Article submission, evaluation, and communication processes to the Turkish History Education Journal are carried out only through the DergiPark system.
Articles submitted to our journal are subjected to a four-stage evaluation process.
1. Preliminary Evaluation
Within the scope of this evaluation;
1. Manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo an evaluation conducted by the Journal Secretary utilizing the "Preliminary Evaluation Form" outlined below.
- During the preliminary evaluation phase, the first step involves assessing the submissions for adherence to the journal's template and writting guidelines.
- The second step entails verifying the similarity report of the manuscripts (through tools such as Ithenticate, Turnitin, and The journal's publication policy stipulates that manuscripts submitted for publication must not exceed a similarity rate of 20%.
2. Manuscripts failing to satisfy the aforementioned criteria are rejected during the preliminary review phase.
3. Articles that successfully navigate these stages are forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief for further editorial assessment.
4. The preliminary evaluation process is completed within a timeframe of 10 days.
2. Editorial Review
Articles that complete the Pre-Evaluation phase are directed to the relevant Field Editor. At this stage, the Field Editor examines the study in terms of content and originality and evaluates whether the study overlaps with the purpose, scope, and publication principles of the journal. At this stage, the field editor checks whether the article overlaps with the academic field of the relevant field, whether the academic terminology of the relevant field is used correctly, and whether the parts of the study are arranged in accordance with an academic study.
The author(s) of the study, which was not found suitable to be sent to the referees after the evaluation stage by the field editor, is informed with a report explaining the reason for rejection within one month at the latest from the submission date of the article.
The referee evaluation process is started for the studies that are found suitable to be sent to the referees by the Field Editor.
3. Peer Review
• TUHED journal employs a double-blind peer review process.
• A minimum of two referees, either from the designated pool of our journal or qualified in the relevant field of study, will be assigned to assess the article within a maximum timeframe of two weeks from the initial submission.
• In the double-blind review process, the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are concealed. Consequently, authors are required to remove any identifying information when submitting their manuscripts to the system.
• In this process, the article proposal is evaluated by the referees in accordance with the form below.
• The time given to the referees for the referee evaluation process is 15 days. In line with the demands of the referees, an additional 15 days may be granted to the referees at the end of the period. Correction suggestions from referees or editors must be completed by the authors within 1 month in line with the "correction instructions". Otherwise, the article is withdrawn from the evaluation process. Responsibility for this matter belongs entirely to the authors.
• As a result of the negative opinion of one of the referees about the article during the evaluation process, the article is sent to a third referee. As a result of the third referee's negative evaluation of the article, the article is returned to the author(s) by the editor and the evaluation process of the article ends.
• The author(s) are responsible for making the corrections suggested by the referees. In cases where the author(s) do not agree with the opinions of the referees, they can write a defense to the editor explaining their opinions based on evidence. In line with this defense letter, a new referee may be appointed to the study or the article may be accepted for publication with the opinion of the editor.
4. Decision
At this stage, the final decision (acceptance or rejection) letter of the field editor about the article proposal is created and sent to the author.
• The articles whose evaluation process is completed and accepted for publication are sent to the layout editor.
• The articles whose layout process is completed are published in the first issue following the publication schedule.
Forms used in the evaluation process:
1- APA7 Referencing Style:
As of May 2024, TUHED will follow APA 7 (American Psychological Association) style for referencing and citation. For more information, please refer to the TUHED template and writting guidelines.
2- Early Release:
According to the TUHED's new publication policy, the articles which have completed the evaluation process will be published online-first. It will no longer be necessary for manuscripts to wait until the “next issue”. Early Release articles will receive an international identification code (DOI), and identified page numbers.
3- Ethics Committee Approval:
In accordance with the ULAKBİM decision of 25 February 2020, Ethics Committee Approval must be obtained for studies on people (without age restrictions), this approval must be specified in the Method section of the article and signed Ethics Committee Approval must be uploaded to the system. Applications that do not meet these requirements will not be considered for publication.
4- New Publication Policy
Beginning from Spring 2021 issue TUHED will require all Turkish manuscripts to contain a full-text English translation. Manuscripts submitted in Turkish will be requested to have full-text English translation if they are accepted for publication after the review process.
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