Dr. Sıddık Bozkurt is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Business Administration at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University. His research interests range from customer behavior to social media agility. His work has been published in Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Marketing Analytics, Journal of Marketing Communications, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, International Journal of Logistics Management, and International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
Professor Dr. Selçuk Burak Haşıloğlu, whose area of expertise is marketing information systems, has been conducting academic studies since 1993. He holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics and two master's degrees in business and computer engineering, and completed his doctorate in 2006 at Gazi University's Department of General Business. The focus of both his master's and doctoral theses is on e-commerce and marketing information systems, with their research being among the first of its kind in the country.In 2009, he successfully completed his postdoctoral studies, which he conducted for a period of one year at the Henley Business School Informatics Research Centre at the University of Reading in England. During this period, he was awarded the Science Award by the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey.He has received six scholarships/awards to date, and has authored over 10 books on digital marketing, business and marketing information systems.He has conducted over 100 scientific studies, and played an active role in over 20 projects, including three TUBITAK and two ministry projects. He was awarded associate professorship in marketing science in 2011 and became a professor in 2017.His research is focused on marketing research, marketing analytics, data science and mining, decision analysis, decision sciences and digital marketing.He has served as president of the Marketing and Marketing Research Association and the Chess Clubs Federation, and has participated in numerous social responsibility projects. He has been serving as the general secretary at Pamukkale University since 1995, and has held administrative positions such as faculty management and faculty board memberships, technopark board memberships, department heads, university commission memberships. Haşıloğlu is a consultant in the private sector, specialising in blockchain, game world, mathematical economy and dynamics, big data analysis and analytics, marketing research, business intelligence and information systems management. He is currently employed at the Pamukkale University Department of Management Information Systems, which he established.
Yuksel Ekinci is a Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Business and Law, University of Portsmouth. His research focuses on destination branding, Consumer-Based Brand Equity, and global marketing strategy. His scholarly work has been widely published in leading academic journals, including the Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Analysis, Tourism Management, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, and Psychology & Marketing. Additionally, Yuksel serves on the editorial boards of several prominent journals in tourism and marketing, such as the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and the Journal of Travel Research.