Journal of History, Culture and Art Research is an international academic journal published twice a year on 15 June and 15 December. The journal aims to share scientific research with the public by publishing academic studies in the fields of history, culture, art and literature.
Article acceptance dates:
For the issue dated 30 June: 15 January - 15 March (23:59)
For the 31 December issue: 15 July - 15 September(23:59)
If the number of manuscript submissions reaches a sufficient number, the system may be closed for submission before the manuscript acceptance dates.
Article Acceptance Conditions
In the research article type, only the studies of researchers with a PhD degree (for all authors) are evaluated.
More than one article of an author in the same period cannot be evaluated.
The same author's article cannot be published in two consecutive issues.
Article length:
12000 words in the application and 13,000 words in the publication (with revisions).
For English articles, a limit of 12,000 words will be applied for submission and 13,000 words for publication.
Writing Rules and Citation System
Articles should be prepared in accordance with the Journal Writing Template.
Font type: Gentium Plus, 11 pt, footnotes should be 9 pt.
Citation System: ISNAD Citation System (2nd Edition, Footnoted System) should be used.
Article Writing Template can be downloaded from the web page.
Articles that are not prepared in accordance with the ISNAD Citation System (2nd Edition, Footnoted System) will be rejected directly at the Pre-Checking Stage and will not be reprocessed in the same publication period.
The manuscript is reviewed only once for compliance with the Journal Writing Template. If the requested changes are not made, it will be rejected and will not be processed again in the same publication period.
Evaluation Process
Submitted articles are passed through the following stages:
Preliminary Control
Plagiarism Scanning
Referee Evaluation
Turkish-English Language Control
The manuscripts that pass the Preliminary Control stage are subjected to the evaluation of at least two referees within the framework of the principle of double blind refereeing.
Karabük Üniversitesi Tarih, Kültür, Sanat Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi