AI Policy

Guidelines for Authors:

  • Authors must ensure that the use of generative AI and AI-assisted tools complies with both international regulations and institutional policies, including those outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • AI tools cannot be listed as authors under any circumstances. Authorship is limited to individuals who fulfill the authorship criteria defined in the journal’s guidelines.
  • AI tools should only be employed during the writing process to improve the manuscript's clarity, consistency, and overall readability.
  • Authors must clearly disclose the specific AI tools used and explain their purpose in the "AI Declaration" section of the article information form.

Guidelines for Reviewers:

  • Reviewers invited to assess a manuscript submitted to UJHC must always handle the document with strict confidentiality.
  • Manuscripts should only be viewed and evaluated in accordance with ethical and professional standards.
  • Reviewers must not upload any part of the submitted manuscript—whether in full or in excerpt—to generative AI platforms or similar tools. Uploading manuscript content or review details to external tools may compromise author confidentiality, violate intellectual property rights, and lead to serious breaches of data protection laws in cases involving personal data.
  • Reviewers are entrusted with preserving the integrity of the peer review process and must honor the trust placed in them by the authors and the journal.

Not: Authors are allowed to use generative AI and AI-assisted tools while preparing their manuscripts for submission to UJHC, provided the usage is solely for improving the language and readability of the text. Full disclosure of such use must be made in line with UJHC’s AI Policy. Reviewers can find this information in the paper’s AI Statement Section.

Guidelines for Editors:

  • Every manuscript submitted to UJHC must be treated as a strictly confidential document.
  • Editors are prohibited from uploading the manuscript, in whole or in part, to any generative AI tool, as this may risk breaching the authors' confidentiality and intellectual property rights.
  • If the manuscript includes personally identifiable information, sharing it with AI platforms may lead to violations of data protection and privacy regulations.
  • The obligation to maintain confidentiality also extends to all communications related to the manuscript, such as editorial notifications and decision letters. Since such correspondence may contain sensitive details about the manuscript or its authors, editors must not use AI tools to process or edit these documents—even if the purpose is only to improve language or clarity.
  • UJHC allows authors to use generative AI tools solely to improve the language and readability of their manuscripts prior to submission, provided they disclose this use in the AI Statement Section as per journal guidelines. Editors can review this section for compliance, and any suspected breach of AI policies by authors or reviewers should be reported to the publisher.

Last Update Time: 3/22/25, 10:27:23 AM


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