Necmettin Erbakan University Faculty of Law Journal (NEÜHFD) Writing Guidelines
The contact address for the journal:
Articles should be prepared in "Microsoft Word." The main text should be in Times New Roman 12 points, normal style, while footnotes should be in Times New Roman 10 points, normal style, and submitted to the editor via DERGİPARK. Citation should follow the footnote method, and references should be made as shown in the examples below. Page structure should have margins of 2.5 cm at the top and bottom, and 2 cm on the right and left. The text should be justified. As a general rule, articles, along with the bibliography, should be between 3000 to 15,000 words. Line spacing should be 1.15, with a 10-point space after each paragraph. The first line of paragraphs should be indented by 1.25 cm. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically by authors' last names. On the first page of the article:
First, the Turkish title of the article should be in bold and 14 points. One line space Bold "Abstract" in 12 points Abstract of at least 125 to a maximum of 300 words in 11 points At least 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords One line space The foreign language title of the article in bold and 14 points One line space Bold "Abstract" in 12 points Abstract of at least 125 to a maximum of 300 words in 11 points At least 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords in a foreign language One line space Start the INTRODUCTION section without skipping a page, and titles of INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION should not be numbered. All headings except the main title of the article should be in 12 points and bold, and the structuring should be in the form of I/A/1/a. Refer to the last example text for more details. Citations for the works used should appear in the bibliography as follows (For sources not covered in the examples, the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation system can be used. For detailed information on MLA citation, visit:
Last Name, First Name. Title of the Work in italics, Edition, Publisher, Place of Publication, Year.
Example: Russell, Stuart Jonathan, and Norvig, Peter. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Pearson, United Kingdom, 2021.
Last Name, First Name. Title of the article in quotation marks, Name of the Journal in italics, Volume, Issue, Year, page range.
Example: Tatar, Samet. "‘The Stabilization Clause’ of The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Agreements: A Legal Review", Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, V. 5, No. 2, 2022, p. 465-481.
Internet sources, reports, dictionaries, etc., should be prepared similarly to the examples above. In such sources, if there is an author, the author is mentioned; otherwise, the name of the institution can be given. For daily newspapers, when providing the date, include the month and day.
Examples: Akbulak, Sevinç. Ulusal Varlık Fonları(Sovereign Wealth Funds): Gelişmeler ve Düzenleme Çalışmaları, 2008, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Araştırma Raporu.
Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation. Historical Timeline, 2018,, (Accessed: April 30, 2018).
O’neal, Michael. A New Breed of SWF Without The Wealth. Kuwait Times, (18.03.2017), s. 3.
In works prepared by more than one author, the full names of all authors should be written. Example: Oğuzman, M. Kemal / Seliçi, Özer / Oktay-Özdemir, Saibe. Eşya Hukuku, Gözden Geçirilmiş 11. Baskı, Filiz Kitabevi, İstanbul, 2006.
Citations for the sources used should be shown as footnotes at the end of each page. In the first citation, all information in the bibliography should be included. The page used should be located at the end of the citation.
Example: Ayhan, Rıza. “Tasarruf Mevduatı Sigorta Fonunun Hukuki Mahiyeti”, Gazi Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Prof. Dr. Naci Kınacıoğlu’na Armağan, V. I, No. 2, 2013, p. 31.
In subsequent citations to the same work:
For books: Last Name, page number. For articles: Last Name, page number.
Example: Kapani, p. 21. Ayhan, p. 36.
If more than one work by the same author is used; if the years of the works are different, the year should be indicated. If the years are the same, the title of the work should be abbreviated to distinguish it from the author's other works.
Example: Gözler, 2010, p. 43.
Gözler, Anayasa Hukukunun ..., p. 76.
Abstract (12 Points)
Abstract should be at least 125 to a maximum of 300 words.
Keywords: At least five keywords separated by commas. (11 Points)
Abstract (12 Points)
Abstract in a foreign language should be at least 125 to a maximum of 300 words.
Keywords: At least five keywords in a foreign language separated by commas. (11 Points)
I. First Subtitle Section
A. Second Subtitle Section
Third Subtitle Section ........
Third Subtitle Section .........
B. Second Subtitle Section
II. First Subtitle Section
A. Second Subtitle Section
Third Subtitle Section ........
Third Subtitle Section ............
B. Second Subtitle Section
Oğuzman, M. Kemal / Seliçi, Özer / Oktay-Özdemir, Saibe. Eşya Hukuku, Gözden Geçirilmiş 11. Baskı, Filiz Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2006. (12 Points and hanging 1.25 cm).