Writing Rules

Scientific studies submitted to TURAR Journal of Tourism and Research must be prepared in accordance with the following guidelines. Manuscripts should be submitted as (.doc) or (.docx) files via the Dergipark system, considering the criteria below:

• Prerequisite
Submitted manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere or be under review simultaneously in another publication. Authors are fully responsible for the content of published manuscripts. If requested by the reviewer(s) during the evaluation process, authors must share empirical data. Additionally, the copyright of the article submitted to the journal belongs to the Journal of Tourism Research.

• Submission Guidelines
Page Layout
Manuscripts should be formatted on A4 paper in portrait orientation and justified on both sides.

Font and Spacing
Manuscripts should be prepared using “Times New Roman” font, 12-point size, with “1.5 line spacing.”

Titles must be provided in both Turkish and English.

The abstract should be between 120 and 150 words. Keywords should be included. After the Turkish abstract, an English “Abstract” and “Keywords” should follow.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords relevant to the subject and scope of the manuscript should be provided.

Manuscripts, including references, should not exceed 10,000 words. Authors should include their contact information, and structured abstracts are required. Based on reviewer reports, authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts.

• Reference Formatting
References must follow APA guidelines.

In-Text Citations
All references in the main text should use the in-text citation system. Parentheses should include the author's surname, publication year, and page number. If the same source is cited again, the same method should be used without using abbreviations such as ibid. If the author's name appears in the text, it should not be repeated in parentheses. For two authors, both surnames should be used. For three or more authors, use the first author's surname followed by "et al." If multiple sources are cited, separate them with semicolons. Footnotes may be used for explanations not suitable for the main text, applying the same citation method as above.

Explanatory Notes
Explanatory notes should appear at the end of the article. Use explanatory notes for clarifying abbreviations in citations.

• Structure of the Manuscript
Provide a 3-4 paragraph introduction with a brief overview of the study and highlight its unique contributions compared to previous works. Avoid discussing findings or conclusions in this section.

Include subheadings approximately every 2-3 pages, and avoid long paragraphs. Number the headings starting from the introduction section.

Tables and Figures
Complex statistical tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript, while summary and descriptive tables should appear within the text. Number tables and figures sequentially. Each table or figure should be on a separate page.

Summarize the findings and discuss their contributions to the literature concisely in this section.

Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 11:17:36 AM

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