Case Report
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The Use of Indocyanine Green Angiography System (SPY) in DIEP Flap Reconstruction: Case Report

Year 2019, , 331 - 334, 01.12.2019


Breast cancer is the second most common cancer of women in every 8 women. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy can be performed with implant or with autologous tissues. In our case, a 40-year-old woman with a history of mastectomy was admitted to our hospital with the request of reconstruction. After the outpatient evaluation, she had right mastectomy and abdominal sagging. Reconstruction was planned with deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap. In order to evaluate flap perfusion during the operation, it was aimed to use the “SPY Infrared Fluorescence Angiography Perfusion Assessment System”. Thus, postoperative complications due to circulatory problems were minimized. In this case report, we will mentioning about our experiences with using “SPY” device with DIEP reconstruction.


  • Referans1. (05/04/2019-10:40)
  • Referans2. (05/04/2019-10:35)An Atlas Of Microsurgery Techniques And Principles
  • Referans3. NOVADAQ SPY Fluorescence Imaging System Operator’s Manual Syf:1
  • Referans4. Jones GE, Garcia CA, Murray J, Elwood ET, Whitty A. Fluorescent intraoperative tissue angiography for the evaluation of the viability of pedicled TRAM flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009;124:53.
  • Referans5. Newman MI, Samson MC. The application of laser-assisted indocyanine green fluorescent dye angiography in microsurgical breast reconstruction. J Reconstr. Microsurg. 2009;25:21-26
  • Referans6. Pestana IA, Coan B, Erdmann D, Marcus J, Levin LS, Zenn MR. Early experience with fluorescent angography in free-tissue transfer reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009;123:1239-1244
  • Referans7. Thorne CH (2013). Çeviri editörü Özmen S. Grabb ve Smith Plastik Cerrahi(Yedinci Baskı-2016) İstanbul: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 659.
  • Referans8. Komorowska-Timek E, Gurtner GC. Intraoperativ perfusion mapping with laser-assisted indocyanine green imaging can predict and prevent complications in immediate breast reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;125:1065-1073

DIEP Flep ile Meme Rekonstrüksiyonunda “SPY” Kullanımı: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2019, , 331 - 334, 01.12.2019


Meme kanseri her 8 kadından birinde görülen kadınların en sık 2. kanseridir. Mastektomi sonrası meme rekonstrüksiyonu implant ile yapılabildiği gibi otolog dokularla da yapılabilir. Olgumuzda, mastektomi öyküsü olan 40 yaş kadın hasta rekonstrüksiyon isteği ile tarafımıza başvurdu. Poliklinik değerlendirmesi sonrası sağ mastektomili ve karında sarkıklığı mevcut olan hastanın derin inferior epigastrik arter perforatör (DIEP) flep ile rekonstrüksiyonu planlandı. Operasyon sırasında flep perfüzyonunu değerlendirmek için “SPY Kızılötesi Floresan Anjiografi Perfüzyon Değerlendirme Cihazı”nı kullanmak amaçlandı. Böylece ameliyat sonrası dolaşım problemi nedeniyle yaşanabilecek komplikasyonlar en aza indirildi. “SPY” cihazını aktif olarak kullandığımız operasyon süreci hakkındaki deneyimlerimizden bahsedeceğiz. 


  • Referans1. (05/04/2019-10:40)
  • Referans2. (05/04/2019-10:35)An Atlas Of Microsurgery Techniques And Principles
  • Referans3. NOVADAQ SPY Fluorescence Imaging System Operator’s Manual Syf:1
  • Referans4. Jones GE, Garcia CA, Murray J, Elwood ET, Whitty A. Fluorescent intraoperative tissue angiography for the evaluation of the viability of pedicled TRAM flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009;124:53.
  • Referans5. Newman MI, Samson MC. The application of laser-assisted indocyanine green fluorescent dye angiography in microsurgical breast reconstruction. J Reconstr. Microsurg. 2009;25:21-26
  • Referans6. Pestana IA, Coan B, Erdmann D, Marcus J, Levin LS, Zenn MR. Early experience with fluorescent angography in free-tissue transfer reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009;123:1239-1244
  • Referans7. Thorne CH (2013). Çeviri editörü Özmen S. Grabb ve Smith Plastik Cerrahi(Yedinci Baskı-2016) İstanbul: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 659.
  • Referans8. Komorowska-Timek E, Gurtner GC. Intraoperativ perfusion mapping with laser-assisted indocyanine green imaging can predict and prevent complications in immediate breast reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;125:1065-1073
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Surgery
Journal Section Case Report Articles

Menekşe Kastamoni 0000-0002-4667-1550

Fatma Bilge Köse This is me

Selçuk Akın This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2019
Acceptance Date December 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


AMA Kastamoni M, Köse FB, Akın S. DIEP Flep ile Meme Rekonstrüksiyonunda “SPY” Kullanımı: Olgu Sunumu. Uludağ Tıp Derg. December 2019;45(3):331-334. doi:10.32708/uutfd.553869

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

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