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Enzymatic Coagulation of Milk and Plant Coagulants in the Cheese Production

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 201 - 214, 01.12.2018


The most commonly used coagulant in cheese production is rennet obtained from the stomach of young ruminant animals. However, the increases in cheese consumption and production, the high price and the little yield of rennet, being inappropriate of the products obtained by this enzyme for vegetarian eating habits, the ethical issues related to the use of the enzyme and religious restrictions have caused the search for alternative or additional rennet substitutes. Microbial-derived coagulants produced by bacteria and molds and herbal coagulants obtained from certain parts of plants such as root, stem, seed, flower, leaf are suitable substitutes for animal rennet. Proteases obtained from Cynara cardunculus, Calotropis procera, Solanum dubium, Carica papaya, Ananas comosus, Ficus carica, Albizia julibrissin, Cucumis melo, Lactuca sativa are the most commonly used plant coagulants in cheese production. In this study, we will give information about the plant enzyme sources used in the coagulation of the milk.


  • Abdalla, M.O.M., Ali D.A.A. and B.E. Mohamed. 2010. Extraction, Milk Clotting Activity Measurements and Purification of Solanum dubium Fresen (Gubban) for Cheese Making. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences, 5 (2), 152-159.
  • Ahmed, I.A.M., Morishima I., Babiker E.E., and N. Mori. 2009. Characterisation of Partially Purified Milk-clotting Enzyme from Solanum dubium Fresen Seeds. Food Chemistry, 116 (2), 395-400.
  • Akar, B. and S. Fadıloglu. 1999. Teleme Production by Purified Ficin. Journal of Food Quality, 22, 671-680.
  • Amira, A.B., Makhlouf I., Petrut R.F., Francis F., Bauwens J., Attia H., Besbes S. and C. Blecker. 2017. Effect of Extraction pH on Techno-functional Properties of Crude Extracts from Wild Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) Flowers. Food Chemistry, 225, 258-266.
  • Aworth, O.C. and H.G. Muller. 1987. Cheese Making Properties of Vegetable Rennet from Sodom Apple (Colotropis procera). Food Chemistry, 26 (1), 71-79.
  • Bakr, S.A. 2013. Nutritional and therapeutical values of chickpea water extract enriched yoghurt made from cow and camel milk. American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development, 3 (2), 47-59.
  • Beka, R.G., Krier F., Botquin M., Guiama V.D., Donn P., Libouga D.G., Mbofung C.M., Dimitrov K., Slomianny M.-C., Guillochon D. and D. Vercaigne-Marko. 2014. Characterisation of a Milk-Clotting Extract from Balanites aegyptiaca Fruit Pulp. International Dairy Journal, 34 (1), 25-31.
  • Cakmakcı, S. and E. Dagdemir. 2013. A Preliminary Study on Functionality of Gundelia tournefortii L. as a New Stabiliser in Ice Cream Production. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 66 (3), 431-436.
  • Cavalli, S.V., Silva S.V., Cimino C.F., Malcata X., and N. Priolo. 2008. Hydrolysis of Caprine and Ovine Milk Proteins, Brought About by Aspartic Peptidases from Silybum marianum Flowers. Food Chemistry, 106, 997–1003.
  • Cerretani, G. 2001. Da ‘Detersivo’ a Coagulante: le Molteplici Azioni Del Cardo. Caseus-Via Lattea, 6, 16.
  • Chazarra, S., L. Sidrach, D. Lopez-Molina, and J.N. Rodríguez-López. 2007. Characterization of the Milk-Clotting Properties of Extracts from Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Flowers. International Dairy Journal, 17 (12), 1393-1400.
  • Dayısoylu, K.S., Duman A.D., Gezginç Y. ve İ. Akyol. Kahramanmaraş telemesi. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 412-416. 23-24 Eylül 2004, Van.
  • Duarte, A.R., D. M. R. Duarte, K.A. Moreira, M.T.H. Cavalcanti, J.L. Lima-Filho and A.L.F. Porto. 2009. Jacaratia corumbensis O. Kuntze a New Vegetable Source for Milk-Clotting Enzymes. Brazilian Archieves of Biology and Technology, 52 (1), 1-9.
  • Ebrahimi, A., A.M. Sani, and M.H. Islami. 2015. Evaluation of Rheological, Physicochemical, and Sensory Properties of Gundelia tournefortii yogurt. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 4, 146-159.
  • Egito, A.S., J.M. Girardetc, L.E. Lagunaa, C. Poirson, D. Molle, L. Micloc, G. Humbertc and J. L. Gaillard. 2007. Milk-Clotting Activity of Enzyme Extracts from Sunflower and Albizia Seeds and Specific Hydrolysis of Bovine κ-Casein. International Dairy Journal, 17 (7), 816–825.
  • Erkaya, T., E. Dagdemir and M. Sengül. 2012. Influence of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) Addition on the Chemical and Sensory Characteristics and Mineral Concentrations of Ice Cream. Food Research International, 45 (1), 331-335.
  • Esteves, C.L., A. Luceya, B.D. Hyslopa and E.M. Piresb. 2003. Effect of Gelation Temperature on the Properties of Skim Milk Gels Made from Plant Coagulants and Chymosin. International Dairy Journal, 13 (11), 877–885.
  • Faccia, M., G. Picariello, A. Trani, P. Loizzo, G. Gambacorta, C. Lamacchia, and A. Di Luccia. 2012. Proteolysis of Cacioricotta Cheese Made from Goat Milk Coagulated with Caprifig (Ficus carica sylvestris) or Calf Rennet. European Food Research and Technology, 234 (3), 527-533.
  • Fadiloglu, S., 2001. Immobilization and Characterization of Ficin. Nahrung Food, 45 (2), 143-146.
  • Fernandez-Salguero, J., L. Tejada and R. Gomez. 2002. Use of Powdered Vegetable Coagulant in the Manufacture of Ewe’s Milk Cheeses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (4), 464-468.
  • Fox, P.F., T.P. Guinee, T.M. Cogan and P.L. McSweeney. 2000. Fundamentals of Cheese Science. Aspen Publication, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Fu, Y.H and F.C. Zhang. 2013. Changes in Isoflavane Glucoside and Aglycone Contents of Chickpea Yoghurt During Fermentation by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37 (5), 744-750.
  • Gagaoua, M., N. Hoggas and K. Hafid. 2015. Three Phase Partitioning of Zingibain, a Milk-Clotting Enzyme from Zingiber officinale Roscoe Rhizomes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 73, 245-252.
  • Göncü, A. ve Z. Alpkent. 2006. Cynara cardunculus L. Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Cardoon Enziminin Özellikleri ve Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın No 33, 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Bolu.
  • Guiama, V.D., D.G. Libouga, E. Ngah, R.G. Beka, K.C. Ndi, B. Maloga, J.M. Bindzi, P. Donn and C.M. Mbofung. 2010. Milk-Clotting Potential of Fruit Extracts from Solanum esculentum, Solanum macrocarpon L. and Solanum melongena. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (12).
  • Hailu, Y., E. Seifu and Z. Yilma. 2014. Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptability of Soft Unripened Cheese Made from Camel Milk Using Crude Extract of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) as Coagulant. African Journal of Food Science, 8 (2), 87-91.
  • Hashim, M.M., D. Mingsheng, M.F. Iqbal and C. Xiaohong. 2011. Ginger Rhizome as a Potential Source of Milk Coagulating Cysteine Protease. Phytochemistry, 72 (6), 458-464.
  • Jabalpurwala, F., J. Smoot and R Rouseff. 2009. A Comparison of Citrus Blossom Volatiles. Phytochemistry, 70 (11-12), 1428-1434.
  • Jacob, M., D. Jaros and H. Rohm. 2011. Recent Advances in Milk Clotting Enzymes. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 64 (1), 14–33.
  • Levent, H. ve Ö. Algan-Cavuldak. 2012. Geleneksel kenger kahvesi ve sakızı. III. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu. Bildiri Kitabi: 618-619. 10-12 Mayıs 2012, Konya.
  • Lo Piero, A.R., I. Puglisi and G. Petrone. 2002. Characterization of ‘‘Lettucine’’, a Serine-Like Protease from Lactuca sativa Leaves, as a Novel Enzyme for Milk Clotting. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50 (8), 2439–2443.
  • Lomolino, G., S. Zannoni and G. Di Pierro. 2015. Characterization of Crude Esterase Activity from Two Plants Used in Cheese Making: Cynara cardunculus L. and Ficus carica L. Food Biotechnology, 29 (4), 297-316.
  • Matthaus, B. and M.M. Ozcan. 2011. Chemical Evaluation of Flower Bud and Oils of Tumbleweed (Gundelia tournefortii L.) as a New Potential Nutrition Sources. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 35 (4), 1257-1266.
  • Mazorra-Manzano, M.A., T.C. Perea-Gutiérrez, M.E. Lugo-Sánchez, J.C. Ramirez-Suarez, M.J. Torres-Llanez, A.F. González-Córdova and B. Vallejo-Cordoba. 2013. Comparison of the Milk-Clotting Properties of Three Plant Extracts. Food chemistry, 141(3), 1902-1907.
  • Naz, A., and M.I. Choudhary. 2003. Withanolides from Withania Coagulans. Phytochemistry, 63 (4), 387-390.
  • Pontual, E. V., B.E.A. Carvalho, R.S. Bezerra, L.C.B.B Coelho, T.H Napoleao and P.M.G. Paiva. 2012. Caseinolytic and Milk-Clotting Activities from Moringa oleifera Flowers. Food Chemistry, 135 (3), 1848-1854.
  • Prados, F., A. Pino and J. Fernández-Salguero. 2007. Effect of a Powdered Vegetable Coagulant from Cynara cardunculus in the Accelerated Ripening of Manchego Cheese. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 42 (5), 556-561
  • Rogelj I., B. Perko, A. Francky, V. Penca and J. Pungercar. 2001. Recombinant Lamb Chymosin as an Alternative Coagulating Enzyme in Cheese Production. Journal of Dairy Science, 84 (5), 1020-1026. Roseiro, L.B., M. Barbosa, J.M. Ames and R.A. Wilbey. 2003. Cheesemaking with Vegetable Coagulants—the use of Cynara L. for the Production of Ovine Milk Cheeses. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56 (2), 76-85.
  • Say, D. ve N. Güzeler. 2016. Süt Pıhtılaştırılmasında Kullanılan Bazı Bitkiler. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5, 253-261
  • Saydam, İ.B. ve N. Güzeler. 2012. Bazı Bitkisel Pıhtılaştırıcıların Sütü Pıhtılaştırma Kuvvetleri. III. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu. 701-703. 10-12 Mayıs 2012, Konya.
  • Shah, M.A, S.A. Mir and M.A. Paray. 2014. Plant Proteases as Milk-Cloting Enzymes in Cheesemaking: a Review. Dairy Science and Technology, 94 (1), 5-16.
  • Silva, A.C.D., T.C.E.D.S. Nascimento, S.A.D. Silva, P.N. Herculano and K.A. Moreira. 2013. Potential of Quixaba (Sideroxylon obtusifolium) Latex as a Milk-Clotting Agent. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 33 (3), 494-499.
  • Tejada, L., A. Abellán, J.M. Cayuela and A. Martínez-Cacha. 2006. Sensorial Characteristics During Rıpenıng of the Murcıa Al Vıno Goat’s Mılk Cheese: the Effect of The Type of Coagulant Used and The Sıze of The Cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies. 21 (3), 333-347.
  • Uniacke-Lowe, T. and P.F. Fox. 2017. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Fourth Edition. pp: 69-113. Editor: P. L.H. McSweeney, P.F. Fox, P. Cotter and D.W. Everett. Chymosin, Pepsins and Other Aspartyl Proteinases: Structures, Functions, Catalytic Mechanism and Milk-Clotting Properties.
  • Vieira, A.M.S., M.F. Vieira, G.F. Silva, Á.A. Araújo, M.R. Fagundes-Klen, M.T. Veit and R. Bergamasco. 2010. Use of Moringa oleifera Seed as a Natural Adsorbent for Wastewater Treatment. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 206 (1-4), 273-281.
  • Wood, J.A. and M.A. Grusak 2007. Nutritional Value of Chickpea. p: 101-142. Editor: S.S Yaday, R.J. Redden, W. Chan, B. Sharma. Chickpea Breeding and Management. Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, UK.

Sütün Enzimatik Koagülasyonu ve Peynir Üretiminde Bitkisel Pıhtılaştırıcılar

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2, 201 - 214, 01.12.2018


Peynir yapımında en yaygın olarak kullanılan pıhtılaştırıcı, geviş getiren genç hayvanların midelerinden elde edilen rennin enzimidir. Ancak peynir tüketiminde ve üretimindeki artışlar, yüksek fiyat ve az miktarda rennin enzimi verimi, bu enzim ile elde edilen ürünlerin vejetaryen beslenme alışkanlıklarına uygun olmaması, enzimin kullanımı ile ilgili etik konular ve dini kısıtlamalar alternatif veya ilave enzim ikameleri arayışına neden olmuştur. Bakteriler ve küfler tarafından üretilen mikrobiyel kaynaklı pıhtılaştırıcılar ve bitkilerin kök, gövde, tohum, çiçek, yaprak gibi belirli bölgelerinden elde edilen bitkisel pıhtılaştırıcılar hayvansal rennin enzimi için uygun ikame maddeleridir. Cynara cardunculus, Calotropis procera, Solanum dubium, Carica papaya, Ananas comosus, Ficus carica, Albizia julibrissin, Cucumis melo ve Lactuca sativa’dan elde edilen proteazlar peynir üretiminde en çok kullanılan bitkisel pıhtılaştırıcılardır. Bu çalışmada, sütün pıhtılaştırılmasında kullanılan bitkisel enzim kaynakları hakkında bilgiler verilecektir.


  • Abdalla, M.O.M., Ali D.A.A. and B.E. Mohamed. 2010. Extraction, Milk Clotting Activity Measurements and Purification of Solanum dubium Fresen (Gubban) for Cheese Making. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences, 5 (2), 152-159.
  • Ahmed, I.A.M., Morishima I., Babiker E.E., and N. Mori. 2009. Characterisation of Partially Purified Milk-clotting Enzyme from Solanum dubium Fresen Seeds. Food Chemistry, 116 (2), 395-400.
  • Akar, B. and S. Fadıloglu. 1999. Teleme Production by Purified Ficin. Journal of Food Quality, 22, 671-680.
  • Amira, A.B., Makhlouf I., Petrut R.F., Francis F., Bauwens J., Attia H., Besbes S. and C. Blecker. 2017. Effect of Extraction pH on Techno-functional Properties of Crude Extracts from Wild Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) Flowers. Food Chemistry, 225, 258-266.
  • Aworth, O.C. and H.G. Muller. 1987. Cheese Making Properties of Vegetable Rennet from Sodom Apple (Colotropis procera). Food Chemistry, 26 (1), 71-79.
  • Bakr, S.A. 2013. Nutritional and therapeutical values of chickpea water extract enriched yoghurt made from cow and camel milk. American Journal of Drug Discovery and Development, 3 (2), 47-59.
  • Beka, R.G., Krier F., Botquin M., Guiama V.D., Donn P., Libouga D.G., Mbofung C.M., Dimitrov K., Slomianny M.-C., Guillochon D. and D. Vercaigne-Marko. 2014. Characterisation of a Milk-Clotting Extract from Balanites aegyptiaca Fruit Pulp. International Dairy Journal, 34 (1), 25-31.
  • Cakmakcı, S. and E. Dagdemir. 2013. A Preliminary Study on Functionality of Gundelia tournefortii L. as a New Stabiliser in Ice Cream Production. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 66 (3), 431-436.
  • Cavalli, S.V., Silva S.V., Cimino C.F., Malcata X., and N. Priolo. 2008. Hydrolysis of Caprine and Ovine Milk Proteins, Brought About by Aspartic Peptidases from Silybum marianum Flowers. Food Chemistry, 106, 997–1003.
  • Cerretani, G. 2001. Da ‘Detersivo’ a Coagulante: le Molteplici Azioni Del Cardo. Caseus-Via Lattea, 6, 16.
  • Chazarra, S., L. Sidrach, D. Lopez-Molina, and J.N. Rodríguez-López. 2007. Characterization of the Milk-Clotting Properties of Extracts from Artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) Flowers. International Dairy Journal, 17 (12), 1393-1400.
  • Dayısoylu, K.S., Duman A.D., Gezginç Y. ve İ. Akyol. Kahramanmaraş telemesi. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu, 412-416. 23-24 Eylül 2004, Van.
  • Duarte, A.R., D. M. R. Duarte, K.A. Moreira, M.T.H. Cavalcanti, J.L. Lima-Filho and A.L.F. Porto. 2009. Jacaratia corumbensis O. Kuntze a New Vegetable Source for Milk-Clotting Enzymes. Brazilian Archieves of Biology and Technology, 52 (1), 1-9.
  • Ebrahimi, A., A.M. Sani, and M.H. Islami. 2015. Evaluation of Rheological, Physicochemical, and Sensory Properties of Gundelia tournefortii yogurt. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 4, 146-159.
  • Egito, A.S., J.M. Girardetc, L.E. Lagunaa, C. Poirson, D. Molle, L. Micloc, G. Humbertc and J. L. Gaillard. 2007. Milk-Clotting Activity of Enzyme Extracts from Sunflower and Albizia Seeds and Specific Hydrolysis of Bovine κ-Casein. International Dairy Journal, 17 (7), 816–825.
  • Erkaya, T., E. Dagdemir and M. Sengül. 2012. Influence of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) Addition on the Chemical and Sensory Characteristics and Mineral Concentrations of Ice Cream. Food Research International, 45 (1), 331-335.
  • Esteves, C.L., A. Luceya, B.D. Hyslopa and E.M. Piresb. 2003. Effect of Gelation Temperature on the Properties of Skim Milk Gels Made from Plant Coagulants and Chymosin. International Dairy Journal, 13 (11), 877–885.
  • Faccia, M., G. Picariello, A. Trani, P. Loizzo, G. Gambacorta, C. Lamacchia, and A. Di Luccia. 2012. Proteolysis of Cacioricotta Cheese Made from Goat Milk Coagulated with Caprifig (Ficus carica sylvestris) or Calf Rennet. European Food Research and Technology, 234 (3), 527-533.
  • Fadiloglu, S., 2001. Immobilization and Characterization of Ficin. Nahrung Food, 45 (2), 143-146.
  • Fernandez-Salguero, J., L. Tejada and R. Gomez. 2002. Use of Powdered Vegetable Coagulant in the Manufacture of Ewe’s Milk Cheeses. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82 (4), 464-468.
  • Fox, P.F., T.P. Guinee, T.M. Cogan and P.L. McSweeney. 2000. Fundamentals of Cheese Science. Aspen Publication, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
  • Fu, Y.H and F.C. Zhang. 2013. Changes in Isoflavane Glucoside and Aglycone Contents of Chickpea Yoghurt During Fermentation by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 37 (5), 744-750.
  • Gagaoua, M., N. Hoggas and K. Hafid. 2015. Three Phase Partitioning of Zingibain, a Milk-Clotting Enzyme from Zingiber officinale Roscoe Rhizomes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 73, 245-252.
  • Göncü, A. ve Z. Alpkent. 2006. Cynara cardunculus L. Bitkisinden Elde Edilen Cardoon Enziminin Özellikleri ve Peynir Üretiminde Kullanılması. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayın No 33, 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Bolu.
  • Guiama, V.D., D.G. Libouga, E. Ngah, R.G. Beka, K.C. Ndi, B. Maloga, J.M. Bindzi, P. Donn and C.M. Mbofung. 2010. Milk-Clotting Potential of Fruit Extracts from Solanum esculentum, Solanum macrocarpon L. and Solanum melongena. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9 (12).
  • Hailu, Y., E. Seifu and Z. Yilma. 2014. Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptability of Soft Unripened Cheese Made from Camel Milk Using Crude Extract of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) as Coagulant. African Journal of Food Science, 8 (2), 87-91.
  • Hashim, M.M., D. Mingsheng, M.F. Iqbal and C. Xiaohong. 2011. Ginger Rhizome as a Potential Source of Milk Coagulating Cysteine Protease. Phytochemistry, 72 (6), 458-464.
  • Jabalpurwala, F., J. Smoot and R Rouseff. 2009. A Comparison of Citrus Blossom Volatiles. Phytochemistry, 70 (11-12), 1428-1434.
  • Jacob, M., D. Jaros and H. Rohm. 2011. Recent Advances in Milk Clotting Enzymes. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 64 (1), 14–33.
  • Levent, H. ve Ö. Algan-Cavuldak. 2012. Geleneksel kenger kahvesi ve sakızı. III. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu. Bildiri Kitabi: 618-619. 10-12 Mayıs 2012, Konya.
  • Lo Piero, A.R., I. Puglisi and G. Petrone. 2002. Characterization of ‘‘Lettucine’’, a Serine-Like Protease from Lactuca sativa Leaves, as a Novel Enzyme for Milk Clotting. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50 (8), 2439–2443.
  • Lomolino, G., S. Zannoni and G. Di Pierro. 2015. Characterization of Crude Esterase Activity from Two Plants Used in Cheese Making: Cynara cardunculus L. and Ficus carica L. Food Biotechnology, 29 (4), 297-316.
  • Matthaus, B. and M.M. Ozcan. 2011. Chemical Evaluation of Flower Bud and Oils of Tumbleweed (Gundelia tournefortii L.) as a New Potential Nutrition Sources. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 35 (4), 1257-1266.
  • Mazorra-Manzano, M.A., T.C. Perea-Gutiérrez, M.E. Lugo-Sánchez, J.C. Ramirez-Suarez, M.J. Torres-Llanez, A.F. González-Córdova and B. Vallejo-Cordoba. 2013. Comparison of the Milk-Clotting Properties of Three Plant Extracts. Food chemistry, 141(3), 1902-1907.
  • Naz, A., and M.I. Choudhary. 2003. Withanolides from Withania Coagulans. Phytochemistry, 63 (4), 387-390.
  • Pontual, E. V., B.E.A. Carvalho, R.S. Bezerra, L.C.B.B Coelho, T.H Napoleao and P.M.G. Paiva. 2012. Caseinolytic and Milk-Clotting Activities from Moringa oleifera Flowers. Food Chemistry, 135 (3), 1848-1854.
  • Prados, F., A. Pino and J. Fernández-Salguero. 2007. Effect of a Powdered Vegetable Coagulant from Cynara cardunculus in the Accelerated Ripening of Manchego Cheese. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 42 (5), 556-561
  • Rogelj I., B. Perko, A. Francky, V. Penca and J. Pungercar. 2001. Recombinant Lamb Chymosin as an Alternative Coagulating Enzyme in Cheese Production. Journal of Dairy Science, 84 (5), 1020-1026. Roseiro, L.B., M. Barbosa, J.M. Ames and R.A. Wilbey. 2003. Cheesemaking with Vegetable Coagulants—the use of Cynara L. for the Production of Ovine Milk Cheeses. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 56 (2), 76-85.
  • Say, D. ve N. Güzeler. 2016. Süt Pıhtılaştırılmasında Kullanılan Bazı Bitkiler. Nevşehir Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5, 253-261
  • Saydam, İ.B. ve N. Güzeler. 2012. Bazı Bitkisel Pıhtılaştırıcıların Sütü Pıhtılaştırma Kuvvetleri. III. Geleneksel Gıdalar Sempozyumu. 701-703. 10-12 Mayıs 2012, Konya.
  • Shah, M.A, S.A. Mir and M.A. Paray. 2014. Plant Proteases as Milk-Cloting Enzymes in Cheesemaking: a Review. Dairy Science and Technology, 94 (1), 5-16.
  • Silva, A.C.D., T.C.E.D.S. Nascimento, S.A.D. Silva, P.N. Herculano and K.A. Moreira. 2013. Potential of Quixaba (Sideroxylon obtusifolium) Latex as a Milk-Clotting Agent. Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 33 (3), 494-499.
  • Tejada, L., A. Abellán, J.M. Cayuela and A. Martínez-Cacha. 2006. Sensorial Characteristics During Rıpenıng of the Murcıa Al Vıno Goat’s Mılk Cheese: the Effect of The Type of Coagulant Used and The Sıze of The Cheese. Journal of Sensory Studies. 21 (3), 333-347.
  • Uniacke-Lowe, T. and P.F. Fox. 2017. Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Fourth Edition. pp: 69-113. Editor: P. L.H. McSweeney, P.F. Fox, P. Cotter and D.W. Everett. Chymosin, Pepsins and Other Aspartyl Proteinases: Structures, Functions, Catalytic Mechanism and Milk-Clotting Properties.
  • Vieira, A.M.S., M.F. Vieira, G.F. Silva, Á.A. Araújo, M.R. Fagundes-Klen, M.T. Veit and R. Bergamasco. 2010. Use of Moringa oleifera Seed as a Natural Adsorbent for Wastewater Treatment. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 206 (1-4), 273-281.
  • Wood, J.A. and M.A. Grusak 2007. Nutritional Value of Chickpea. p: 101-142. Editor: S.S Yaday, R.J. Redden, W. Chan, B. Sharma. Chickpea Breeding and Management. Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, UK.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme

Tülay Özcan

Ezgi Eroğlu Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-4945-5025

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özcan, T., & Eroğlu, E. (2018). Sütün Enzimatik Koagülasyonu ve Peynir Üretiminde Bitkisel Pıhtılaştırıcılar. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 201-214.


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