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Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 84 - 94, 15.04.2017


Ambalajlama endüstrisindeki
hızlı gelişime paralel olarak, son yıllarda, bariyer özelliğinden dolayı
sınırlı etki gösteren klasik ambalajlama teknikleri yanında, ek avantajlar
sağlayan yeni ambalaj materyalleri ve teknolojileri de geliştirilmektedir.
teknolojilerden biri olan yenilebilir film ve kaplamalar, raf ömrünü uzatmak amacıyla gıda maddelerinin ambalajlanmasında
kullanılan ve gıda ile birlikte tüketilebilen ambalajlardır. Önceleri,
genellikle depolama ve taşıma sırasında nem kaybını önlemek amacıyla kullanılan
bu ambalajlar, günümüzde gıdaların kalite özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesi ve raf
ömrünün uzatılması amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Ayrıca bu ambalajlar, antioksidan
ve antimikrobiyal bileşiklerle kombine edilerek gıdalarda istenmeyen renk
oluşumunu, lipit oksidasyonunu ve mikrobiyolojik bozulmaları engellerler. Kaslı
gıdalar, depolama sırasında
meydana gelen mikrobiyal ve biyokimyasal değişiklikler nedeniyle çabuk bozulan
ve raf ömrü nispeten kısa olan ürünlerdir. Bu yüzden, kaslı gıdaların depolama
süresince bozulmalarının geciktirilerek korunmalarında modern ambalajlama
teknolojileri önem taşımaktadır. Bu derlemede, bu teknolojilerden olan yenilebilir
film ve kaplamaların özellikleri ve kaslı gıdalarda kullanımları konusunda
günümüze kadar yapılan çalışmalar özetlenmiştir. 


  • [1] Cutter, C.N., 2006. Opportunities for bio-based packaging technologies to improve the quality and safety of fresh and further processed muscle foods. Meat Science 74(1): 131-142.
  • [2] Pavlath, A.E., Orts, W., 2009. Edible Films and Coatings: Why, What, and How? In Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications, Edited by Milda E. Embuscado, Kerry C. Huber, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 403p.
  • [3] Çağrı Mehmetoğlu, A., 2010. Yenilebilir filmlerin ve kaplamaların özelliklerini etkileyen faktörler. Akademik Gıda 8(5): 37-43.
  • [4] Gennadios, A., Milford, A.H., Lyndon, B.K., 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: a review. LWT - Food Science and Technology 30(4): 337-350.
  • [5] Weller, C.L., Gennaidos, A., Saraiva, R.A., 1998. Edible bilayer films from zein and grain sorghum wax or carnauba wax. LWT – Food Science and Technology 31(3): 279-285.
  • [6] Robertson, G.L., 2013. Food Packaging: Principle and Practice. Third Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 703p.
  • [7] McHugh, T.H., 2000. Protein lipid interactions in edible films and coatings. Nanrung 44(3): 148-151.
  • [8] Falgueraa, V., Quinterob, J.P., Jimenezc, A., Munozb, J.A., Ibarza, A., 2011. Edible films and coatings: structures, active functions and trends in their use. Trends in Food Science and Technology 22(6): 292-303.
  • [9] Sallam, K.I., Ishioroshi, M., Samejima, K., 2004. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausages. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie 37(8): 849-855.
  • [10] Turhan, S., Üstün, N.Ş., 2001. Et ve su ürünlerinde lipid oksidasyonu. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1): 89-95.
  • [11] Üstünol, Z., 2009. Edible Films and Coatings for Meat and Poultry. In Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications, Edited by Milda E. Embuscado, Kerry C. Huber, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 403p.
  • [12] Dursun, S., Erkan, N., 2009. Yenilebilir protein filmler ve su ürünlerinde kullanımı. Journal of Fisheries Science 3(4): 352-373.
  • [13] Dhanapal, A., Sasikala, P., Rajamani, L., Kavitha V., Yazhini. G., Banu, M.S., 2012. Edible films from polysaccharides. Food Science and Quality Management 3: 1-10.
  • [14] Polat, H., 2007. İşlenmiş Et Ürünlerinde Yenilebilir Filmlerin ve Kaplamaların Uygulamaları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Afyon.
  • [15] Dursun Oğur, S., 2012. Dumanlanmış Balıkların Kalite ve Raf Ömrü Üzerine Yenilebilir Protein Film Kaplamanın Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul.
  • [16] Debeaufort, F., Gallo, J.A.Q., Voilley, A., 1998. Edible films and coatings: tomorrow’s packagings: a review. Critical Reviewers in Food Science 38(4): 299-313.
  • [17] Ouattara, B., Simard, R.E., Piette, G., Begin, A., Holley, R.A., 2000. Inhibition of surface spoilage bacteria in processed meats by application of antimicrobial films prepared with chitosan. International Journal of Food Microbiology 62(1–2): 139-148.
  • [18] Vargas, M., Albors, A.., Chiralt, A., 2011. Application of chitosan-sunflower oil edible films to pork meat hamburgers. Procedia Food Science 1(1): 39-43.
  • [19] Park, S.I., Marsh, K.S., Dawson, P., 2010. Application of chitosan-incorporated LDPE film to sliced fresh red meats for shelf life extension. Meat Science 85(3): 493-499.
  • [20] Beverlya, R.L., Janes, M.E., Prinyawiwatkula, W., No, H.K., 2008. Edible chitosan films on ready-to-eat roast beef for the control of Listeria monocytogenes. Food Microbiology 25(3): 534-537.
  • [21] Mu, Y., Hudaa, N., Haiqiang, C., 2008. Control of Listeria monocytogenes on ham steaks by antimicrobials incorporated into chitosan-coated plastic films. Food Microbiology 25(2): 260-268.
  • [22] Baranenko, D.A., Kolodyaznaya, V.S., Zabelina, N.A., 2013. Effect of composition and properties of chitosan-based edible coatings on microflora of meat and meat products. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 12(2): 149-157.
  • [23] Chidanandaiah, Keshri, R.C., Sanyal, M.K., 2009. Effect of sodium alginate coating with preservatives on the quality of meat patties during refrigerated (4 ±1 C) storage. Journal of Muscle Foods 20(3): 275-292.
  • [24] Wu, Y., Rhim, J.W., Weller, C.L., Hamouz, F., Cuppett, S., Schnepf, M., 2001. Moisture loss and lipid oxidation for precooked ground-beef patties packaged in edible starch-alginate-based composite films. Sensory and Nutritive Qualities of Foods 66(3): 486-493.
  • [25] Yu, X.L., Li, X.B., Xu, X.L., Zhou, G.H., 2008. Coating with sodium alginate and its effects on the functional properties and structure of frozen pork. Journal of Muscle Foods 19(4): 333-351.
  • [26] Lim, G.O., Hong, Y.H., Song, K.B., 2010. Application of Gelidium corneum edible films containing carvacrol for ham packages. Journal of Food Science 75(1): 90-93.
  • [27] Zinoviadou, K.G., Koutsoumanis, K.P., Biliaderis, C.G., 2010. Physical and thermo-mechanical properties of whey protein isolate films containing antimicrobials, and their effect against spoilage flora of fresh beef. Food Hydrocolloids 24(1): 49-59.
  • [28] Zinoviadou, K.G., Koutsoumanis, K.P., Biliaderis, C.G., 2009. Physico-chemical properties of whey protein isolate films containing oregano oil and their antimicrobial action against spoilage flora of fresh beef. Meat Science 82(3): 338-345.
  • [29] Ünalan, I.U., Korel, F., Yemenicioglu, A., 2011. Active packaging of ground beef patties by edible zein films incorporated with partially purified lysozyme and Na(2)EDTA. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46(6): 1289-1295.
  • [30] Ku, K.J., Hong, Y.H., Song, K.B., 2008. Mechanical properties of a Gelidium corneum edible film containing catechin and its application in sausages. Journal of Food Science 73(3): 217-221.
  • [31] Herring, J.L., Jonnalongadda, S.C., Narayanan, V.C., Coleman, S.M., 2010. Oxidative stability of gelatin coated pork at refrigerated storage. Meat Science 85(4): 651-656.
  • [32] Hong, Y.H., Lim, G.O., Song, K.B., 2009. Physical properties of Gelidium corneum-gelatin blend films containing grapefruit seed extract or green tea extract and its application in the packaging of pork loins. Journal of Food Science 74(1): 6-10.
  • [33] Lim, G.O., Hong, Y.H., Song, K.B., 2010. Application of Gelidium corneum edible films containing carvacrol for ham packages. Journal of Food Science 75(1): 90-93.
  • [34] Nguyen, V.T., Gidley, M.J., Dykes, G.A., 2008. Potential of a nisin-containing bacterial cellulose film to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes on processed meats. Food Microbiology 25(3): 471-478.
  • [35] Ravishankar, S., Jaroni, D., Zhu, L., Olsen, C., McHugh, T., Friedman, M., 2012. Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes on ham and bologna using pectin-based apple, carrot, and hibiscus edible films containing carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde. Journal of Food Science 77(7): 377-382.
  • [36] Shon, J., Eo, J.H., Eun, J.B., 2010. Effect of soy protein isolate coating on quality attributes of cut raw han-woo (Korean cow) beef, aerobically packaged and held refrigerated. Journal of Food Quality 33(Supp. s1): 42-60.
  • [37] Pan, I.F., Granda, X.C., Mate, J.I., 2014. Antimicrobial efficiency of edible coatings on the preservation of chicken breast fillets. Food Control 36(1): 69-75.
  • [38] Higueras, L., Lopez-Carballo, G., Hernandez-Munoz, P., Gavara, R., Rollini, M., 2013. Development of a novel antimicrobial film based on chitosan with LAE (ethyl-N(α)-dodecanoyl-l-arginate) and its application to fresh chicken. International Journal of Food Microbiology 165(3): 339-345.
  • [39] Song, N.B., Song, H.Y., Jo, W.S., Song, K.B., 2013. Physical properties of a composite film containing sunflower seed meal protein and its application in packaging smoked duck meat. Journal of Food Engineering 116(4): 789-795.
  • [40] Kanatt, S.R., Rao, M.S., Chawla, S.P., Arun, S., 2013. Effects of chitosan coating on shelf-life of ready-to-cook meat products during chilled storage. LWT - Food Science and Technology 53(1): 321-326.
  • [41] Maskat, M.Y., Yip, H.H., Mahali, H.M., 2005. The performance of a methyl cellulose-treated coating during the frying of a poultry product. International Journal of Food Science ve Technology 40(8): 811-816.
  • [42] Kurt, S., Kilincceker, O., 2011. Performance optimization of soy and whey protein isolates as coating materials on chicken meat. Poultry Science 90(1): 195-200.
  • [43] Dragich, A.M., Krochta, J.M., 2010. Whey protein solution coating for fat-uptake reduction in deep-fried chicken breast strips. Journal of Food Science 75(1): 43-47.
  • [44] Al-Abdullah, B.M., Angor, M.M., Al-Ismail, K.M., Ajo, R.Y., 2011. Reducing fat uptake during deep-frying of minced chicken meat-balls by coating them with different materials, either alone or in combination. Italian Journal of Food Science 23(3): 331-337.
  • [45] Martelli, M.R., Carvalho, R.A., Sobral, P.J.A.., Santos, J.S., 2008. Reduction of oil uptake in deep fat fried chicken nuggests using edible coatings based on cassava starch and methylcellulose. Italian Journal of Food Science 20(1): 111-118.
  • [46] Janes, M.E., Kooshesh, S., Johnson, M.G., 2002. Control of Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of refrigerated, ready-to-eat chicken coated with edible zein film coatings containing nisin. Food Microbiology and Safety 67(2): 2754-2757.
  • [47] Dawson, P.L., Carl, G.D., Acton, J.C., Han, I.Y., 2002. Effect of lauric acid and nisin-impregnated soy-based films on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes on turkey bologna. Poultry Science 81(5): 721-726.
  • [48] Theivendran, S., Hettiarachchy, N.S., Johnson, M.G., 2006. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes by nisin combined with grape seed extract or green tea extract in soy protein film coated on turkey frankfurters. Journal of Food Science 71(2): 39-44.
  • [49] Trinetta, V., Floros, J.D., Cutter, C.N., 2010. Sakacin A-containing pullulan film: an active packaging system to control epidemic clones of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. Journal of Food Safety 30(2): 366-381.
  • [50] Göğüş, U., Bozoğlu, F., Yurdugul, S., 2004. The effects of nisin, oil-wax coating and yogurt on the quality of refrigerated chicken meat. Food Control 15(7): 537-542.
  • [51] Seol, K.H., Lim, D.G., Jang, A., Jo, C., Lee, M., 2009. Antimicrobial effect of κ-carrageenan-based edible film containing ovotransferrin in fresh chicken breast stored at 5 C. Meat Science 83(3): 479-483.
  • [52] Can, Ö.P., Patır, B., 2012. Kitosan kaplamanın gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss, W. 1792) filetolarının raf ömrü üzerine etkisi. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi 42(4):148-154.
  • [53] Jeon, Y.J., Kamil, J.Y.V.A., Shahidi, F., 2002. Chitosan as an edible invisible film for quality preservation of herring and atlantic cod. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50(18): 5167−5178.
  • [54] Sathivel, S., 2005. Chitosan and protein coatings affect yield, moisture loss, and lipid oxidation of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) fillets during frozen storage. Journal of Food Science 70(8): 455-459.
  • [55] Lopez-Caballero, M.E., Gomez-Guille, N.M.C., Perez-Mateos, M., Montero, P., 2005. A chitosan–gelatin blend as a coating for fish patties. Food Hydrocolloids 19(2): 303–311.
  • [56] Fan, W., Sun, J., Chen, Y., Qiu, J., Zhang, Y., Chi, Y., 2009. Effects of chitosan coating on quality and shelf life of silver carp during frozen storage. Food Chemistry 115(1): 66 – 70.
  • [57] Alak, G., Aras Hisar, S., Hisar, O., Kaban, G., Kaya, M., 2010. Microbiological and chemical properties of bonito fish (Sarda sarda) fillets packaged with chitosan film, modified atmosphere and vacuum. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(Suppl-A): 73-80.
  • [58] Duan, J., Cherian, G., Zhao, Y., 2010. Quality enhancement in fresh and frozen lingcod (Ophiodon elongates) fillets by employment of fish oil incorporated chitosan coatings. Food Chemistry 119(2): 524–532.
  • [59] Chamanara, V., Shabanpour, B., Khomeiri M., Gorgin, S., 2013. Shelf-life extension of fish samples by using enriched chitosan coating with thyme essential oil. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 22(1): 3–10.
  • [60] Günlü, A., Koyun, E., 2013. Effects of vacuum packaging and wrapping with chitosan-based edible film on the extension of the shelf life of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets in cold storage (4C). Food and Bioprocess Technology 6(7): 1713–1719.
  • [61] Sipahioğlu, S., 2013. Kitosan Esaslı Yenilebilir Filmle Kaplanmış Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) Filetolarının Raf Ömrü ve Kalitesi Üzerine Yüksek Hidrostatik Basınç İşleminin Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, Isparta.
  • [62] Datta, S., Janes, M.E., Xue, Q.G., La Peyre, J.F., 2008. Control of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella annatum on the surface of smoked salmon coated with calcium alginate coating containing oyster lysozyme and nisin. Journal of Food Science 73(2): 67-71.
  • [63] Song, Y., Liu, L., Shen, H., You, J., Luo, Y., 2011. Effect of sodium alginate-based edible coating containing different anti-oxidants on quality and shelf life of refrigerated bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Food Control 22(3-4): 608-615.
  • [64] Ouattara, B., Sabato, S.F., Lacroix, M., 2001, Combined effect of antimicrobial coating and gamma ırradiation on shelf life extension of pre-cooked shrimp (Penaeus spp.). International Journal of Food Microbiology 68(1-2): 1-9.
  • [65] Motalebi A.A., Hasanzati Rostami A., Khanipour A.A., Soltani, M., 2010. Impacts of whey protein edible coating on chemical and microbial factors of gutted kilka during frozen storage. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 9(2): 255-264.
  • [66] Tammineni, N., Ünlü, G., Min S.C., 2013. Development of antimicrobial potato peel waste-based edible films with oregano essential oil to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes on cold-smoked salmon. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 48(1): 211-214.
  • [67] Akçay, S., 2012. Antimikrobiyal Madde İçeren Yenilebilir Filmlerin Dumanlanmış Balığın Kalitesine Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara.
  • [68] Can, Ö.P., Çoban, Ö.E., 2012. Vakum paketlemenin ve zein ile kaplamanın balık filetolarının kalite kriterleri üzerine etkilerinin karşılaştırılması. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi 5(1): 87-91.

Edible Films and Coatings: Their Production, Application Methods, Functions and Uses in Muscle Foods

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 84 - 94, 15.04.2017


In recent years, novel packaging materials and
methods with additional advantages have been developed in parallel with the
rapid development in packaging industry besides
packaging that may show limited barrier effect
. Edible
film and coating production is one of the technologies where packages are used for
extend the shelf life and can be consumed with foods. Typically,
food packages have been generally used to prevent moisture loss during
storage and transportation of foods, and nowadays they are being used both to
improve the quality characteristics and to extent shelf life of foods. In
addition, these packages are combined with antioxidant and antimicrobial
compounds to inhibit undesirable color formation, lipid oxidation and
microbiological spoilage in foods. Muscle foods are perishable and have relatively
short shelf life due to microbial and biochemical changes during storage. Therefore,
modern packaging technologies are important for delaying the deterioration of
muscular foods during storage. In this review, studies on the properties of
edible films and coatings and their application in muscle foods are presented.


  • [1] Cutter, C.N., 2006. Opportunities for bio-based packaging technologies to improve the quality and safety of fresh and further processed muscle foods. Meat Science 74(1): 131-142.
  • [2] Pavlath, A.E., Orts, W., 2009. Edible Films and Coatings: Why, What, and How? In Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications, Edited by Milda E. Embuscado, Kerry C. Huber, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 403p.
  • [3] Çağrı Mehmetoğlu, A., 2010. Yenilebilir filmlerin ve kaplamaların özelliklerini etkileyen faktörler. Akademik Gıda 8(5): 37-43.
  • [4] Gennadios, A., Milford, A.H., Lyndon, B.K., 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: a review. LWT - Food Science and Technology 30(4): 337-350.
  • [5] Weller, C.L., Gennaidos, A., Saraiva, R.A., 1998. Edible bilayer films from zein and grain sorghum wax or carnauba wax. LWT – Food Science and Technology 31(3): 279-285.
  • [6] Robertson, G.L., 2013. Food Packaging: Principle and Practice. Third Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 703p.
  • [7] McHugh, T.H., 2000. Protein lipid interactions in edible films and coatings. Nanrung 44(3): 148-151.
  • [8] Falgueraa, V., Quinterob, J.P., Jimenezc, A., Munozb, J.A., Ibarza, A., 2011. Edible films and coatings: structures, active functions and trends in their use. Trends in Food Science and Technology 22(6): 292-303.
  • [9] Sallam, K.I., Ishioroshi, M., Samejima, K., 2004. Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of garlic in chicken sausages. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie 37(8): 849-855.
  • [10] Turhan, S., Üstün, N.Ş., 2001. Et ve su ürünlerinde lipid oksidasyonu. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1): 89-95.
  • [11] Üstünol, Z., 2009. Edible Films and Coatings for Meat and Poultry. In Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications, Edited by Milda E. Embuscado, Kerry C. Huber, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 403p.
  • [12] Dursun, S., Erkan, N., 2009. Yenilebilir protein filmler ve su ürünlerinde kullanımı. Journal of Fisheries Science 3(4): 352-373.
  • [13] Dhanapal, A., Sasikala, P., Rajamani, L., Kavitha V., Yazhini. G., Banu, M.S., 2012. Edible films from polysaccharides. Food Science and Quality Management 3: 1-10.
  • [14] Polat, H., 2007. İşlenmiş Et Ürünlerinde Yenilebilir Filmlerin ve Kaplamaların Uygulamaları. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Afyon.
  • [15] Dursun Oğur, S., 2012. Dumanlanmış Balıkların Kalite ve Raf Ömrü Üzerine Yenilebilir Protein Film Kaplamanın Etkisi. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Su Ürünleri Avlama ve İşleme Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul.
  • [16] Debeaufort, F., Gallo, J.A.Q., Voilley, A., 1998. Edible films and coatings: tomorrow’s packagings: a review. Critical Reviewers in Food Science 38(4): 299-313.
  • [17] Ouattara, B., Simard, R.E., Piette, G., Begin, A., Holley, R.A., 2000. Inhibition of surface spoilage bacteria in processed meats by application of antimicrobial films prepared with chitosan. International Journal of Food Microbiology 62(1–2): 139-148.
  • [18] Vargas, M., Albors, A.., Chiralt, A., 2011. Application of chitosan-sunflower oil edible films to pork meat hamburgers. Procedia Food Science 1(1): 39-43.
  • [19] Park, S.I., Marsh, K.S., Dawson, P., 2010. Application of chitosan-incorporated LDPE film to sliced fresh red meats for shelf life extension. Meat Science 85(3): 493-499.
  • [20] Beverlya, R.L., Janes, M.E., Prinyawiwatkula, W., No, H.K., 2008. Edible chitosan films on ready-to-eat roast beef for the control of Listeria monocytogenes. Food Microbiology 25(3): 534-537.
  • [21] Mu, Y., Hudaa, N., Haiqiang, C., 2008. Control of Listeria monocytogenes on ham steaks by antimicrobials incorporated into chitosan-coated plastic films. Food Microbiology 25(2): 260-268.
  • [22] Baranenko, D.A., Kolodyaznaya, V.S., Zabelina, N.A., 2013. Effect of composition and properties of chitosan-based edible coatings on microflora of meat and meat products. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 12(2): 149-157.
  • [23] Chidanandaiah, Keshri, R.C., Sanyal, M.K., 2009. Effect of sodium alginate coating with preservatives on the quality of meat patties during refrigerated (4 ±1 C) storage. Journal of Muscle Foods 20(3): 275-292.
  • [24] Wu, Y., Rhim, J.W., Weller, C.L., Hamouz, F., Cuppett, S., Schnepf, M., 2001. Moisture loss and lipid oxidation for precooked ground-beef patties packaged in edible starch-alginate-based composite films. Sensory and Nutritive Qualities of Foods 66(3): 486-493.
  • [25] Yu, X.L., Li, X.B., Xu, X.L., Zhou, G.H., 2008. Coating with sodium alginate and its effects on the functional properties and structure of frozen pork. Journal of Muscle Foods 19(4): 333-351.
  • [26] Lim, G.O., Hong, Y.H., Song, K.B., 2010. Application of Gelidium corneum edible films containing carvacrol for ham packages. Journal of Food Science 75(1): 90-93.
  • [27] Zinoviadou, K.G., Koutsoumanis, K.P., Biliaderis, C.G., 2010. Physical and thermo-mechanical properties of whey protein isolate films containing antimicrobials, and their effect against spoilage flora of fresh beef. Food Hydrocolloids 24(1): 49-59.
  • [28] Zinoviadou, K.G., Koutsoumanis, K.P., Biliaderis, C.G., 2009. Physico-chemical properties of whey protein isolate films containing oregano oil and their antimicrobial action against spoilage flora of fresh beef. Meat Science 82(3): 338-345.
  • [29] Ünalan, I.U., Korel, F., Yemenicioglu, A., 2011. Active packaging of ground beef patties by edible zein films incorporated with partially purified lysozyme and Na(2)EDTA. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46(6): 1289-1295.
  • [30] Ku, K.J., Hong, Y.H., Song, K.B., 2008. Mechanical properties of a Gelidium corneum edible film containing catechin and its application in sausages. Journal of Food Science 73(3): 217-221.
  • [31] Herring, J.L., Jonnalongadda, S.C., Narayanan, V.C., Coleman, S.M., 2010. Oxidative stability of gelatin coated pork at refrigerated storage. Meat Science 85(4): 651-656.
  • [32] Hong, Y.H., Lim, G.O., Song, K.B., 2009. Physical properties of Gelidium corneum-gelatin blend films containing grapefruit seed extract or green tea extract and its application in the packaging of pork loins. Journal of Food Science 74(1): 6-10.
  • [33] Lim, G.O., Hong, Y.H., Song, K.B., 2010. Application of Gelidium corneum edible films containing carvacrol for ham packages. Journal of Food Science 75(1): 90-93.
  • [34] Nguyen, V.T., Gidley, M.J., Dykes, G.A., 2008. Potential of a nisin-containing bacterial cellulose film to inhibit Listeria monocytogenes on processed meats. Food Microbiology 25(3): 471-478.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Serpil Tural

Furkan Türker Sarıcaoğlu Bu kişi benim

Sadettin Turhan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Tural, S., Sarıcaoğlu, F. T., & Turhan, S. (2017). Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları. Akademik Gıda, 15(1), 84-94.
AMA Tural S, Sarıcaoğlu FT, Turhan S. Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları. Akademik Gıda. Nisan 2017;15(1):84-94. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.306077
Chicago Tural, Serpil, Furkan Türker Sarıcaoğlu, ve Sadettin Turhan. “Yenilebilir Film Ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları Ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları”. Akademik Gıda 15, sy. 1 (Nisan 2017): 84-94.
EndNote Tural S, Sarıcaoğlu FT, Turhan S (01 Nisan 2017) Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları. Akademik Gıda 15 1 84–94.
IEEE S. Tural, F. T. Sarıcaoğlu, ve S. Turhan, “Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları”, Akademik Gıda, c. 15, sy. 1, ss. 84–94, 2017, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.306077.
ISNAD Tural, Serpil vd. “Yenilebilir Film Ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları Ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları”. Akademik Gıda 15/1 (Nisan 2017), 84-94.
JAMA Tural S, Sarıcaoğlu FT, Turhan S. Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları. Akademik Gıda. 2017;15:84–94.
MLA Tural, Serpil vd. “Yenilebilir Film Ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları Ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları”. Akademik Gıda, c. 15, sy. 1, 2017, ss. 84-94, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.306077.
Vancouver Tural S, Sarıcaoğlu FT, Turhan S. Yenilebilir Film ve Kaplamalar: Üretimleri, Uygulama Yöntemleri, Fonksiyonları ve Kaslı Gıdalarda Kullanımları. Akademik Gıda. 2017;15(1):84-9.

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