Selçuk Law Review uses the double-blind referee process. The articles that is sent for publication in the review shall take into consideration of the following issues:
1. The name of the author should be written under the main title with the academic title as “SURNAME“. The information about the author is located on the right side of the page. Authors who want to publish article should take the “ORCID” number and this should be pointing in the footnote with the * sign along with their personal information (Name-Surname, Academic or Profession Title, E-mail Address). The “ORCID” number can be obtained from
2. The title of article in Turkish and foreign languages, abstracts of minimum 100 and maximum 150 words in Turkish and foreign languages and five keywords should be added (belong to abstract) to the beginning of the submitted articles. Bibliography should be include at the end of the article.
3. Page structure: It should be 2 cm head and bottom and also each side. As a rule, articles prepared in this way should not exceed 12.000 words.
4. Manuscripts: Characters should be "Palatino LKinotype" font and written in 11 size. The first line space should be 1 cm, but the following lines will be 1cm. The spaces at the beginning and end of the paragraph should be 3 pt. Style 1 format should only be used for the main title of the article.
5. Footnotes: Footnote characters in the same font as the article, but It should be 9 pt. It should be given automatically and bottom the page. IN BOOKS; Author SURNAME - Name, Book Name, (if any) Number of prints, (if any) Translator (or Editor) SURNAME Name, Place of publication, year and page; IN ARTICLES; Author SURNAME, Name, “Article Name” (in quotation marks), Title, Volume, Number, year and page; In the second and subsequent references to the same study, the author's surname a short name of article and page numbers may be used.
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, Alaeddin Keykubat Yerleşkesi, Akademi Mah. Yeni İstanbul Cad. No:369 Posta Kodu:42130 Selçuklu-Konya / TÜRKİYE