Publication Ethics Statement of the Journal of History, Culture, and Art Research
The Journal of History, Culture, and Art Research is a platform that aims to uphold high ethical standards in scientific publishing by its publishers and editors. In this context, our journal places great importance on scientific integrity, transparency, and ethical values. The following ethical principles outline the fundamental guidelines followed in the journal's internal operations, as well as the writing, peer-review, and editorial processes. These principles are based on the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Correction, Retraction, and Expression of Concern Editors may consider publishing a correction if minor errors that do not affect the findings, interpretations, or conclusions of the article are detected. However, if major errors or ethical violations invalidate the findings and conclusions, the article may be retracted. In cases where there is suspicion of research or publication misconduct, or if evidence suggests that the findings are unreliable or that an investigation has not been properly conducted, editors may consider publishing an expression of concern. The COPE guidelines will be followed in these processes.
Plagiarism Action Plan and the Journal’s Measures Our journal respects intellectual property and aims to promote the protection of original works by authors. Articles containing plagiarism are against the quality, research, and innovation standards of the journal. Authors are expected to comply with ethical standards and avoid plagiarism. In case of suspected plagiarism in a submitted or published article, the work will be reviewed by the journal's Ethics Editor. If plagiarism is detected, the journal will take the following actions:
The university to which the author is affiliated will be contacted, and a request will be made for further action.
The plagiarized article will be removed from the website, and the label "Plagiarized Article" will be added to its title.
The author's account will be deactivated, and future submissions from the author will be rejected for three years.
During the submission process, plagiarism detection software, such as Turnitin, will be used. The plagiarism rate should not exceed 25%, excluding footnotes and references.
Ethics Committee Approval for Studies For studies that require ethics committee approval, authors must submit the approval document. The ethics approval information should be provided on the first page of the manuscript and in the methodology section. Additionally, information about obtaining informed consent from participants should be included, as required.
Publication Policy The Journal of History, Culture, and Art Research conducts an editorial pre-screening of the submitted manuscripts to ensure they comply with the journal’s publication policies and writing guidelines. The manuscripts are then subjected to plagiarism screening. After passing these stages, the articles are sent for a double-blind peer-review process.
Responsibilities of Authors, Reviewers, and Editors
Authorship: All authors must make a significant contribution to the work. The references list must be complete, and plagiarism and falsification of data should be avoided. Authors must declare the originality and accuracy of the research and ensure that errors are corrected and that the article can be retracted if necessary.
Peer Review: Reviewers must act impartially, avoiding conflicts of interest. Reviewers should identify and cite any unpublished relevant sources and maintain the confidentiality of the articles they review.
Editorial Responsibilities: Editors have full authority over accepting or rejecting an article and should not have any conflicts of interest with accepted articles. Editors are also responsible for managing correction or retraction processes in case of errors in the article.
Double-Blind Peer Review Process Submitted research articles are reviewed by two independent reviewers. Book reviews, case studies, and translation articles are sent to a single reviewer. Articles are scanned for plagiarism using Turnitin software. Articles with a plagiarism rate exceeding 25% will be rejected.
Complaints and Allegations Readers who notice significant errors or misconduct (plagiarism, duplicate publications, etc.) in a published article or wish to file a complaint, can email their concerns to Complaints are welcomed as an opportunity for the development of the journal, and the journal aims to respond quickly and constructively.
Conclusion The Journal of History, Culture, and Art Research respects publication ethics, aiming to gain the trust of the academic community and maintain this trust at every stage. This publication ethics statement is based on the journal’s commitment to scientific transparency, integrity, and responsibility in line with its ethical standards.
Karabük Üniversitesi Tarih, Kültür, Sanat Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi