Publication Rules

It should be prepared in accordance with the publication rules given in the following link submitted to the Nüsha Journal of Oriental Studies.

Nüsha (Journal of Oriental Studies) is a peer-reviewed international journal which is published twice a year in June and December. Nüsha accepts the articles written in the field of orientalism, (language, literature, literary history, culture); verification and presentation of manuscripts, scientific criticism, book criticism and translated articles. The articles to be published are required to comply with the criteria of scientific research, to bring an innovation to the world of science and not to be published elsewhere. Article processes are carried out through
Evaluation of articles
• The first page of the article should contain the author's name, surname, title, institution, e-mail and Orcid No.
• If the manuscripts submitted to Nüsha Oriental Studies Journal are subjected to preliminary evaluation in terms of compliance with the principles of the journal, they are sent to two referees from the same field for scientific review. In this process, the identity of the referees and the author is kept confidential. The editorial board makes the final decision on the article.
• An author who sends an article to our journal cannot have his/her article published in two consecutive issues or more than one issue in the same year. At least one issue must be published.
• If one of the referee reports for publication is positive and the other is negative, the work is sent to a third referee.
• The articles that are decided to be published are published in the printed and online form after the page arrangement.
• All responsibility for the content of the manuscripts published in Nüsha Journal of Oriental Studies belongs to the authors.
Publishing language
• The publication language of Nüsha is Turkish of Turkey. However, English, Arabic, Persian and Urdu articles may be published with the decision of the editorial board. In addition, Arabic, Persian and Ottoman Turkish manuscripts that not more than 20 pages may be published.
Spelling rules and page layout
• Manuscripts should be written in MS Word or compatible programs. The font should be Times New Roman, 11 pt and 1 line spacing. For articles written in Arabic the font should be Sakkal Majalla, 13 t and 1; for Persian articles, Blotus, 13 pt, and 1; for Urdu articles, 11 pt and 1..
• The page is A4-size; top 2 cm, bottom and left margins 2.5 cm; right margin 1.75 cm.
• It is mandatory to use the "Article Template" in the articles to be sent to our journal. For the article template, see:
• Paragraph spacing before must be 0 nk, after 6 nk.
• The title of the manuscript should be written in bold and should be compatible with the content of the subject.
• At the beginning of the articles except for book criticism there must be Turkish and English abstracts consisting of at least 200 words and keywords consist of 4 to 5 words. Turkish and English titles of the manuscript should be included. Abstracts in Turkish or English are required for the articles in Arabic or Persian.
• Authors whose work is accepted for publication are required to add a structured abstract that consist of at least 700 words followed by an abstract in English with the title of Structured Abstract. The structured abstract should include findings outside the introductory part of the study and conclusions. Structured abstract will make it easier for articles to be cited in abroad.
• Titles should be written in bold. The use of intermediate titles in long articles will be beneficial for the reader.
• The spelling and punctuation guidelines of the Turkish Language Association should be taken into consideration in cases where the article or subject necessitates.
• It is sufficient to show the places that you want to emphasize in the text with “quotes”.
• When quoting the block, the entire quotation should be in a tab (1 cm). References should be cited when the citation is finished (source, year, page number).
• In articles with multiple authors, the manuscript should be uploaded to the system with the name of first author. The names of subsequent authors should be indicated on the system in the other authors section.

• Nüsha Journal of Oriental Studies accepts APA 6.0 or Endnotes citation.
• In-text references should be presented as author surname, year of the work and page number. Ex. (Sahinoglu, 1991, p. 97).
• If there is a compiler, translator, author, proofreader or editor of a work, it should be surely shown in the bibliography.
• In electronic sources, the author, the title of the work and the publication date should be used. Access date must be given in the bibliography within the last six months.
• References that are not cited in the text should not be shown in the bibliography.
• Bibliography should be arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors at the end of the article. In more than one work of the same author, the author's name is indicated with a straight line after the first source.
• Articles written in languages other than the Latin alphabet such as Arabic, Persian and Urdu must include the title, abstract and keywords written in Latin letters; The sources used in the bibliography should be given in transcription/translation.
Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The name of the book is italic and the first letters are in big letters (except conjunctions). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The name of the book is italic and the first letters are in big letters (except conjunctions). (First Letters of Translator's Name. Translator's Surname, Translated.) Print Place: Publisher.
Babacan, İ. (2015). “Tarzî-i Efşâr’ın Türkçe Şiirleriyle Farsçada Oluşturduğu Folklorik Bir Üslup” Bilig. (Yaz, 74, s. 21-44) Ankara.
Coşguner, F. (2002). Menûçihrî-yi Dâmgânî, Divanının Tahlili ve Tercümesi. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi) Ankara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Dostoyevski, F. M. (2015). Yeraltından Notlar. (N. Y. Taluy, Çev.) İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
Irâkî, F. (1386/2007). Külliyât-ı Fahreddîn-i Irâkî. (tsh. Doktor Nesrîn Muhteşem) Tahran: İntişârât-i Zevvâr.
Kırlangıç, H. (2014). Meşrutiyetten Cumhuriyete İran Şiiri. Ankara: Hece Yayınları.
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬———, (2010). Ahmed Şamlû ve Şiiri, Yalnız Yürüyen Adamın Şarkısı. İstanbul: Ağaç Yayınları.
Murtaza, K. (1384/2005). Şamlû ve Câ-yi Şi‘reş. Vijenâme. (Sonbahar/Kış, I, s. 71-76) adresinden erişilmiştir. (Erişim tarihi: 26.04.2018).
Şahinoğlu, M. N. (1991). “Attâr, Ferîdüddîn”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. (IV, s. 95-98) İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları.For detailed information, please refer to
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Last Update Time: 2/21/25, 11:05:40 PM