Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA) journal started its publication life in 2020 and is published by Mustafa GÜNAY. MATECA publishes original scientific articles in the fields of Traditional and Non-traditional machining methods, Additive manufacturing methods, Casting, Plastic forming and Molding methods, Powder metallurgy and Coating methods, Welding, Joining and Assembly, Design, Modeling and Simulation, Imaging, Control and Automation. It is an international peer-reviewed scientific e-journal to be published three times a year (April, August and December). There is no article fee and an open access policy has been adopted. The journal accepts scientific articles in English and Turkish via the DergiPark system. The article evaluation period is approximately 3 months.
Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA) journal publishes original research and review articles.
MATECA follows guides and politics published by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for ethical rules and responsibilities of authors, journal editors/subject editors, reviewers and publisher.
Plagiarism Check
Articles submitted to Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA), are evaluated after passing through the Plagiarism Detection Program “ithenticate”. The similarity rate limit is 20% at most, excluding references. The article that is not found suitable as a result of the preliminary evaluation is sent to the author(s) again for the necessary corrections without being evaluated.
Pre-checking the Manuscript by Author
The article submitted by the author must not have been previously published and submitted for evaluation to any journal.
The submission file must be in Microsoft Word document file format.
URLs of references should be provided where available.
The text should be prepared according to rules specified in the author’s guide.
Blind Referee Process
Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA) is a peer-reviewed academic journal in which scientific articles passed through the double-blind peer-review process are published.
For review of submitted manuscripts, at least two referees are appointed by the editor (s) according to the content of the work and the expertise of the referees. All referee evaluation reports are sent electronically and anonymously. The names of the referees who made the assessment are not specified in the reports and in the journal due to the double blind process. However, after the evaluations, a letter of appreciation is sent to the referees.
Blind refereeing processes directly affect the quality of academic publications. The evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double-sided blind review. Referees cannot contact the authors directly, evaluation and referee reports are sent through the e-mail management system. In this process, evaluation forms and referee reports are sent to the author(s) by the editor. Double-sided blind reviewing helps editors make decisions in an impartial manner to the authors. Authors also have the opportunity to improve their work by obtaining important information about their work.
Decision Making Process
The editors and the publisher send all works submitted for publication to at least two referees who are experts in their fields for evaluation. In case of a dispute between the referees, a third referee is appointed and the article is decided according to the majority’s decision. Evaluation forms filled in by the referees and corrections on the text, if they prefer, are sent to the authors by contacting the responsible author. The final corrected file from the author is re-evaluated by the referees and the field editor, and it is decided whether the study will be published or not.
Studies sent to the referees for evaluation should be considered as confidential documents. Studies should not be shown to others and their contents should not be discussed. Where necessary, referees may seek advice from other colleagues, with the permission of the Chief Editor. The Editor-in-Chief can give this permission only in the event of an exceptional condition. The confidentiality rule also includes people who refuse to act as reviewers.
Impartiality Principle
No personal criticism should be made to the authors during the evaluation process. Evaluations should be made in an objective and contributing way.
Citation of Reference
The referees are obliged to inform the authors if there are any citations that are not cited in the study. Referees should pay particular attention to works that are not cited in the field or citations that overlap with similar works. The referees should inform the editors in the event of publication that is similar to any previously published work or information.
Information and Conflict of Interest
Referees should not agree to evaluate if they have any collaborative connections with any author, company or institution for which they are asked for evaluating their work, and should inform editors of the situation as soon as possible.
Referees may not use unpublished works or parts of works in the manuscripts submitted to the journal without the written consent of the author(s) for evaluation. The information and ideas obtained during the evaluation should be kept confidential by the referees and should not be used for their own benefit. These rules include those who do not accept the reviewing.
Publication Language
Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA) reviews research articles written in Turkish and English.
Publication Frequency
In MATECA, which has been publishing issues since 2020, one volume is published every year and each volume consists of 3 issues (April, August and December).
Open Access Policy
Manufacturing Technologies and Applications journal provides instant open access to its content, adopting the principle that providing scientific studies free of charge will increase the global sharing of knowledge.
All articles accepted and published by Manufacturing Technologies and Applications journal are freely available, openly accessible. We follow the guidelines presented by Budapest Open-Access Initiative (BOAI) regarding the Open-Access.
Wage Policy
Manufacturing Technologies and Applications (MATECA) journal, does not charge the author / authors at any stage (submission, evaluation and publication of articles) for publication procedures.