Writing Rules




Instructions to Authors of Manuscripts

1. The Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management; is an international peer-reviewed journal and published three issues in a year as in February, June and October via  “http://www.dergipark.org.tr”.

2. The publication language of the journal is English and Turkish.

3. The journal publishes original research articles and review studies in Fashion, Cloth Design, Service Design, Product Design, Industrial Design, Visual Arts, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture, Fashion Marketing, Marketing, Fashion Management, Fine Arts, Design Law, Business Administration and Design Philosophy which are not previously published elsewhere. The journal’s special issues publish studies that have been peer-reviewed and previously included in a conference abstract book or in the conference proceedings. The articles that are prepared in the form of “Letter to the Editor” will not be accepted.

4. If the first authors are the same in the manuscripts, only two of them are accepted for the publication in the same issue. Authors are responsible for the scientific content of the manuscripts to be published.

5. The journal holds the copyright of the published articles, and does not pay a copyright fee to the authors.

6. The journal holds the publishing rights of the published articles, and they cannot be published elsewhere without the permission of the board of the journal.

7. Application of the manuscripts should be done via web address; “https://dergipark.org.tr/”

8. The research or rewiev articles should be prepared in English or Turkish under the main headings; Title, Abstract in Turkish and English, Keywords in Turkish and English, Introduction, Material and Methods, Findings, Discussion, Results and References. Results and Discussion can also be written in a single title as “Results and Discussion”.

9. The references used in the articles should be up-to-date for preserving the originality and the currency of the study with the latest research. For the studies that keep their currency, earlier research can be used as references.

10. The submitted manuscripts must not be published elsewhere or should not be under review by another journal at the time of submission. This issue is considered to be within the responsibility of the authors.

11. Any citation in your articles to at least one article among the previous papers published in our journal has a great importance for Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management.

Author Guidelines

1. Manuscripts (except for special issues) must be submitted in Word with the extension of “.docx”. All parts of the manuscript must be typewritten, single column, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch on all sides. Number manuscript pages consecutively through-out the paper and not to exceed 25 pages in total.

2. The article should be prepared according to the "TJFDM Article Writing Template" in the link below.

TJFDM Article Writing Template link:


Citation of references will be carried out according to APA7 rules. You can access APA7 Reference writing rules from the link below.

APA7 reference writing rules:


Last Update Time: 10/3/24, 11:15:32 AM

Turkish Journal of Fashion Design and Management (TJFDM) Dergisi, Ege Üniversitesi Moda ve Tasarım Yüksekokulu tarafından yayınlanmaktadır.