galvanized coating of steel”, Machine Market Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp.
28-33 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Theoretical analysis of optimum height/diameter ratio in forging
process”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue 43, Volume 1, pp. 50-53 (1998)
Sözöz,H., Salman,S., Yükler,İ., “Analysis techniques for forging forming process”, Machine Tech
Journal, Issue 24, Volume 1, pp 148-157 (1998)
Salman,S., Dal,H., “Protection of metallic materials by phosphating”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue
38, Volume 1, pp 40-47 (1998)
Köse,R., Salman,S., “Heat treatment of metallic materials by using fluidized bed systems”, Machine
Tech Journal, Issue 35, Volume 1, pp. 32-34 (1998)
Salman,S., Köse,R., “New method for measuring residual stresses resulting from welding process”,
Machine Tech Journal, Issue 33, Volume 1, pp. 42-46, (1997)
Yüce,H., Salman,S.,“Use of search services on the Internet”, Packaging-Plastic World, Issue 2,
Volume 1, pp 74-81 (1997)
Salman,S., Ünver,B., “A new process in surface hardening of tool steels: Nitempering”, MetalMachinery Journal, Issue 93. Volume 1 pp. 69-74 (1997)
Salman,S., “Modern fire detector and alarm systems technology”, Electricity, Energy,
Electromechanics Journal, Issue: 42, pp. 104-108 (1997)
Salman,S., “Electrical Insulation Properties of Two Types of Alumina Ceramic Coatings”, Metallurgy
Journal, Issue 109, Volume 21, pp. 55-59 (1997)
Köse,R., Salman,S., “Evaluation of hardness values in fillet welds applied to shafts with and without
heat treatment”, Machine Tech Journal, Issue 34, Volume 1, pp. 22-24 (1996)
Salman,S., “Investigation of thermal shock properties of plastic coatings applied to metal surfaces
by flame spray method”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp 179-189
Salman,S., “Wear Behavior-Bond Strength Relationship in Ceramic Coatings Made by Plasma
Spraying Technique”, Marmara University Journal of Science, Issue 13, Volume 1, pp. 245-
Salman,S., “Typical Application Areas of Ceramic Coatings Made by Thermal Spraying Method”,
Machine-Tech Journal, Issue 16, Volume 1, pp. 60-65 (1996)
Supervisor of MSc Theses
Furkan KELEŞTİMUR, Investigation of the effect of parameter changes in the production and heat
treatment processes of maraging steels on mechanical properties, National Defence University
Alparslan Defence Sciences and National Security Institute, (2023)
Ozan ŞERBETÇİ, Carbine Buffers for Small Caliber Rifles, Tungsten (Tungsten) Ratios and
Alternatives, National Defence University Alparslan Defence Sciences and National Security
Institute, (2021)
Seda Ataş BAKDEMİR, Investigation of ticrn thin film coatings produced by nitration and cathodic
arc pvd method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2020)
Erkan SAĞDIÇ, Analysis of defects in machining of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)
composite materials and their effects on mechanical properties, National Defence University
Alparslan Defence Sciences and National Security Institute, (2020)
Akay NEVCANOĞLU, Investigation of the post-welding properties of inconel 718 super alloy
materials combined with TIG welding method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2019)
Yağızer YAVUZ, Effect of nanoparticles on mechanical properties of weld made from nanoparticle
added core welding wire, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2019)
Burak ÖZBEK, Skeletal structure production for tissue engineering with the help of 3D printer,
Marmara University Institute of Science, (2019)
Mehmet Onur AYDOĞDU, Production of tissue hydrogel added scaffolds with 3D bioprinting
method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2018)
Ece MURAÇAL, Investigation of the effects of alpha type nucleating reagents on the recycled
polypropylene blends from domestic wastes, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, (2017)
Emine TURAN, Development of polypropylene/polymethylpentene blends for use in food
packaging, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, (2017)
Serel ÖZMEN, Material selection for marine environments by fuzzy desision methods, Marmara
University Institute of Science, (2012)
İsmail Akın KIYICI, Characterization of hydroxyapatite-glass composite coating produced by
plasma spray method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2011)
Engin ŞAHİN, The optimization of current, voltage and welding speed from the parameters of
robotic gas metal arc welding with Taguchi Method, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2008)
Yalçın Yazıcıoğlu, Application of advanced technological platings on metallic substrates and
investigation of functional properties, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2007)
Tolga GÖKKURT, Evaluation of mechanical properties of thermoplastics coated by different
methods, Marmara University Institute of Science, (2007)
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Supervisor of PhD Theses
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Süleyman Serdar PAZARLIOĞLU, Production of hydroxyapatite based bioceramics in different
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Barkın MİNEZ, Research on the effects of the abrasion resistant coating (CrC, WC wire, WC plate)
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Halil İbrahim KURT, Investigation of the effect of magnesium and titanium to mechanical and
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Polat TOPUZ, Development of boronizing parameters and boronizing of different steels in fluidized
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Yahya BOZKURT, Mechanical properties and microstructure of friction stir butt welded
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Bülent AKTAŞ, An investigation of microstructure, mechanical properties and ionic conductivity of
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H.Özkan GÜLSOY, The Effect of two types of added boron on the microstructure and mechanical
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University Institute of Science, (2003)
Issue Date: 04th of December 2024
Mehmet Erdi Korkmaz graduated from his Phd in 2018. He is currently working as Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Karabük University. He got his master degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same university. He also takes a Bachelor degree in mechanical engineering from Middle East Technical University. He had been studied as guest researcher at Ghent University, Belgium in 2017. His research areas are mechanical behaviour of materials, Constitutive material model parameters, Finite element modeling of machining process, tribology in machining and additive manufacturing. He has authored or co-authored over 50 publications, including scientific papers in high impact international journals and conference proceedings. His expertise and contributions in the field of machining have afforded him many collaborative works with important Institutions. He is a reviewer for many international Journals (for Elsevier, Springer, Sage, etc.).