Journal of Agriculture Faculty (JAF) of the Isparta University of Applied Sciences
Submission Guidelines
Documents to be uploaded to the system with the article:
- Title Page
- Copyright Transfer Form
- Ethics Commitee Decision Form
- The manuscript text should be formatted with 2.5 cm margins on all sides, double line spacing, and consecutive page and line numbering. Before and after each paragraph, the "Spacing" settings in the "Line and Paragraph Spacing" options should be set to zero (0) for "Before" and "After."
- Please use Calibri (10pt) as the preferred font for the manuscript text. The main headings should be written in bold with the first letter of each word capitalized. Subheadings should have only the first letter of the first word capitalized and be written in italics. All manuscripts submitted to the journal must be prepared following the journal's writing guidelines, as outlined below.
1- Ethics committee approval is required for research articles involving surveys or animal experiments.
2- A similarity report from İ is mandatory for manuscript submission. For more information about İ, visit
- Title
The English title should be written in 14 pt (bold and centered) lowercase letters (only the first word of the title is capitalized) and in plain text. The Turkish title should be written in 12 font size and centered.
Note: No information about the names and institutions of the authors should be written. Author and institutional information should be uploaded to the system as a separate file as Title Page Information.
- Abstract
Please note that the abstract should not exceed 200 words in Turkish and 250 words in English. The text must be concise, and realistic and adhere to the relevant Turkish and English writing conventions. This section should provide a brief overview of the research project, including its objective and a summary of the key findings. Please note that the abstract must be written in both Turkish and English.
- Keywords
Please provide a minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords in both Turkish and English immediately following the abstract. These keywords should adhere to the respective writing conventions. The keywords should be listed in alphabetical order, with the first letter of the first word capitalized and all subsequent words in lowercase. Please include the keywords below in both the Turkish and English abstracts.
- Introduction
This section should set out the objectives of the study and provide sufficient background information on the topic. It should not include an extensive literature review or a summary of results. The purpose of the study should be mentioned at the end of the introduction. Each paragraph should be separated from the previous one by a single blank line.
- Material and Method
Please provide a comprehensive explanation of the methods used in the study, with references provided where necessary. If additional information needs to be presented under subheadings within this section, please ensure that the first letter of the first word in each subheading is capitalized and that the remaining text is in lowercase.
- Results and Discussion
The authors may choose to present the Results and Discussion sections together or as separate headings. Please refer to the sections labeled 'Results' and 'Discussion'. The results should be presented clearly and concisely, with the inclusion of figures and tables where necessary. When information needs to be presented under subheadings in the results section, the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, with the remaining text in lowercase. The results of the study should not be repeated in the discussion section. Instead, the significance of these results should be explained by comparing them with existing literature in the field. It is not necessary to cite or discuss extensively any published literature.
- Conclusion
This section should present the main outcome derived from the key findings of the study, along with any relevant recommendations.
- Acknowledgements
Acknowledgment notes should be presented under a separate heading before the references section. They should not be added as footnotes on the title page or in any other form. Institutions and organizations providing financial support for the research, as well as individuals or entities offering assistance during the writing process, should be acknowledged here. If the article is derived from a project or thesis, it should also be mentioned in this section.
- Author Contributions (The title should be added after the article is accepted)
In this section, the contribution percentages of all authors to the work should be stated in Calibri font, 10-point, double line spacing, and left and right justified. This section must be completed, even for single-author works.
Examples of terms that can be used for the declaration:
Formal Analysis
Resource/Material/Instrument Supply
Data Curation
Original Draft
Writing Review and Editing
Supervision, Observation, Advice
Project Administration
- Example of Author Contribution Declaration:
Author's Name: Research, Original Draft Writing.
Author's Name: Research, Validation, Review and Editing.
Author's Name: Resource/Material/Instrument Supply, Supervision, Observation, Advice.
- Conflict of Interest
In this section, the author's conflict of interest statement related to the work should be provided in Calibri font, 10-point, double line spacing, and left and right justified. Please complete this section. If no conflict of interest exists, the following statement should be included:
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
- Ethics Committee Approval
If the study is categorized as requiring "Ethics Committee Approval" (see:, the relevant document details must be provided in Calibri font, 10-point, double line spacing, and left and right justified. This section must be completed in full. If no ethics committee approval information is available, the following statement should be included:
As the authors of this study, we confirm that we do not have any ethics committee approval.
- Title Page Information
Title: Please provide a title for the document. The title should be concise and informative. In information retrieval systems, titles are commonly used, so it is advisable to avoid abbreviations and formulas in the title itself.
Author Names and Affiliations: Please provide the names of the authors and their affiliations. Please provide the full names of the authors, including first and last names, without abbreviations. The authors' professional affiliations should be provided with their surnames followed by a superscript in lowercase letters. Additionally, the ORCID numbers for each author should be listed after the affiliation address.
Corresponding Author: Please direct all correspondence related to the publication process to the corresponding author. All correspondence during the publication process should be directed to the corresponding author. Accordingly, the corresponding author should be indicated with a superscript, followed by their email address and up-to-date contact information.
- Equations and Formulae
Please ensure that all equations are numbered in sequence within the text. Subscripts and superscripts must be legible. Please note that equations should be numbered consecutively on the right-hand side, within parentheses. Should an equation be included in the text, it should be placed in a single-line table with hidden borders and two cells. The equation should be centered in the left cell and the equation number should be aligned to the right and sized to fit only the number in the right cell. Please find below examples of equations.
Please find below an example of an equation layout:

This configuration guarantees accurate alignment and clarity for both the equation and its corresponding number.
- Figure
The figure title should be brief and descriptive of the figure. When using images, the image files should be in an acceptable format (TIFF or JPEG, EPS or PDF, or MS Office files), and the resolution quality should be good. Maps must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Figures and images should be numbered in the order they appear in the text.

- Table
Tables should be prepared as editable text in MS Office files. Tables can be placed either next to the relevant text in the article, at the end, or on separate pages. They should be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text, and any notes related to the table should be placed below the table body. In the text, tables should be presented with their names and descriptions, as shown in the examples below.
- In tables and text, decimal notation should be indicated with a dot(.). Comma (,) should not be used in decimal writing. (It should be 2.19, 2.19 is wrong notation)
- Example:

- Table Numbering and Description
In table numbering and descriptions, a period should be used after the number and everything up to (and including) the period should be written in bold. The table numbering and description should be placed above the table. There should be one line of space before and after the table, separating it from the preceding and following paragraphs. The text within the table should be legible. If necessary, the table can be added in a single column at the top or bottom of the page. The table content and headings should be no smaller than 8-point font.
- References for Text and Reference Section
Every reference cited within the text must also be included in the reference list according to APA format (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications should not be included in the reference list. To enhance the discoverability and ensure high-quality peer review of the research, online links (e.g., Scopus, CrossRef, PubMed) to cited sources can be provided. For web references, the full URL and the date of last access must be included. If more information (e.g., DOI, author names, dates, reference to a published work) is available, it should also be provided.
Within the manuscript text:
- Single author: Authors Surname, Year (Somogyi, 2021)
Two authors: Both authors' surnames and the publication year should be included in the citation (Somogyi and Zhao, 2021)
Three or more authors: Only the first author's surname, followed by "et al.," and the publication year should be included in the citation. (Zhao et al., 2021)
Direct citations (or in parentheses) can be made. Citation groups should be listed in chronological order.
Examples: (Somogyi, 2020a, 2020b, 2019; Somogyi and Zhao, 2018; Zhao et al., 2017)… Parker et al. (2021) have recently shown…
- Within the Reference list:
Reference to a journal publication
Gharibi, S., Tabatabaei, B. E. S., Saeidi, G., & Goli, S. A. H. (2016). Effect of drought stress on total phenolic, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant activity of Achillea species. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 178(4), 796-809.
- Reference to a journal publication with an article number
Önder, S., Tonguç, M., Güvercin, D., & Karakurt, Y. (2020). Biochemical changes stimulated by accelerated aging in safflower seeds (Carthamus tinctorius L.). Journal of Seed Science, 42, e202042015.
Selzer, P. M., Marhöfer, R. J., & Koch, O. (2008). Applied bioinformatics: An introduction (2nd. ed.). Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Reference to a chapter in an edited book
Mettam, G. R., & Adams, L. B. (2009). How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in Jones BS, Smith RZ (eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age (pp. 281-304). E-Publishing Inc.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2019. Statistical data for safflower agriculture. Access date: