Ph.D. in Economics, Associated Professor of the Economics department of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies (AIAA), Uzbekistan. Graduated Mathematics Faculty of Andijan State University, Uzbekistan (1997). Prepared a dissertation on the topic "Peculiarities of forming and development of regional food markets in Uzbekistan" in the Center for Effective Economic Policy by the Ministry of Economics of Uzbekistan and defended it at the National University of Uzbekistan in 2004. 28 years of professional experience at AIAA, teaching in economics-oriented postgraduate and professional development programs. Has more than 40 publications in scientific journals. Key subject areas: Microeconomics, Agricultural economics, Food markets, Walnut production, Regional economy. Local coordinator of EU Erasmus+ CBHE projects OFINU (2024-2027), TOPAS (2017-2021), MAGNET (2017-2019), Tempus SAMUZ (2013-2016). Get a PostDoc scholarship of DAAD (Germany) and raise the qualification on the theme "Formulation and estimation of quantitative models for the regional food markets" at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg in the Institute of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Agricultural Markets, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michael Grings in 2012. In 2015 was a scholarship holder of the EU Erasmus Mundus CANEM project and raised the qualification at Genoa University (Italy) under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni D’Alauro. Received a scholarship from the “Istedod” foundation of the President of Uzbekistan in 2018 and improved studies at the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
Researcher on USAID project Agribusiness Development (2021-2023). Researcher of economic efficiency part on Project No. QX-I-QX-2018-113 "Selecting promising varieties of pumpkin in the climate of Andijan region, improving seed production and introducing them to production" with financial support of the Ministry of Innovation development of Uzbekistan (2018-2019). Researcher of economic efficiency part on Project No. I-QX-2017-5-24 "Introduction of the technology of preparation of drugs used against plant pests using physical-chemical methods and devices" with financial support of the Ministry of Innovation development of Uzbekistan (2017-2018). Researcher of economic efficiency part on Project No. IL-432105783 "Creation of ecological technologies of cultivation of sunflower and corn on the basis of complex use of organomineral fertilizers and physiologically active substances in the conditions of Uzbekistan" by financial support of Ministry of Innovation development of Uzbekistan (2022-2023).
Ziraat Mh. Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama