Articles sent to the Journal of Millî Eğitim for publication go through the following processes;
1. Manuscripts are accepted through Dergipark. Each manuscript is reviewed from three aspects by the Editor and the Review Board.
At this stage,manuscripts that do not sufficiently comply with the Journal's writing rules and scientific publication criteria, and articles in which the requested information and documents are incompletely uploaded to the Dergipark system, are rejected by the decision of the Editor and Preliminary Review Board. In addition, articles that are out of scope, that is, articles that are not considered to be suitable for the name, field, memory and readership of the journal, are returned, even if they are complete and very successful. For such articles, which are numerous in number, rejection reasons cannot be created with long explanations one by one. No international scientific journal has such a feedback obligation.
2. In somemanuscripts, very minor deficiencies that do not require return may be detected. In this case, the missing information or document is requested by sending a message to the author via the Dergipark system. It is the author's responsibility to follow up on these messages. Journal of Millî Eğitim relies on the Dergipark system in its correspondence with authors and referees, and there is no opportunity or obligation to communicate with each author through various channels due to the current workload.
3. After the preliminary review process is completed, the manuscripts that are decided to be sent to the referees are sent to three referees who are experts in their field. The referee process continues until we receive 2 positive or 2 negative reports about the article. Detailed information about the referee process is explained in detail in the "Blind Referee System" section.
Millî Eğitim Dergisi aims to publish qualified studies that can contribute to our education system, in line with science and scientific publication ethics, under the supervision of expert referees. An objective evaluation and publication process in accordance with "Blind Referee System" is considered important. For this reason, the authors must follow the whole process through the DergiPark system. Articles sent to the personal e-mails of the journal staff or other e-mails of the journal are not considered because they are not suitable for the “Blind Referee System". The fact that our journal is indexed in relevant research databases, especially Scopus and Tr Index, and is a journal cited as an example by TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM proves that it meets the conditions of scientific publishing ethics.