Aim & Scope

International Peer-Reviewed Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management (TJFDM) aims to bring the academicians and sector experts together under one roof, and provide a sharing platform for the ongoing research. The main objective of our journal is to guide the academicians and the experts in the sector about the developments in the field and contribute to the literature on fashion design.

Our journal contains theoretical and experimental studies of fashion design including review studies and original research papers. TJFDM also attaches great importance to publish self-disciplined studies. TJFDM also encourages review studies correlated with design as well as technical notes. In TJFDM’s special issue, it is also possible to publish peer-reviewed conference papers that have been approved by the advisory board of the conferences that we have a publishing agreementThe articles of International Refereed Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management (TJFDM) which is included: Design, Service design, Product design, Cloth design, Industrial design, Visual arts, Architecture, Landscape architecture, Interior architecture, Fashion marketing, Marketing, Fashion, Fine arts, Design law, Fashion management, Design philosophy.

Period Months
March September

Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management (TJFDM) Dergisi, Ege Üniversitesi Moda ve Tasarım Yüksekokulu tarafından yayınlanmaktadır.