Before submitting your article to the World of Accounting Science (MBDD) via DergiPark, we kindly request that you review the following article checklist and the journal's writing guidelines. (
Article submission checklist:
1. When submitting your article to the journal, please include a plagiarism report generated using a plagiarism detection tool such as Turnitin or iThenticate. Articles with a similarity score exceeding 20% will not be considered for review.
2. No author information should appear in the text or the file name of the submission. If authors cite their own works, they should refer to themselves as "author(s)."
3. The cover page should include the title of the article, the authors' names, and their affiliations.
4. Each author must have an ORCID number. Therefore, ORCID, a global academic identification number, should be obtained by all authors for free at
As shown in the example below, ORCID numbers should follow the authors' email addresses, and their affiliation details should be listed as a footnote.
The following information should appear as a footnote on the first page of the article:
Article Submission Date: ..........; Article Acceptance Date: ............
** Scientific University, AccountingDepartment,,
** Corresponding author ORCID Information (After the article is accepted for publication, these details should be updated for all authors in the order of institution name, department/program, email address, ORCID).
5. JEL Classification should be written (not JEL Codes) and the word JEL must be written in uppercase letters.
6. In accordance with the TR Dizin ( requirements the following information should be included between the results section and references:
Conflict of Interest Statement: Authors must indicate whether there is any conflict of interest with any person or institution. Please complete the Conflict of Interest form and upload it when submitting your article:
Financial Support: If the study received funding from an institution, the name of the institution (and project number if applicable) must be specified.
Acknowledgments: If any person or institution provided support in for the research, they should be acknowledged.
7. In accordance with TR Dizin ( )criteria, for multi-author studies, the Contributions of Authors must be declared. The authors' initials and last names should be used to indicate which author contributed to which section, as shown below. The first implementation started in the March 2021 issue.
Example in Turkish:Study Concept/Design- BÖ; Manuscript Drafting- BÖ, FİA; Critical Review of Content- FİA, BÖ; Final Approval and Accountability- BÖ.
Example in English:
Conception/Design of Study- BÖ; Drafting Manuscript- BÖ, FIA; Critical Revision of Manuscript- FIA, BÖ; Final Approval and Accountability- BÖ.
8. Authors must upload the Copyright Transfer Agreement via the DergiPark system when submitting their article. To access the agreement, click
MBDD follows the guidelines in COPE Authorship Guideline to ensure fair recognition of contributions to a research paper ( ). Authorship carries both credit and responsibility, and it is essential that all listed authors have made significant contributions to the research.
For multi-author studies, the Contributions of Authors must be declared after the conclusion and before the bibliography of the paper. The authors' initials and last names should be used to indicate which author contributed to which part of the manuscript. Details can be found by clicking the “Article Submission Checklist” button. The authors can acknowledge contributions that do not merit authorship.
The author(s) should disclose the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted tools in design and implementation of the research. Such use need to be disclosed within the methodology section of the manuscript. Use of AI does not preclude the manuscript from publication, rather provides a transparent picture of the research.