Writing Rules

Please send your articles to our journal by including them in the "TUDEAR Article Template".

Turkish Journal of Religious Education Studies (TUDEAR), which is published semi-annually, has a structure in which both Turkish and English articles are evaluated by expert academics.
In order for the articles submitted for evaluation to be accepted, it is required that they have not been published anywhere before. Submitted articles are first reviewed by the editorial board. If an article meets the necessary conditions in terms of content and style, the reviewers then review the article for suitability for publication.

All articles are evaluated by two referees and, if deemed necessary, are sent to a third referee. Publication of an article is subject to the approval of the referees. Authors are obliged to make the necessary corrections requested by the referees.
In general, submitted manuscripts should be in the following format:

Articles Articles should be at least 5000 and at most 12000 words.
Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word processor with normal margins, 9.5 point Calibri font and 1.15 line spacing, justified on both sides.
Tables, figures, illustrations and charts should be of a size appropriate to the page of the journal. If necessary, they may be typed in smaller font size and single-spaced.

Tables and charts should be numbered sequentially according to their appearance in your manuscript. Footnotes to the tables should be placed just below the body of the table and should be identified by lowercase identifying letters. Avoid using vertical rulers. As few tables as possible should be used and care should be taken to ensure that the data presented in the tables are not identical to results already presented elsewhere in the article.

A separate page should be created and should include the full name(s) and institutional title(s) of the author(s) and the postal address(es), work/mobile telephone number(s), e-mail address(es) of the corresponding author(s).
The manuscript should include the following sections:

A 200-250 word abstract with a title in Turkish and 5-8 keywords.
A title in English and a 200-250 word abstract containing 5-8 keywords.
In addition, articles written in Turkish should be accompanied by an Extended English Abstract. This extended abstract should be between 1500-2000 words and should include the title, subheadings and all references of the article. This section can also be submitted after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

The format used by TUDEAR for referencing is APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition. In both the citation and bibliography sections, authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, published by the American Psychological Association.

All transactions must be followed through the online system. Please follow the instructions provided to you during these procedures.

TUDEAR does not charge any submission or publication fee to authors.

Last Update Time: 1/2/25, 12:06:42 AM

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