Article Evaluation Process

Review of the Articles
Article application to Sakarya Communications can be made from the DergiPark Sakarya Communication page, submit article tab. Articles sent by e-mail are not evaluated.

Pre-Review and Plagiarism Checking
The journal's compliance with the writing rules is examined and a similarity check is made to prevent plagiarism. A similarity software is used in the checking process. The overall similarity rate should be less than 20% and the similarity rate from a single source should be maximum 3%. If the similarity rate is more than 20%, the study is either rejected or sent back to the author to reduce the similarity rate. The pre-review is completed within a maximum of 7 days.

Editor/Field Editor Review
After the study passes the stages of pre-review and similarity checking, it is reviewed by the relevant editor/field editor in terms of subject, scope, language use and academic competence. This review is completed within a maximum of 7 days.

Peer Review Process (Double-Blind Peer Review)
Studies that pass the pre-review and editorial review undergo a confidential double-blind peer review process. Within the double-blind strategy, the identity of the peer reviewer is concealed from the author submitting publications to the journal. Similarly, the peer reviewers do not know who wrote the article they are reviewing. In other words, the peer review process is conducted by keeping both authors and peer reviewers anonymous to each other. The reports are also stored in the Article Management System. For detailed information, visit the Peer Review Guide page.

Author's Revision
Authors take into account the feedback, criticisms and recommendations of the reviewer and the Editorial Board. In case of any disagreement, they have the right to appeal with their justifications. Authors edit the article as per the reports and upload the final version of the article to the system.

Field Editor Review
The field editor checks whether the author has made the requested corrections in the text. If there is a “Major Revision” requirement in the peer review reports, they send the article to the relevant peer reviewer. If there is "Acceptance" or "Minor Revision" requirement and the revisions are completed, they can submit the article for language checks (The checking process is completed within a maximum of 7 days.). If they detect that the corrections have not been made, they re-send the article to the author. They may reject the article if the author does not make the corrections again. Articles that are not accepted for publication are not deleted from the system. Their processes and files are stored in the system.

Turkish Language Checks
Studies that pass the peer-review process are examined by the Turkish Language Editor and if necessary, corrections are requested from the author. The checking process is completed within a maximum of 15 days.

English Language Checks
Studies that pass the Turkish language control are reviewed by the English Language Editor and if necessary, corrections are requested from the author. The checking process is completed within a maximum of 15 days.

Editorial Board Review
The articles that pass technical, academic and linguistic reviews are examined by the Editorial Board and the final publication status is determined. In case of any objection from the members, the Board decides by majority of votes.

Typesetting and Layout Process
The journal undertakes the typesetting and layout processes of the studies decided to be published by the Editorial Board.

Turkish and English articles are published in Sakarya Communication. Articles published in Turkish also include English abstracts. Articles published in English do not have to have a Turkish abstract (Turkish abstract is recommended). In articles prepared in Turkish, an extended English abstract should be added. The extended abstract should follow the same writing rules as the article and should be between 750-1000 words. Key words should be written under the extended summary, at least 3 and at most 5 words. Keywords should be written with the first letter of the first word capitalized, other words in lowercase letters and separated by commas. Subheadings within the extended abstract may vary depending on the type of study.

Change of Authorship
Sakarya Communication accepts article authors according to the statement on the Title Page of the article. Therefore, it is the responsibility of authors to submit the final version of the full author list. Requests for any change of authorship after the submission of the article (e.g removal/addition of authors, change of order, etc.) are subject to editorial approval. The Editorial Board will investigate such cases and act according to the COPE flowcharts.

Requests for a change of authorship should be conveyed to the Editor with an official letter stating the reasons for the change. The letter should be signed by all the authors and include their confirmation of the change of authorship. If the request is approved by the Editorial Board, the authors are required to submit a new Copyright Agreement Form according to the final author list.

The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Sakarya Communication and its Editor-In-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board or Publisher. The Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability for such cases. The sole responsibility for the published content lies with the authors.

Complaints and Appeals
Sakarya Communication handles complaints and appeals by following the below procedure. Complaints including but not limited to the long delays in handling studies and publication ethics initially are handled by the Editor-in-Chief of Communication . The Editor-in-Chief examines complaints and appeals together with Area Editors and Editorial Board if applicable. If anything occurs about complaints and appeals please contact
Complaints about the Content of a Paper
The Editor -in-Chief examines the complaints of the author(s), and the reports of reviewers and make a decision about:
- The confirmation of the rejection of the paper,
- The appeal of the author should be considered,
- A fresh opinion from an independent reviewer is needed.
The final decision of the Editor-in-Chief is notified to the author(s). The explanation of the consequences of the appeal is shared with the author(s) if necessary. This is the final decision of Sakarya Communication .
Complaints about Processes
The complaints about processes are handled by the Editor-in-Chief. Long delays in handling studies are examined by editors of Sakarya Communication and any necessary issues are shared with the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief evaluates the complaints, and when necessary, information is shared with the authors.
Complaints about Ethics
The Editor-in-Chief considers complaints about publication ethics of the author’s or reviewer’s conduct. The Editor-in-Chief follows the publication ethics which are published on the Sakarya Communication website. The editorial board of Sakarya Communication examines the concern of complainants or reviewers. The details and progress of the examination are shared with the complainant(s) clearly. The Editor-in-Chief or Assistant Editors provide feedback to the complainant(s) on the manner of action and the final decision.

Privacy Statement
The private information that is held in the administration system of Sakarya Communication will not be shared with any third party and will only be used in accordance with the scientific purposes of this journal and Sakarya University. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article has been seen and approved by all the other authors.

Last Update Time: 7/29/23, 4:41:51 PM


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