Writing Rules

Spelling Rules
• Articles submitted to the Vankulu Journal of Social Research for publication must be preceded by an ‘Abstract’ in Turkish and an ‘Abstract’ in English. The Turkish Abstract should be at least 150 and at most 200 words and a single paragraph. References, figures, charts, etc. should not be included in the abstract. Keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 6 words should be given under the abstract.
• The article submitted to the journal should be at least 4 thousand and at most 10 thousand words including abstract, abstract, citations, references and appendices.
• APA 6 should be used as the citation system in the article. Footnotes should never be used in citation system. Footnotes should be used for explanations only when necessary and footnotes should be numbered.
• In terms of spelling and punctuation, the current Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Institution should be taken as basis, except in mandatory cases required by the text.
• The articles uploaded to the journal system should be prepared in Microsoft Word programme and should be arranged in accordance with the following values:
Font Times New Roman
Font Style Normal
Font Size (Title and Text) 11
Font Size (Summaries) 10
Font Size (Footnote) 9
Table-Graph 10
Paragraph Spacing First 6 pt, then 0 pt
Line Spacing Single (1)
• In studies where a font that is not available in Microsoft Word programme is used, the font file should be uploaded to the system together with the article.
• In articles, details such as page numbers, headers and footers should not be included.
• All subheadings, including the title of the article, should be bold and only the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalised.
• There must be a bibliography at the end of the article. The references should be listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors.
• For articles written in Arabic, Persian or Russian, a bibliography in Latin is obligatory.

Creating a Bibliography

Single Author Book
Surname, Initial Initial (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publication House.
İpekten, H. (1990). Nâ'ilî Dîvânı. Ankara: Akçağ.

Multi-authored Book
Surname, First Name Initial, Surname, First Name Initial, and Surname, First Name Initial (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publication House.
Eğilmez, M. and Kumcu, E. (2012). Economic Policy. Istanbul: Remzi Bookstore.
Çetişli İ., Çetin, N., Doğan, A., Gür, A., Karataş, C. and Demir, Ş. (2007). Turkish Literature of the Second Constitutional Monarchy Period. Ankara: Akçağ.

Translation Book
Surname, Initial Initial (Year of Publication). Book Title. Translator's Surname, Translator's Initial (Transl.). Place of Publication: Publication House.
Ferguson, N. (2009). The Rise of Money - A Financial History of the World. Pala, B. (Translation). Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publications.

Edited Book
Surname, Initial Initial. (Ed.). (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publication House.
Özbek, M. (Ed.). (2005). Public Space. Istanbul: Hil.

Chapter in an edited book
Surname, Initial Initial (Year of Publication). Chapter Title. Editor Name (Ed.), in Book Title (page range). Place of Publication: Publication House.
Kejanlıoğlu, B. (2005). The Concept of Public Space in Media Studies. In Meral Özbek (Ed.), Public Sphere (pp. 689-713). Istanbul: Hil.

Single Authored Article from a Journal
Surname, Initial Initial (Year of Publication). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), Page Range.
Özerhan, Y. (2016). An Evaluation on the Measurement Principles in the Draft Local Financial Reporting Framework. Journal of Accounting Science World, 18 (2), 307-336.

Journal Article with Multiple Authors
Surname, First Initial, Surname, First Initial and Surname, First Initial (Year of Publication). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), Page Range.
Ayrıçay, Y., Özçalıcı, M. and Bolat, İ. (2017). Evaluating the Performance of Participation Banks with an Integrated System Consisting of AHP and GIA Techniques: Turkey
Example. Pamukkale Eurasian Journal of Socioeconomic Studies, 4(2), 54-69.

Electronic Journal Article
Surname, Initial Initial (Year of Publication). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue). Access Address.
Kardaş, F. and Tanhan F. (2018). Investigation of Posttraumatic Stress, Posttraumatic Growth and Hopelessness Levels of University Students Experiencing Van Earthquake. YYÜ Journal of Faculty of Education, XV (I). Retrieved from: http://efdergi.yyu.edu.tr/makaleler/Cilt15/rpdabdyyuefd01112017y.pdf 

Surname, First Initial (Date). Paper Title. Symposium/Congress/Conference Name in Full Text (page range).
Bülbül, S. E. and Baykal, K. B. (2017). Evaluation of Turkish Insurance Sector in Non-Life Branches with Grey Relational Analysis Method. In 3rd National Insurance and Actuarial Congress Full Text (pp. 1-9).

Unpublished Thesis
Surname, Initial Letter of Name. (Date). Title of the Thesis (Unpublished Master's/Doctoral Thesis). Institution name, Location.
Ertuş, A. (2016). Toplumcu Gerçekçi Türk Şiirinde Kadın İmgesi (1960-1980). (Unpublished Doctoral Thesis). Yüzüncü Yıl University / Institute of Social Sciences, Van.

Surname, First Initial (Date). Article Title. In Encyclopaedia Name. (Volume, page range). Location.
Bergmann, P. G. (1993). Relativity. In The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica.

Surname, First Initial (Year of Publication). Dictionary Name. Place of Publication: Publication House.
Gerrymander (2003). Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (11th Edition). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster's.

Last Update Time: 9/11/24, 3:55:26 PM