Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Van Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Engineering Faculty publishes original research articles in Turkish or English within the scientific category. This category of articles should contain new and innovative knowledge that suggests a novel method or adds an extra dimension to pre-existing knowledge.

The Van Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Engineering Faculty is committed to fulfilling its ethical duties and responsibilities, which are based on the following items.

1. Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive (
2. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (
3. TÜBİTAK Research and Publication Ethics Board Regulation (

Authors and referees must fulfill their ethical duties and responsibilities within this framework. During the review process, the referees' identities are kept anonymous from the authors (known as blind peer review). In double-blind peer review, the referees evaluate articles without knowing the authors' names, which is left to the author's discretion. Authors should remove the name and address lines from their paper to use this preference and upload it to the system.

The editors determine the article's acceptance or rejection. If an article is considered to be inadequate based on the recommendations of a referee, a decision will be made to either revise it significantly (major revision: requiring resubmission for evaluation) or make minor corrections (minor revision). Articles that meet the required scientific standards are accepted.

It is important that the articles submitted for publication have not been published or submitted to any other journal for publication. 

All articles submitted to our journal must comply with scientific ethics guidelines. Manuscripts should be prepared by internationally accepted scientific, ethical rules. It's important to send the Ethics Committee Report with the text when needed.

The articles submitted to the Van Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Engineering Faculty undergo a plagiarism check using Turnitin or iThenticate software. Article Similarity Index (SI) should be kept at 20%, and each cited source's similarity rate should not exceed 3%. The article will be rejected if the similarity index exceeds the specified levels. If it is found that the article contains plagiarism after being published, it will be promptly taken down from the website. For a period of five years, the relevant author(s) are prohibited from submitting any articles to the Van Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Engineering Faculty.

To submit an article for publication in the Van Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Engineering Faculty, it is essential to follow the proper format for writing journal articles.
Every author mentioned in the article should sign the Copyright Form, affirming that they have granted the publication rights of their work to Van Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Engineering Faculty. The authors must submit the Copyright Form for their work to be evaluated.

To submit a research article for publication in the journal, it should be formatted with the following main headings in both Turkish and English: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

Our journal follows the Open Source Publication Policy.

Articles that have completed the evaluation are published based on their arrival date. Once the articles are prepared for publishing, they are added to the upcoming issue. However, the whole issue is published only after all articles are completed.

During the layout process, the author(s) will receive submissions for control and correction (press proof), which must be addressed within a specified timeframe. If an author(s) fails to respond within the given time, their articles will be evaluated in the next issue.