Writing Rules

o The journal has taken into account the spelling rules of the APA (American Psychological Association) in the spelling rules.

The plagiarism rate in the articles submitted to this journal cannot exceed 20%.

The journal examines the articles with a double-blind peer review process.

o The study must comply with grammar rules.

o In the article, the latest TDK Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the use of punctuation marks, and the wording and abbreviations should be followed, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the scope and purpose should not be included. In the preparation of the article, the valid scientific methods should be followed, the subject of the study, its purpose, scope, the reason for the preparation, etc. the information should be provided in sufficient order and in a certain order.

o Title: The title should be in Turkish and English. It should be short, clear and adequately reflective of the content of the article, should be written in capital letters and bold, and should not exceed 16 words.

o Abstract and Keywords: The Turkish abstract should reflect the purpose, scope and results of the study. The abstract should be at least 150 and at most 300 words in length, and Turkish keywords with minimum 3 and maximum 7 words should be written under one line of the abstract. In addition, the abstract, title and keywords must be in English. Articles written in a foreign language should include titles, abstracts and keywords in Turkish, English and the written language. Care should be taken to avoid language mistakes in abstracts in a foreign language. TAB gap should not be used in Summary and Abstract sections.

o Main Text: It must been to write the articles not exceeding 25 pages by using MS Office Word software program (with .doc or .docx extension).

o Page Setup:      A4, Times New Roman, 12 font size
                             Margins 2.5 cm from right, left, top and bottom
                             Line Spacing 1.5
                             Page number should be given at the bottom of the page, centered
                            TAB should be given in each carriage, except for the abstract.

o Main headings: All of them should be written in capital letters, left aligned and bold. Numbering will be made except for the INTRODUCTION and RESULT sections.
o Subheadings: All dark, left-aligned; the first letter of each word must be capitalized.
o Numbering of Titles: Numbering of titles to be used in the article should be as follows:

                    1. XXXXXXX XXXX
                        1.1. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx
                            1.1.1. Xxxx Xxxxx
                            1.1.2. Xxxxx Xxx Xxxxx
                        1.2. Xxxx Xxxxxxx

o Reference Usage: In a candidate article, the author is required to indicate the owner and source of any information, data, opinion that does not belong to him. In addition, reference should be made to the previous publication when transmitting information and views from another publication published by the author. Each source given in the text should also be in the bibliography list.

o In-Text Reference Usage: In the citations, “and” should be used among the authors, not the & sign.
    Example, the work of Saraç and Çolak (2012)… (Do not put the apostrophe in parentheses)
   (Synder and Carnahan, 2014), (Connell, Carta and Baer, 1993)
    If there are more than two authors, the citations should be in the text as "Surname, et al. (Year)".
    Example, Özen, et al. (2002) in the study….

o Order of Citations: Citations must be arranged alphabetically in parentheses.
    Example, (Akçamete & Kargın, 1996; Ayer, 1984; Mert, 1996; Özen, Çolak & Acar, 2002; Sağıroğlu, 2006; Sucuoğlu, 2001)

o In the quoted Source Text: Seidenberg’s study (1993) (as cited in Coltheart, 1996) ...             
In Bacanlı's (1992) (act., Yüksel, 1996) study ...

o Same Surname Author: If there are two authors of the same surname, the initials of the authors' names must be given together with their surnames.                 
Example is “……….” In the articles made by N. Özdemir (1985) and M. Özdemir (1990). In the researches of R. D. Luce (1959) and P. A. Luce (1986)…

o Studies of the Same Author with the Same Date: If the same author has more than one study with the same date, the end of the date should be sorted in lowercase letters (such as a, b, c). The order of citation in the text should be taken into account in the order.
Example, (Demir, 1990a, 1990b, 1990c; Yılmaz, 1992 edition-a, 1992 edition-b) Baheti, (2001a), Baheti (2001b)

o Two Studies of the Same Author: While two studies belonging to the same author are given, they should be given according to the years of the studies.
Example, (Myers, 1998, 2003)

o Personal Communication Sources: Information obtained through sources such as personal letters, interviews and e-mail. Only the source is shown in the text, not in the bibliography list. When giving the source, if possible, the exact date should be given.
(H. J. Killian, personal communication, November 16, 2015)

Tables, Figures and Appendices
o Elements such as tables, figures, pictures and graphics should be included in the text. It should not be given at the end of the study.
o You should be selective about how much visual items (such as tables, graphics, figures) will be used in the article.
o The main thing is to convey the information in the article in the most understandable way to the reader; tables, complex figures and graphics, which are long and full of numbers, sometimes make the information given more difficult to understand. Therefore, the results that can be clearly understood in the study should not be given in the table. For example, mostly statistical significance tests can be easily expressed in text: “One way variance analysis results, F (1,148) = 4.96, p = .031, *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, * p <0.10 according to the socioeconomic level in the form of a meaningful difference… like ”.
o Statistical results given in the text should not be given in the table. Statistics given in the table should not be written again in the text, but should be referred to the table.
o Vertical lines separating columns and horizontal lines separating rows should not be used in tables; underscores at the beginning and end of the table and lines below the rows with column headings should be made clear.
o 9-point Times New Roman font should be used in tables and figures other than the general template. In the paragraph section of the Paragraph tab; field before and after 0, line spacing must be odd.
o Tables and figures should be left-justified and text wrapping should be off
o Tables and figures should be numbered in the order they are given in the article (For example, Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3)
o A given table should be cited in the text. When referring to the tables, the table number should be used. Statements such as “in the table below, in the table above” should not be used. (For example, when looking at Table 5…)
o Explanatory notes may be included under the table or figure, and the source of the table taken from another source should be given as a note under the table.
o In general, while the elements such as table, figure, picture and graphic are given in the text, the following format features should be taken into consideration.
o The materials that are not suitable to be given in the text should be given as “attachment”, after each reference, on a new page.
o If there is only one supplement in the article, it should be titled as “Appendix” and should be referred to in the text in the same way (see Appendix A). If there is more than one appendix, it should be listed as “Appendix A, Appendix B,…” and should be referred to in the text in the same way (see Appendix A, Appendix B).
o Attachments that are not cited in the text should not be included as attachments. The appendices must also have titles and, if desired, include formulas, numbers, tables, figures or drawings.

Bibliography Display

    Book with a single author: Surname, A. (Year), Name of the Book(Italic), Publisher, City.
    Book with multiple authors: Surname, A., Surname, A. and Surname, A. (Year), Title of the Book (Italic), Publishing House, City.
    Book chapter: Surname, A. (Year), Title of the chapter, in the Editor's Surname, Title of the Book (Italic), Publisher, City.
    Journal article with a single author: Surname, A. (Year), Title of the article, Name of the Journal (Italic), Volume (Number), p.
    Journal article with multiple authors: Surname, A., Surname, A. and Surname, A. (Year), Title of the article, Name of the Journal (Italic), Volume (Number), p.
    Internet excerpt: Surname, A. (Year), Title(Italic), site. Access Date:.