Writing Rules

The Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty publishes original research, reviews, case reports, and letters to the editor in the fields of basic and clinical medical sciences that have not been published or submitted for publication in any other national/international journal. Articles are evaluated by the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board members, and those deemed suitable for publication are published. The journal's publication language is English.
For experimental and clinical research, there must be a letter of approval obtained from the relevant Ethics Committee of the institution where the study was conducted, and this approval must be mentioned in the article. In cases deemed necessary by the editorial board or advisory board members, a copy of the ethics committee approval will be requested from the author. Articles reporting the results of experimental research conducted with humans should state that the study protocol has received approval from the institutional review board and that the participants have given informed consent. The Copyright Form, signed by all authors, stating that the article has not been published or is not under review in any other journal, should be downloaded from the manuscript tracking system, filled out, scanned, and uploaded in PDF format to the system along with the article. All responsibilities for the articles to be published in the journal belong to the authors.
Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that may have influenced the preparation and writing of their research or articles. Conflicts of interest may include both financial and non-financial relationships. Other relationships that may be relevant to the topic should be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief in the cover letter at the time of submission.
The articles submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the Editorial Board in terms of the journal's standards. Articles that do not conform to the journal's required format are returned to the author without further review. Therefore, to avoid unnecessary loss of time and effort, authors must carefully review the journal's guidelines.
Articles deemed compliant with the journal's rules are sent by the Editor and the Editorial Board to at least two members of the advisory board related to the subject or to scientific advisors (referees) who are not on the board but are capable of evaluating the article, and their opinions on the suitability for publication are obtained. The evaluation conducted by the scientific advisors is carried out based on the double-blind review principles. After the recommendations of the scientific advisors, the article is re-evaluated by the editorial board, and the final decision is made, with the approved articles being published.
Editors and Advisory Boards have the authority to make corrections, request changes in format, and make reductions by informing the authors during the correction, control, and typesetting stages of the articles. The deadline for the changes and corrections requested from the authors is 21 days, and the articles in question are not included in the publication schedule until the corrections are made.

Articles should be submitted online via https://dergipark.org.tr/uutfd and by following the provided instructions. If you have not logged into the system before, you must create a membership during the new member login and then log into the system. It is also necessary to submit the other forms that are mandatory to be sent in the system along with the article files. Mandatory forms and file types that must be downloaded from the system, filled out, and re-uploaded to the system: 1. Cover Letter (pdf), 2. Title Page (word), 3. Copyright Form (pdf), 4. Author Contribution Form (word).
All articles must conform to the language and writing style of the Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty. This includes submitting the article in correct medical English and presenting any figures and tables in the specified formats. The journal's publication language is English, and American English should be used.
Copyright Transfer
The Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty holds the copyright for all materials published in the journal. The Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty is not responsible for any legal claims arising from the publication of an article. The Copyright Transfer Agreement form can be downloaded from the manuscript tracking system and must be submitted with the manuscript at the time of the initial submission. All authors must sign the form indicating their acceptance for the publication of their article in the Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty if it is accepted. A scanned file (in PDF format) of the signed Copyright Transfer Agreement must be submitted during the online submission of the article. Before any action is taken regarding the manuscript, the Copyright Transfer Agreement must reach the Editorial Office. By signing the copyright transfer form, you indicate that the Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty holds the copyright to your publication.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest that may have influenced their research or the preparation and writing of their articles. There may be a conflict of interest when the authors (or their employers, sponsors, or family/friends) have a financial, commercial, legal, or professional connection with other organizations or individuals that could influence the research or the interpretation of the results. Therefore, authors should declare all conflicts of interest on the title pages. If there are no conflicts of interest, the authors should also declare this in their articles using the following standard statement:
"The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest to disclose."
For more information on publication ethics policies and conflicts of interest, please refer to the "Research and Publication Ethics" section.

Authors are required to disclose all funding and financial support received during the development of the work. Authors must indicate this on the title page using the following standard statement:
The authors declare that the study did not receive any funding.
The authors declare that the study was supported/funded by [for example, the ..... Institute], grant number: [xyz-12345].
All authors must have directly contributed to the work described in the article. Researchers or other individuals who provided assistance or advice, or companies that donated materials, can be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section following the main text. There should be no more than six authors for case reports.
The journal's definition of authorship is based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
1. Significant contributions to the concept or design of the study, or to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the study; and
2. Preparing a draft of the work or critically reviewing significant intellectual content; and
3. The final approval of the version to be published; and
4. Accepting responsibility for all aspects of the work to ensure that any questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.
Those who meet all four criteria are defined as authors. The responsibilities of the authors should be specified in the study. The 'Authorship Contribution Form' explaining the authors' contributions to the study should be downloaded from the manuscript tracking system and filled out, and the 'Authorship Contribution Form' (in Word format) should be uploaded to the system when the manuscript is submitted.
In the case of an article being written by a large group or consortium, all members must meet all four authorship criteria. The corresponding author(s) should specify the group name and group members in accordance with the confidentiality agreement.
Those who do not meet all the criteria mentioned above are not considered authors, but those who meet at least one of the criteria can be recognized as non-author contributors, and their contributions can be mentioned in the 'Acknowledgments' section. For more information on non-author contributions, you can visit https://www.icmje.org.
Corresponding Author
The corresponding author is the designated author who handles all correspondence with the journal on behalf of the authors from the submission of the article to the publication process. Corresponding author is responsible for complying with the journal's administrative requirements, providing necessary information and documents including authorship details, contact information, ethics committee approval, registration documents, and signing and obtaining signatures on publication agreements. The person who is the corresponding author in the manuscript tracking system (DergiPark) must also be the corresponding author in the published version of the article.
In articles submitted to the Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder(s) for all previously published figures, tables, and text passages. Authors are required to cover all expenses related to obtaining this permission. Permission must be obtained for any material for which the authors do not hold full copyright. Any material such as clinical images or charts, photographs, graphics, or device images that may have been obtained from manufacturers cannot be published without such permission.
Cover Letter
Regardless of the type of article, a cover letter is required for all submissions. The cover letter is important as it helps the Editor's preliminary assessment. The Cover Letter must be uploaded by the Corresponding Author to the online submission system using the relevant link. In Cover Letter, it is necessary to state why the article is suitable for publication in the Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty. In the Cover Letter, statements should be provided confirming that the article has not been previously published, has not been evaluated by another journal, all authors approve the submission of this version of the manuscript, and that they assume full responsibility for the manuscript. In articles submitted to the journal, artificial intelligence (AI) can only be used for grammar and spelling checks and/or plagiarism assessment, and this usage must be specified in the Cover Letter.
These statements should be downloaded from the system and uploaded in Word format using the 'Cover Letter' Form that will be filled out.
Title page
In addition to the cover letter, the "Title Page" Form, which will be downloaded from the system and filled out, should be uploaded to the system in Word format.
The Title Page should include the article title, short title, author names, ORCID information of authors, authors' institutional affiliations, and the corresponding author's contact information. Author affiliation information should be clearly written in the final form of the article as desired for publication (university/hospital, faculty, department/clinic, city, country).
If the work has been presented at meetings before and/or published as an abstract or preprint, it must be indicated on the 'Title Page' and detailed on the title page.

Use of Artificial Intelligence
The Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty adheres to the current ICMJE and COPE guidelines and accepts the guidance of the Turkish Higher Education Council in the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-supported technology. In the articles submitted to the journal, artificial intelligence (AI) can only be used for grammar and spelling checks and/or plagiarism assessment.
Authors must disclose whether they used AI-supported technologies (Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots [e.g., ChatGPT]) for language and spelling checks and/or plagiarism assessment in any part of the submitted work during the application process. The explanation of AI usage should include the name and manufacturer of the AI tool, the date(s) of use, and how it was used in relation to the article. Authors using these tools should explain how and where they used them and to what extent.
AI-supported tools cannot be listed as an author because they cannot be responsible for the accuracy, integrity, and originality of the work, nor can they identify the presence of conflicts of interest, and these responsibilities are necessary for authorship (see above, Authorship Criteria). Similarly, AI should not be listed as an author.
Authors should understand how any AI-supported technology works and its potential risks before using it. Authors should carefully review and edit any AI output. Artificial intelligence can use a wide variety of data as input and produce outputs that may be difficult to trace back to their original source. Merely declaring the use of AI is not sufficient to avoid legal or ethical violations, including plagiarism. Authors are responsible for all aspects of any material that involves the use of AI-supported technologies.
The Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty conducts checks for plagiarism and the use of artificial intelligence on all articles accepted for publication.
English Editing
The publication language of the Journal of Uludağ University Medical Faculty is English. Articles submitted in English must comply with grammar and spelling rules and meet the language standards for publication. Editors may request language corrections and revisions from authors. Submitted articles are evaluated by the journal's 'Language Editor' before acceptance, and if deemed necessary, they may make 'language corrections' or request language corrections and editing from the authors. Accepted articles can only be published after the language corrections and editorial requests have been met.
Manuscript Preparation
The submitted articles should be created using Microsoft Word, written in Times New Roman font, 12-point size, and 1.5 line spacing. It should be uploaded to the system as a Word file.
A 2.5 cm margin should be left on both sides of the page, and the pages should be numbered sequentially starting from the title page. The page number should be written in the bottom right corner of each page.
The main text should not contain any information about the authors and/or the institutions they work for.
The main text should include, in order, an English and Turkish title, an English and Turkish abstract, English and Turkish keywords, an introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion and conclusion, references, tables, figures, and appendices (if any).
The title of the study should clearly and accurately reflect the study. Titles should not exceed two lines and should be written with the first letter of each word capitalized. Title should not contain abbreviations or acronyms.
The abstract should be written as a single text without being divided into sections (unstructured). The English and Turkish abstracts should not exceed 250 words, and the English title and abstract should be equivalent to the Turkish title and abstract. The abstract should briefly state the purpose, scope, and methods of the study, and the main findings should be detailed enough to support the conclusion reached. The first sentence should cover the purpose of the study, and the last sentence should encompass the result of the study. The new and important aspects of the study or observations should be emphasized. Abstracts should not contain non-standard abbreviations.
Keywords increase the discoverability of articles. Under the Turkish and English abstract, according to the Index Medicus Medical Subject Headings (MESH) (https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov), there should be no fewer than three and no more than six keywords.
If there are no terms that match the newly entered terms in the Index Medicus medical subject headings, existing terms can be used.
In the original article, the main text should include the introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgments (optional), references, table titles and tables, figures and figure legends. Abbreviations should be defined in the Abstract, main text, figures, and tables after their first use. Only widely accepted abbreviations should be used. Drug and chemical names should be specified using generic or standard chemical nomenclature. Measurement units should be in accordance with the International System (SI); however, clinical data may be presented in traditional units when deemed more appropriate.
Introduction: The purpose of the article, the rationale for the study or observation should be summarized, and the data or results of the study should not be explained.
Materials and Methods: It should be stated that the experimental and clinical studies included in the article were approved by the relevant ethics committee. Established methods should be referenced, and new methods should be briefly explained.
Biostatistical Analysis: In the last paragraph of the Materials and Methods section, the statistical analyses used should be specified. The p-values should be explicitly stated. The article is evaluated by the Biostatistics Editor before being sent to scientific advisors, and corrections are requested from the author when necessary.
Findings: The data obtained from the study should be written comprehensively and clearly. The statistical results of the data included in the findings should contain information on the mean, standard error, p-value, and F-value. Tables and figures (drawings, graphs, and photographs) should be numbered in the order they appear in the text as explained below, and references to tables and/or figures should be made in the relevant sections of the findings.
Discussion and Conclusion: The findings obtained from the study should be discussed by comparing them with the literature, the limitations of the study should be stated, and the contribution of the study to the literature should be summarized in the conclusion. Both the discussion and conclusion should be included under this heading, and the conclusion section should be provided in the last paragraph of this heading.
Acknowledgements (Optional): The names of individuals who have made partial contributions to the work, other than the authors, can be written in this section. Additionally, information about the project and source that supported the study can be entered in this section.
References: The sources used should be numbered in the order they appear in the text, provided as superscripts in the text, and formatted according to the AMA (American Medical Association) style. The abbreviations used should conform to Index Medicus and Science Citation Index. Personal communications, unpublished articles in preparation, or other unpublished data should not be cited as sources. In articles with fewer than six authors, all authors' names should be listed. If there are six or more authors, the first three should be listed followed by "et al."
White NP, Kim D, Fos K. Posterior fossa aneurysms. J Neurosurg. 1990;72(1):345-349.
Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, (eds). Mental health care for elderly people. 3rd edition. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.

Book Chapter:
Jane JA, Persing JA. Neurosurgical treatment of craniosynostosis. In: Cohen MM, Kim D (eds). Craniosynostosis: Diagnosis and management. 2nd edition. NewYork: Raven Press; 1986: 249-295.
Kanpolat Y. Trigeminal Gangliona Deneysel Perkütan Giriş ve Radyofrekans Termik Lezyonun Histopatolojik Değerlendirilmesi (Doktara/Uzmanlık Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi; 1978.
Extensive information on various other reference management software can be found on the "International Committee of Medical Journal Editors" website: www.icmje.org.
Unpublished observations and personal communications cannot be used as sources. Accepted, unpublished articles that have received a DOI can be included in the references with the word "in press" indicated.
In sources obtained from the internet, the full access address and access date must be included.
Tables: Tables should be placed after the "References" section in the main text file. Each table should be written on a separate page, along with its title and footnotes. Each table should contain an appropriate title that explains its content, and the title should be placed above the table. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the main text, and mentions to the tables in the text should always follow the consecutive numbering order. In the numbering of tables, Roman numerals should be used (Table I, Table II, III, IV…). If abbreviations are used in the table, they should be explained as footnotes below the table.
Figures: Within the scope of the journal, photographs, graphs, and/or illustrations are defined as "Figures." All figures must be placed after the "Tables" section in the main text file and should also be prepared according to the specified features and uploaded separately to the system. Each figure should be numbered consecutively in the main text according to the order in which they appear (Figure 1, Figure 2,…). Figure files must be in JPEG or TIFF format. Other formats are not accepted. In figures with multiple sections, each section should be indicated with lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). Figures containing multiple sections should be prepared as a single combined figure and uploaded to the manuscript submission system as a single file.
The titles and descriptions of all figures should be provided on a separate page after the "Figures" section in the full text file, and the figure files uploaded to the system should not contain titles and descriptions. If an abbreviation is used in the figure, the abbreviations should be explained as a footnote under the figure. If the figure is a quotation from another source, the source should be cited in the figure caption.
Figures containing photographs should be saved at a minimum resolution of 600x600 pixels and scaled to fit one or two columns in magazine size.
Graphics and illustrations should be prepared with a resolution of at least 300x300 pixels and scaled to fit one or two columns.
Cases that contribute to the literature and have publication value should be submitted. Title (in English and Turkish), abstract (in English and Turkish), keywords (in English and Turkish) (at least 3, at most 6), introduction, case report (patient presentation, laboratory or other findings, diagnosis and explanation of the outcome), discussion and conclusion (what is new in this case report, how it differs from previously published cases, and how it is related), references, table titles and tables, figures and figure titles sections should be included.
For all case reports submitted to the journal, informed consent must be obtained from the patient. This consent must be specified in the 'case report' section of the main text.
The number of authors for case reports is limited to six.
The title (in English and Turkish), abstract (in English and Turkish), keywords (in English and Turkish), and main text sections should be included.
The number of authors for compilations is limited to three.
The title (in English and Turkish), abstract (in English and Turkish), keywords (in English and Turkish), and main text sections should be included.
Article Submission Checklist:
Before submitting the articles, compliance with writing rules should be checked, and any deficiencies should be addressed using the checklist below.
1. It should be ensured that the journal's writing rules, copyright, and author responsibilities are seen, read, and understood.
2. It should be ensured that the article has not been published or submitted to another journal and is not under review elsewhere.
3. It should be ensured that the study complies with research ethics rules.
4. It should be ensured that all authors' names are written.
5. Mandatory forms (Cover Letter, Title Page, Copyright Form, and Author Contribution Form) should be downloaded from the system, filled out, and then re-uploaded to the system.
6. Main Text:
It should consist of the following sections:
- Article Title (English and Turkish)
-Summary (in English and Turkish)
-Keywords (English and Turkish)
-Materials and Methods
-Discussion and Conclusion
-References (Must comply with the journal's guidelines.)
-Figures and figure captions with subtitles

Last Update Time: 2/13/25, 11:22:53 AM

ISSN: 1300-414X, e-ISSN: 2645-9027

Creative Commons License
Journal of Uludag University Medical Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.