1. The Article Processing Charge (APC) Policy has been updated. Please check the "Price Policy" before submitting your article.
2. Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science (BSJ Eng Sci) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published electronically six times (January, March, May, July, September, and November) in a year as of January 2024.
3. The Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science supports "the IX. International Congress on Domestic Animal Breeding Genetics and Husbandry - 2025 (ICABGEH-25), which is to be held on September 02 - 04, 2025, in Szeged, Hungary, as a media partner.
4. The Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science has been indexed by TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM TR Dizin since 2023.
Black Sea Journal of Engineering and Science (BSJ Eng Sci) started publication in January 2018. BSJ Eng Sci is an open-access international e-journal. BSJ Eng Sci publishes, in Turkish or English, full-length original research articles, innovative papers, conference papers, reviews, mini-reviews, rapid communications, or technical notes on advances in a wide range of scientific disciplines from all fields of engineering and science and any source.
Aims and Scope
The overall aim of BSJ Eng Sci is to promote the professional development of its readers, researchers, and scientists related to engineering and sciences around the world. BSJ Eng Sci aims to provide a platform for the scientific community to publish their research findings and open new perspectives for further research. BSJ Eng Sci is published electronically only, and the online version is available for free.
Araştırma Makalesi
2023 Kahramanmaraş Depremleri Sonucu Hasar Gören 11 Katlı Betonarme Bir Yapının Deprem Performansının DeğerlendirilmesiAraştırma Makalesi
Comparison of Total Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacities of Ethanol and Methanol Extracts of Pistacia vera L., Prunus dulcis and Rhus coriaria L. LeavesAraştırma Makalesi
Utilization of Waste Heat in Closed Brayton Cycle: A Thermodynamic Analysis with Various Working FluidsAraştırma Makalesi
Effect of Addition of Pure Titanium Powder on Mechanical Properties in Rotary Friction WeldingAraştırma Makalesi
Change of dmax Values of Elements with Z≤54 for Electron BeamsAraştırma Makalesi
Optimizing Visual Instruction Detection in Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Yolov8 and Tensorrt AccelerationDerleme
A Solution to Waste Economy and Water Scarcity; Air Conditioning WastewaterAraştırma Makalesi
Manuel, Yarı Otomatik ve Mobil Robot Tabanlı Otonom Toprak Burgu Makinelerinin Alan Kapasitelerinin Karşılaştırmalı DeğerlendirilmesiAraştırma Makalesi
Performance Evaluation of Transformer-Based Pre-Trained Language Models for Turkish Question-AnsweringAraştırma Makalesi
Analysis of the Impact of RGB-to-Achromatic Color Space Transformations on Single-Image Superresolution PerformanceAraştırma Makalesi
Uzaktan Eğitimden Yüz Yüze Eğitime: KTÜ Kanuni Kampüsü Mekânsal İmgeleriTez Özeti
Examination of Distance Based Regression Methods for Different Data Structures in Animal ScienceAraştırma Makalesi
A Comparative Assessment on the Novel Long-Term Real-Time Single Object Tracking Techniques Using Yolo-Nas and YOLO11Araştırma Makalesi
The Effect of Curd Cooking Temperature and Time on Chemical and Melting Properties in Cheese Produced with the Traditional MethodAraştırma Makalesi
Classification of Vibration Data from Brownfield Milling Machines Using Machine LearningAraştırma Makalesi
Optimising 3D Print Parameters for L-Joint Strength Using Taguchi MethodAraştırma Makalesi
Enhanced Thermal, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Composites Reinforced with CdS/MWCNT Nanohybrids Synthesized via Hydrothermal MethodAraştırma Makalesi
Arachis hypogaea Bitkisi Kullanılarak Yeşil Sentezi Gerçekleştirilen Gümüş Nanopartiküllerin Antimikrobiyal ve Anti Quorum Sensing Aktivitelerinin TespitiAraştırma Makalesi
Bibliometric Analysis of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) on Hydraulic EnergyBibliyografi
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Dittrichia viscosa Methanol Extract-Containing Nanoemulsion and Nanoemulsion-Based Gel Formulations: Preparation and in vitro Characterization StudiesKarar İncelemesi
Thermal SLAM: Harnessing Temperature Variations to Enhance Object Detection and Tracking PerformanceAraştırma Makalesi
Tunneling Nanotube (TNT) Mediated Intercellular Crosstalk and Autophagy in Hypoxia-Induced Mesenchymal Stem CellsDerleme
Patlayıcı Maddeler: Sınıflandırma, Günümüz Uygulamaları ve Geleceğe Yönelik YönelimlerAraştırma Makalesi
Analysis of Compressive Strength of Standard Poured Microsilica Added Reactive Powder ConcreteAraştırma Makalesi
Applying Permanova for Multivariate Analysis of Variance in Health StudiesAraştırma Makalesi
Optimizing Microwave Drying of Black Carrot Pretreated with Osmotic Dehydration: Taguchi Based Desirability Function ApproachAraştırma Makalesi
Reconstruction of Metal Objects - 3D Photogrammetry and Clay CoatingAraştırma Makalesi
Kamusal Alanların Sürdürülebilirliği: Cami Avlusunun Afet Sonrası Esnek Kullanımı Üzerine Bir İncelemeAraştırma Makalesi
Optimization-Based PID Controller Design for DC-DC Boost Converters in Hybrid Renewable Energy SystemsAraştırma Makalesi
Determination of Critical Variables for Resilient UrbanizationAraştırma Makalesi
Saha Verileri Işığında Betonarme Bina Deprem Performansının Güvenilir TahminiAraştırma Makalesi
Determination of Elemental Content of Allium pervariensis Plant Using ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy) Method