Writing Rules

Writing Rules and Author Guidelines

MBDD – The World of Accounting Science publishes papers in Turkish or English.

The editorial review process relies on the actions of both authors and the editorial board.

Authors are expected to submit original articles that fall within the journal’s scope and have not been published elsewhere. However, previous versions of the manuscript that have been part of a working paper series or presented at conferences without full paper proceedings do not prevent submission.Manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere and must not be submitted for publication in another journal while under consideration by the World of Accounting Science.Authors should not submit the same work or present essentially the same research in multiple journals.

All works submitted to the World of Accounting Science must be entirely original, and all sources and materials must be properly cited. Any instance of plagiarism will result in the rejection of the submitted manuscript. Additionally, they are required to disclose the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted tools in design and implementation of the research. Such use need to be disclosed within the methodology section of the manuscript. Use of AI does not preclude the manuscript from publication, rather provides a transparent picture of the research.

Authors must ensure that their manuscripts adhere to the journal’s writing style and formatting requirements. Additionally, they are required to disclose the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted tools in design and implementation of the research. Such use need to be disclosed within the methodology section of the manuscript. Use of AI does not preclude the manuscript from publication, rather provides a transparent picture of the research.

Editors are responsible for facilitating the review process, providing constructive feedback, and making timely decisions based on the rigor and contribution of the submitted research.

As of February 2022, MBDD revised and updated manuscript preparation and style requirements.A key requirement is that if the main text of the paper is in English, a Turkish extended abstract must be provided, and vice versa, along with abstracts in both Turkish and English. Assistance will be offered to non-Turkish speaker authors in producing the Turkish extended abstract.

Before submitting a manuscript, we advise you to review authorship definitions and ethics requirements (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/mbdd/policy) and (https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/mbdd/page/9238 ) and format the requirements (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/25241) of the journal. Adherence to these rules will facilitate a quick return.

By submitting a manuscript for review, authors are assumed to have accepted these conditions as set forth by the editorial board.

Authors who wish to withdraw their submitted works due to delays or for any other reason must contact the editor.

The journal holds the copyright to all submitted manuscripts, and authors must sign a transfer of ownership as specified in the "Article Submission Checklist." There are no royalty payments to authors, and no submission fees are required for the journal.

Last Update Time: 3/1/25, 10:59:36 AM

MBDD follows the guidelines in COPE Authorship Guideline to ensure fair recognition of contributions to a research paper (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/discussion-document/authorship ). Authorship carries both credit and responsibility, and it is essential that all listed authors have made significant contributions to the research.

For multi-author studies, the Contributions of Authors must be declared after the conclusion and before the bibliography of the paper. The authors' initials and last names should be used to indicate which author contributed to which part of the manuscript. Details can be found by clicking the “Article Submission Checklist” button. The authors can acknowledge contributions that do not merit authorship.

The author(s) should disclose the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted tools in design and implementation of the research. Such use need to be disclosed within the methodology section of the manuscript. Use of AI does not preclude the manuscript from publication, rather provides a transparent picture of the research.