Aim & Scope


Sakarya Communication Journal, the academic publication of Sakarya University Faculty of Communication, is a scholarly 'peer-reviewed' journal that focuses on theoretical and applied compilation, research, and theoretical articles in the intersection of social sciences and communication sciences (public relations, advertising, journalism, radio, television, cinema, etc.). The journal is indexed in various  international databases and aims to make scientific contributions to the field of communication while adhering to scientific ethical principles. We accept works in both Turkish and English languages for publication in our journal.


Sakarya Communication Journal, the academic publication of Sakarya University Faculty of Communication, is a international, scholarly, open-access, electronic, and peer-reviewed journal. It is published twice a year, in June and December. Submitted works to the journal undergo an initial evaluation by the editorial board, and the selected works are subjected to the peer-review process and published with at least two positive reviews from reviewers.

The journal welcomes innovative research in the field of media and communication studies, encompassing the following areas and beyond:

  • Mass Communication
  • Journalism
  • Cinema
  • Linguistics
  • Advertising
  • Communication Education
  • Digital Media
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Public Relations
  • Technology
  • Human-Machine Communication
  • Popular Culture
  • Game Studies
  • Digital Publishing
  • Political Communication
  • Cultural Studies
The journal also accepts novel studies related to the field of communication that may not be listed above.

Period Months
June December


 31031 31034 31033

31036 31032

31023  This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.