Aim & Scope

Selçuk Law Review aims to contribute to the national and international literature by publishing original and scientific articles in the field of law.

The readership of our journal includes all researchers interested in social sciences, especially law students and law practitioners.

Our review is a peer-reviewed international review which is scanned by ULAKBİM TR Index in terms of the Academic Incentive Allowance Regulation published in the Legal Gazette dated 27.06.2018, which accepts articles in the field of law published in electronic media and printed 4 times a year in March, June, September and December. In addition to research articles in the fields of public and private law, decision-making, legislation review, book review and translations are also included in the review. The publication language of the review is Turkish or other European languages.

Our journal accepts articles in the fields of Government & Law, International Relations, Public Administration and Social Issues within the scope of WOS.

Period Months
March June September December
Last Update Time: 2/9/25, 9:20:18 PM

Our journal's publisher website address:

Our journal's publisher: Address and e-mail

Selçuk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, Alaeddin Keykubat Yerleşkesi, Akademi Mah. Yeni İstanbul Cad. No:369 Posta Kodu:42130 Selçuklu-Konya / TÜRKİYE

Prof. Dr. Erhan TECİM

Support Contact
Dr. Selahattin Alan

0332 223 14 12