Aim & Scope

The objective of the Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research is to create a comprehensive platform for the publication of scientific studies that contribute to the advancement of marketing, marketing research, and related disciplines at both national and international levels. The journal aims to foster the dissemination of academic knowledge in the marketing field, supporting the development of theoretical frameworks and research within this area. Furthermore, it seeks to contribute to the scientific progress of marketing research, facilitating the advancement of academic work in the discipline. It also aims to reveal the results for the decision-making, process management, and activities of the enterprises with theoretical knowledge and findings. It  has the purpose of explaining how the findings for business managers can be used in practice with the data obtained from the factors that make up the market.

Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, published in Turkish and English, for marketing academics and practitioners in the field of marketing and marketing research. Our journal publishes empirical, descriptive and theoretical studies in all sub-fields of marketing, such as consumer behavior, international marketing, service marketing, digital marketing, marketing research, and sustainability marketing, both theoretically and practically. 

The submission of a manuscript does not guarantee its acceptance for publication. Format-checked manuscripts by the editors are initially allocated a one-month period for the first decision of reviewers. This period may be extended if necessary; therefore, the duration of the peer review process may vary. The Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research adopts a double-blind refereeing system to ensure quality and impartiality in scientific research, so that the evaluation is based entirely on the scientific quality, originality, and contributions of the work. Manuscripts are first reviewed by the editor for quality and conformity with the journal's policies, and those deemed appropriate are submitted for peer review. At least two independent reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on criteria such as originality of the research, methodological accuracy, presentation of findings and contribution to the literature. In line with the referee reports, the article is accepted, asked for correction or rejected. To ensure impartiality, confidentiality is essential at all stages of the process and only scientific criteria are considered.

Period Months
January May September
Last Update Time: 3/19/25, 11:21:47 AM