Call For Articles

Dear Colleagues
Turkish Nurses Association Journal (THDD) is the official and scientific publication organ of the Turkish Nurses Association. Our journal is the first nursing journal that started its scientific publication life in 1950 under the name “Turkish Nurses Journal” and continued its publication life for 55 years. Since June 2020, the journal continues its publication life with the name of Turkish Nurses Association Journal (THDD) and ISSN 2717-9486. THDD is open access, published three times a year, April, August and December, in Turkish and English, and each published article is assigned a DOI tag. THDD is indexed in the Turkish Citation Index and is in the process of applying to be indexed in TR INDEX ULAKBIM.
The Journal of the Turkish Nurses' Association accepts original research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, literature reviews, case reports, letters to the editor, professional and educational articles in the fields of research, practice, education and management of nursing. Our journal will be strengthened with articles from all our colleagues and students who are academicians and clinical researchers. We invite you to contribute to the Journal of the Turkish Nurses Association with your articles and to improve “Nursing Science”.
Article acceptance in our journal is open indefinitely and your manuscripts are accepted via Dergipark at All authors are informed about the process of their manuscripts, and the manuscript that is accepted at the end of the shortest two and the longest four-week peer review period enters the printing process for the next issue.
Best regards 

Last Update Time: 2/23/25, 8:48:35 PM