The following points should be considered when submitting articles:
Title: The title must be compatible with the content, expresses the subject best, and must be written in 12 font sizes and bold letters. Only the first letter of each word in the title must be capitalized. If the article is written in Turkish, it should also have an English title. Articles written in English may not be found in Turkish titles and abstracts.
Author name(s) and address: Only the names of the authors should be written under the title of the article. Information about the authors and responsible author information must be given as footnotes. Address information, e-mail address, and ORCID number of the authors must be included in the footnote.
Abstract: The abstract should be written under the title of the language in which it is written. The abstract should state the subject of the paper briefly and concisely. The number of words in the language in which the abstract is written should be written in a maximum of 250 words and 10 points. Research articles written in Turkish should have Turkish and English abstracts (no word count is required in the also English abstract as it is a translation from Turkish). Research articles written in English should have an English abstract (It is recommended to have an abstract in Turkish. Word count is not searched.)
Keywords: Keywords should be written under the abstract in both languages. The number of keywords should be between 3-7 and should be sorted alphabetically.
Extended Abstract in Turkish: We will require an extended English abstract of at least 500 and a maximum of 1000 words for all articles accepted for publication immediately after the abstract in our journal by 2023.
Main Text: It should be written in MS Word program with Times New Roman font, 12 points, and 1.5 line spacing. The maximum number of pages of an article is 35. The text should be arranged with a margin of 2 cm from the right-left and 2.25 cm from the bottom-top. In the text of the article, a paragraph should be made in each paragraph. All information in the footnote should be written in 9 font sizes, with single line spacing.
Section Headings: Subheadings and sub-headings can be used in the article to provide a regular information transfer. Chapter I Titles should be centered, bold and the first letters of each word should be capitalized. Section titles should be numbered. Example: 1. Primary Title Layout
II. Subheadings should be left-aligned, bold, and numbered if necessary, and the first letters of each word should be capitalized. (Example: 1. Primary Title Layout, 1.1. Secondary Title; 1.1.1. Third Title Layout)
Tables and Figures: Tables should have numbers and titles. Tables should be where they should be in the text. Figure numbers and names should be left-aligned, just above the figure.
Pictures: When naming pictures, the rules in figures and tables should be followed.
The bibliography title is in the same format as the other titles and should not be numbered. Please click for references and references in the text.
Original Article
Systematic Review
Meta-analysis is research articles written to provide convincing documentation (the highest degree of evidence) regarding the accuracy and reality of the effectiveness of interventions. A type of statistical literature developed by combining the findings of at least two studies to show the effect of a particular situation with a single estimator. By combining the findings of multiple studies, the validity and reliability of the results will be strengthened. Meta-analysis articles; It consists of "Abstract", "Keywords", "Introduction", "Methods", "Results", "Conclusion/Discussion," and "Resources" sections.
Additional information (drawings, charts, film datasets) may be published at the discretion of the editors and reviewers.
It should consist of the 'Introduction' and 'Subtitles' sections, respectively. The "Sources" section is included if the author deems it necessary.
Letter to Editor
It should be a maximum of 5 pages (excluding abstracts and references). It may not contain essence. It should not contain more than four authors. It can contain at most one drawing or chart. If it is written as a dedication to an article, it should be stated by giving the number and date, and the name, institution, and address of the author should be found at the end of the text.
The published articles in UJHC are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.