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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 44 Sayı: 3, 523 - 533, 15.05.2019


In the main purpose of this study is to determine
chemical and microbiological properties of cheese produced from goat milk, and
to identify the antioxidant properties of peptides during proteolysis. For this
aim; Cheese samples were produced from goat raw milk by traditional method.
Chemical and microbiological properties of cheeses were determined 0th, 3rd,
6th, 9th months of ripening. To determine the level of proteolysis during
ripening period of the cheeses, total protein, water soluble nitrogen, 12 % TCA
soluble nitrogen 5% PTA soluble nitrogen, and total free amino acid analysis
were carried out. The peptide profile of the cheese samples was determined by
RP-HPLC during ripening period. Peptide fractions were collected and
lyophilized. Antioxidant activity of the lyophilized fractions was determined.
Antioxidant activity of goat cheese were found 29.34-55.12 mM Trolox/g.
Antioxidant activity were found in the F3, F4, F5 fractions in 6 month 112.13mM
Trolox/g, 841.04 mM Trolox/g, 416.95mM Troloks/g, and in the F3, F4, F6
fractions of 9.month 895.44 mM Trolox/g, 841.14 mM Trolox/g, 595.88 mM Trolox/g


  • 1 Anonymous (1989). T.S.E. Beyaz peynir standardı (TS 591), Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • 2 Anonymous (2015). Türk gıda kodeksi. Peynir tebliği (2015/6). Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı 8 Şubat 2015 tarih ve 29261 sayılı Resmî Gazete, Ankara.
  • 3 Ardö, Y., Polychroniadou, A. (1999). Nitrogen Fractionation. Laboratory Manual For Chemical Analysis Of Cheese. Publication Office of the European Communities, Luxemburg, pp: 31-40.
  • 4 Avşar, Y.K., Karagül-Yüceer, Y., Hayaloğlu, A.A., (2011). Peynirde Aroma, Peynir Biliminin Temelleri, SİDAS Medya Ltd.Şti., İzmir, 263-301.
  • 5 Baptista, D. P., Araújo, F. D. S., Eberlin, M. N., Gigante, M. L. (2017). A survey of the peptide profile in Prato cheese as measured by MALDI-MS and capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Food Science, 82: 386-393.
  • 6 Baptista, D.P., Galli, B. D., Cavalheiro, F.G., Negrao, F., Eberlin, M.N., Gigante, M.L. (2018). Lactobacillus helveticus LH-B02 favours the release of bioactive peptide during Prato cheese ripening. International Dairy Journal, 87: 75-83.
  • 7 Bintis, T., and Papademas, P. (2002). Microbiological quality of white brined cheeses: A review. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 55: 113–120.Cemeroğlu, (2007). Gıda Analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, No:34. 535 s. Ankara.
  • 8 Corrons, M. A., Liggieri, C. S., Trejo, S. A., Bruno, M. A. (2017). ACE inhibitory peptides from bovine caseins released with peptidases from Maclura pomifera latex. Food Research International, 93: 8–15.
  • 9 De Man, J.C., Rogosa, M., Sharpe, M.E., (1960). Medium for the cultivation of Lactobacilli. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 23, 130-138.
  • 10 Egger, L., Menard, O. (2017). Update on bioactive peptides after milk and cheese digestion. Current opinion in Food Science,14: 116-121.
  • 11 Donkor, O.N., Henriksson, A., Singh, T.K., Vasiljevic, T., Shah, N.P. (2007). ACE inhibitory activity of probiotic yoghurt. International Dairy Journal, 17: 1321-1331.
  • 12 Folkertsma, B. and Fox, P.F. (1992). Use of the Cd-ninhydrin reagent to assess proteolysis in cheese during ripening. Journal of Dairy Research, 59: 217–224.
  • 13 Fox, P.F., O’connor, T.P., Mcsweeney P.L.H., Guinee, T.P., O’brien, N. M. (1996). Cheese: Physical, chemical, biochemical and nutritional aspects. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 39: 163-328.
  • 14 Fox P.F. (2003). Exogenous Enzymes in Dairy Technology. Handbook of Food Enzymology. Whitaker J.R., Voragen A.G.J., Wong D.W.S. ve Marcel Dekker, Inc.ISBN:0-8247-0686-2, P: 1108.
  • 15 Gupta, A., Mann, B., Kumar, R., Sangwan, R.B. (2009). Antioxidant activity of Cheddar cheeses at different stages of ripening. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 62 (3):339-347.
  • 16 Gürsel, A., Gürsoy, A., Şenel, E., Deveci, O., Karademir, E. (2003).The use of freze shocked lactic starters in low-fat White pickled cheese. Milchwissenschaft, 58(5/6):279-282.
  • 17 Gürsoy, A., Gürsel, A., Şenel, E., Deveci, O., Karademir, E. (2001). Yağ içeriği azaltılmış Beyaz peynir üretiminde ısıl işlem uygulanan Lactobacillus helveticus ve Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus kültürlerinin kullanımı. GAP II. Tarim Kongresi, 24–26 Ekim, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye (pp. 269–278).
  • 18 Hayaloğlu, A.A., Güven M., Fox, P.F. (2002). Microbiological, biochemical and technological properties of Turkish White Cheese Beyaz Peynir. International Dairy Journal, 12: 635-648.
  • 19 Hayaloğlu, A.A., Güven, M., Fox, P F. McSweeney P.L.H. (2005). Influence of Starters on Chemical, Biochemical, and Sensory Changes in Turkish White-Brined Cheese During Ripening. Journal of Dairy Science, 88: 3460–3474.
  • 20 Hayaloglu, A.A., Tolu, C., Yasar, K. (2013). Influence of Goat Breeds and Starter Culture Systems on Gross Composition and Proteolysis in Gokceada Goat Cheese During Ripening. Small Ruminant Research, 113: 231– 238.
  • 21 I.D.F. (1988). Determination of salt content, Standard 12 B. Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 22 IDF. (1989). Milk Fat Products and Butter. Determination of FatAcidity. IDF Standard 6B, Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 23 IDF. (1993). Milk. Determination of the Nitrogen (Kjeldahl Method)and Calculation of the Crude Protein Content. IDF Standard 20B,Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 24 IDF. (2001). Reference analysis for total solids (AOAC Ovendried method), IDF 20 1- 2. Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 25 ISO (2008). Cheese-Determination of fat content-Butyrometer for Van Gulik method ISO3432:2008, International Organization for Standardization.
  • 26 Karakuş, M., Alperden, İ. (1995). Effect of starter composed of various species of lactic bacteria on quality and ripening of Turkish White pickled cheese. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 28: 404-409.
  • 27 Koyuncu, M., Uzun, K.Ş., Tuncel, E. (2005). Güney Marmara Bölgesi Keçicilik İşletmelerinin Genel Durumu ve Verim Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Araştırmalar. I. Keçicilik İşletmelerinin Genel Durumu. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 11 (4): 373-378.
  • 28 Lourens-Hattingh, A., Viljoen, B.C. (2001). Yogurt as probiotic carrier food. International Dairy Journal, 11: 1-17.
  • 29 Lu, Y., Govindasamy-Lucey, S., Lucey, J.A. (2016). Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides in commercial Wisconsin Cheddar cheeses of different ages. Journal of Dairy Science, 99: 41-52.
  • 30 Mc Sweeney, P.L.H. (2004). Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 57: 127-144.
  • 31 Mc Sweeney, P.L.H., Fox, P.F., Lucey J.A., Jordan, K N., Cogan, T.M. (1993). Contribution of the indigenous Microflora to the Maturation of Cheddar Cheese. International Dairy Journal, 3: 613-634.
  • 32 Mc Sweeney, P.L.H. and Fox, P.F. (1997). Chemical Methods for the Characterisation of Proteolysis in Cheese During Ripening. Lait, 77: 41–76.
  • 33 Metin M. (2005). Süt Teknolojisi - Sütün Bileşimi ve İşlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 6. Baskı, İzmir, s:802.
  • 34 Mushtaq, M., Gani, A., Shetty, P.H., Masoodi, F., Ahmad, M. (2015). Himalayan cheese (Kalari/kradi): effect of different storage temperatures on its physicochemical, microbiological and antioxidant properties. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft (LWT) Food Science and Technology, 63(2): 837-845.
  • 35 Oneca, M., Ortigosa, M., Irigoyen, A. and Torre, P. (2007). Proteolytic activity of some Lactobacillus paracasei strains in a model ovine milk curd system: Determination of free amino acids by RP_HPLC. Food Chemistry, 100: 1602-1610.
  • 36 Öner, Z., Karahan, A.G., Aloğlu, H. (2006). Changes in the microbiological and chemical characteristics of an artisanal Turkish white cheese during ripening. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft (LWT) Food Science and Technology, 39: 449-454.
  • 37 Öner, Z., Sarıdağ, A.M. (2018). Proteolysis in the Beyaz (White) Cheese Produced From Various Milk. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 24 (2): 269-277. Öztürk H.I., Akın, N. (2018). Comparison of some functionalities of water soluble peptides derived from Turkish cow and goat milk Tulum cheeses during ripening. Food Science Technology, Campinas, 38(4): 674-682.
  • 38 Park, Y.W., Juárez, .M., Ramos, M., Haenlein, G.F.W. (2007). Physico-chemical characteristics of goat and sheep milk. Small Ruminant Research, 68: 88-113.
  • 39 Park, E. Y., Morimae, M., Matsumura, Y., Nakamura, Y., and Sato, K. (2008). Antioxidant activity of some protein hydrolysates and their fractions with different isoelectric points. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56 (19): 9246-9251.
  • 40 Polychroniadou, A., Michaelidou, A., Paschaloudis, N. (1999). Effect of time, temperature and extraction method on the trichloroacetic acidsoluble nitrogen of cheese. International Dairy Journal, 9: 559-568.
  • 41 Pritchard, S. R., Philipps, M., Kailasapathy, K. (2010). Identification of bioactive peptides in commercial Cheddar cheese. Food Research International, 43: 1545-1548.
  • 42 Rashidinejad, A., Bremer, P., Birch, J., Oey, I. (2017). Nutrients in Cheese and Their Effect on Health and Disease. Nutrients in Dairy and Their Implications on Health and Disease. 177-192.
  • 43 Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26 (9/10): 1231-1237.
  • 44 Salum, P., Govce, G., Kendirci, P., Bas, D., Erbay, Z. (2018). Composition, proteolysis, lipolysis, volatile compound profile and sensory characteristics of ripened white cheeses manufactured in different geographical regions of Turkey. International Dairy Journal, 87: 26-36.
  • 45 Safitri, N.M., Herawati, E.Y., Hsu, J.L. (2017). Antioxidant Activity of Purified Active Peptide Derived from Spirulina platensis Enzymatic Hydrolysates. Research Journal of Life Science, 4(2): 119-128.
  • 46 Santiago-López, L., Aguilar-Toalá, J.E., Hernández-Mendoza, A., Vallejo-Cordoba, B., González-Córdova A.F. (2018). Invited review:Bioactive compounds produced during cheese ripening and health effects associated with aged cheese consumption. Journal of Dairy Science, 3742-3757.
  • 47 Sarantinopoulos, P., Kalantzopoulos, G. and Tsakalidou, E. (2002). Effect of Enterococcus faecium on microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Greek Feta cheese, International Journal of Food Microbiology. 76: 93-105.
  • 48 Sieber, R., Bütikofer, U., Egger, C., Portman, R., Walther, B., Wechsler, D. (2010). ACE-inhibitory activity and ACE-inhibiting peptides in different cheese varieties. Dairy Science and Technology, 90: 47-73.
  • 49 Terzaghi, B.E., and Sandine, W.E. (1975). Improved medium for lactic Streptococci and their bacteriophages. Applied Microbiology, 29(6): 807–813.
  • 50 Turantaş, F., Ünlütürk, A., Göktan, D. (1989). Microbiological and compositional status of Turkish White cheese. International Journal Food Microbiology, 8: 19-24.
  • 51 USK (Ulusal Süt Konseyi), (2016). Dünya ve Türkiye'de Süt Sektör İstatistikleri,
  • 52 Ünal, M.Ü., Şener, A., Cemek, K. (2018). Biyoaktif peptitlerin sağlık üzerine etkileri. Gıda 43 (6): 930-942.
  • 53 Virtanen,T., Pihlanto, A., Akkanen S., Korhonen, H. (2007). Development of antioxidant activity in milk whey during fermentation with lactic acid bacteria, Journal of Applied Microbiology,102: 106-115.
  • 54 Wishah, R. 2007. Utilization of some adjunct bacteri strains in cheese production in additional to starter culture and their effects on the cheese propertis. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara. Türkiye. 101 s.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 44 Sayı: 3, 523 - 533, 15.05.2019


Bu çalışmada; keçi sütü
kullanılarak üretilmiş peynirlerin kimyasal, mikrobiyolojik özelliklerini
belirlemenin yanı
sıra proteoliz olayı sırasında
oluşan peptitlerin antioksidan aktivitelerinin tayin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Bu amaçla; çiğ keçi sütünden geleneksel yöntemle
beyaz peynir
üretilmiştir. Peynirlerde
0, 3., 6, 9 ay, kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik
analizler yapılmıştır. Proteolitik değişimler protein, suda çözünen azot, %12
triklor asetik asit (TCA) de çözünen azot, %5 fosfotungustik asit (PTA) de çözünen azot, serbest
aminoasit tayinleri ile belirlenmiştir. Olgunlaşma boyunca görülen proteolitik
değişim ve peptit oluşumları RP-HPLC cihazı ile tespit edilmiştir. Pepti
t fraksiyonları toplanmış
ve liyofilize
edilmiştir. Elde edilen liyofilize fraksiyonların antioksidan aktiviteleri
belirlenmiştir. Keçi peynirinde antioksidan aktivite 29,34-55,12 mM Troloks/g
bulunmuştur. Keçi peynir fraksiyonlarının liyofilize sonrası antioksidan
aktiviteleri 6 ayda F3 fraksiyonun da 1112
.13 mM Troloks/g, F4 fraksiyonunda 841.04 mM Troloks/g F5 fraksiyonunda ise 416.95 mM
Troloks/g, 9 ayda ise F3 fraksiyonunda 895.44 mM Troloks/g, F4 de 841.14 mM
Troloks/g, F6 da 595.88 mM Troloks/g bulunmuştur. 


  • 1 Anonymous (1989). T.S.E. Beyaz peynir standardı (TS 591), Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • 2 Anonymous (2015). Türk gıda kodeksi. Peynir tebliği (2015/6). Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı 8 Şubat 2015 tarih ve 29261 sayılı Resmî Gazete, Ankara.
  • 3 Ardö, Y., Polychroniadou, A. (1999). Nitrogen Fractionation. Laboratory Manual For Chemical Analysis Of Cheese. Publication Office of the European Communities, Luxemburg, pp: 31-40.
  • 4 Avşar, Y.K., Karagül-Yüceer, Y., Hayaloğlu, A.A., (2011). Peynirde Aroma, Peynir Biliminin Temelleri, SİDAS Medya Ltd.Şti., İzmir, 263-301.
  • 5 Baptista, D. P., Araújo, F. D. S., Eberlin, M. N., Gigante, M. L. (2017). A survey of the peptide profile in Prato cheese as measured by MALDI-MS and capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Food Science, 82: 386-393.
  • 6 Baptista, D.P., Galli, B. D., Cavalheiro, F.G., Negrao, F., Eberlin, M.N., Gigante, M.L. (2018). Lactobacillus helveticus LH-B02 favours the release of bioactive peptide during Prato cheese ripening. International Dairy Journal, 87: 75-83.
  • 7 Bintis, T., and Papademas, P. (2002). Microbiological quality of white brined cheeses: A review. International Journal of Dairy Technology. 55: 113–120.Cemeroğlu, (2007). Gıda Analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları, No:34. 535 s. Ankara.
  • 8 Corrons, M. A., Liggieri, C. S., Trejo, S. A., Bruno, M. A. (2017). ACE inhibitory peptides from bovine caseins released with peptidases from Maclura pomifera latex. Food Research International, 93: 8–15.
  • 9 De Man, J.C., Rogosa, M., Sharpe, M.E., (1960). Medium for the cultivation of Lactobacilli. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 23, 130-138.
  • 10 Egger, L., Menard, O. (2017). Update on bioactive peptides after milk and cheese digestion. Current opinion in Food Science,14: 116-121.
  • 11 Donkor, O.N., Henriksson, A., Singh, T.K., Vasiljevic, T., Shah, N.P. (2007). ACE inhibitory activity of probiotic yoghurt. International Dairy Journal, 17: 1321-1331.
  • 12 Folkertsma, B. and Fox, P.F. (1992). Use of the Cd-ninhydrin reagent to assess proteolysis in cheese during ripening. Journal of Dairy Research, 59: 217–224.
  • 13 Fox, P.F., O’connor, T.P., Mcsweeney P.L.H., Guinee, T.P., O’brien, N. M. (1996). Cheese: Physical, chemical, biochemical and nutritional aspects. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 39: 163-328.
  • 14 Fox P.F. (2003). Exogenous Enzymes in Dairy Technology. Handbook of Food Enzymology. Whitaker J.R., Voragen A.G.J., Wong D.W.S. ve Marcel Dekker, Inc.ISBN:0-8247-0686-2, P: 1108.
  • 15 Gupta, A., Mann, B., Kumar, R., Sangwan, R.B. (2009). Antioxidant activity of Cheddar cheeses at different stages of ripening. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 62 (3):339-347.
  • 16 Gürsel, A., Gürsoy, A., Şenel, E., Deveci, O., Karademir, E. (2003).The use of freze shocked lactic starters in low-fat White pickled cheese. Milchwissenschaft, 58(5/6):279-282.
  • 17 Gürsoy, A., Gürsel, A., Şenel, E., Deveci, O., Karademir, E. (2001). Yağ içeriği azaltılmış Beyaz peynir üretiminde ısıl işlem uygulanan Lactobacillus helveticus ve Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus kültürlerinin kullanımı. GAP II. Tarim Kongresi, 24–26 Ekim, Şanlıurfa, Türkiye (pp. 269–278).
  • 18 Hayaloğlu, A.A., Güven M., Fox, P.F. (2002). Microbiological, biochemical and technological properties of Turkish White Cheese Beyaz Peynir. International Dairy Journal, 12: 635-648.
  • 19 Hayaloğlu, A.A., Güven, M., Fox, P F. McSweeney P.L.H. (2005). Influence of Starters on Chemical, Biochemical, and Sensory Changes in Turkish White-Brined Cheese During Ripening. Journal of Dairy Science, 88: 3460–3474.
  • 20 Hayaloglu, A.A., Tolu, C., Yasar, K. (2013). Influence of Goat Breeds and Starter Culture Systems on Gross Composition and Proteolysis in Gokceada Goat Cheese During Ripening. Small Ruminant Research, 113: 231– 238.
  • 21 I.D.F. (1988). Determination of salt content, Standard 12 B. Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 22 IDF. (1989). Milk Fat Products and Butter. Determination of FatAcidity. IDF Standard 6B, Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 23 IDF. (1993). Milk. Determination of the Nitrogen (Kjeldahl Method)and Calculation of the Crude Protein Content. IDF Standard 20B,Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 24 IDF. (2001). Reference analysis for total solids (AOAC Ovendried method), IDF 20 1- 2. Brussels: International Dairy Federation.
  • 25 ISO (2008). Cheese-Determination of fat content-Butyrometer for Van Gulik method ISO3432:2008, International Organization for Standardization.
  • 26 Karakuş, M., Alperden, İ. (1995). Effect of starter composed of various species of lactic bacteria on quality and ripening of Turkish White pickled cheese. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technologie, 28: 404-409.
  • 27 Koyuncu, M., Uzun, K.Ş., Tuncel, E. (2005). Güney Marmara Bölgesi Keçicilik İşletmelerinin Genel Durumu ve Verim Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Araştırmalar. I. Keçicilik İşletmelerinin Genel Durumu. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 11 (4): 373-378.
  • 28 Lourens-Hattingh, A., Viljoen, B.C. (2001). Yogurt as probiotic carrier food. International Dairy Journal, 11: 1-17.
  • 29 Lu, Y., Govindasamy-Lucey, S., Lucey, J.A. (2016). Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides in commercial Wisconsin Cheddar cheeses of different ages. Journal of Dairy Science, 99: 41-52.
  • 30 Mc Sweeney, P.L.H. (2004). Biochemistry of Cheese Ripening. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 57: 127-144.
  • 31 Mc Sweeney, P.L.H., Fox, P.F., Lucey J.A., Jordan, K N., Cogan, T.M. (1993). Contribution of the indigenous Microflora to the Maturation of Cheddar Cheese. International Dairy Journal, 3: 613-634.
  • 32 Mc Sweeney, P.L.H. and Fox, P.F. (1997). Chemical Methods for the Characterisation of Proteolysis in Cheese During Ripening. Lait, 77: 41–76.
  • 33 Metin M. (2005). Süt Teknolojisi - Sütün Bileşimi ve İşlenmesi. Ege Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, 6. Baskı, İzmir, s:802.
  • 34 Mushtaq, M., Gani, A., Shetty, P.H., Masoodi, F., Ahmad, M. (2015). Himalayan cheese (Kalari/kradi): effect of different storage temperatures on its physicochemical, microbiological and antioxidant properties. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft (LWT) Food Science and Technology, 63(2): 837-845.
  • 35 Oneca, M., Ortigosa, M., Irigoyen, A. and Torre, P. (2007). Proteolytic activity of some Lactobacillus paracasei strains in a model ovine milk curd system: Determination of free amino acids by RP_HPLC. Food Chemistry, 100: 1602-1610.
  • 36 Öner, Z., Karahan, A.G., Aloğlu, H. (2006). Changes in the microbiological and chemical characteristics of an artisanal Turkish white cheese during ripening. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft (LWT) Food Science and Technology, 39: 449-454.
  • 37 Öner, Z., Sarıdağ, A.M. (2018). Proteolysis in the Beyaz (White) Cheese Produced From Various Milk. Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 24 (2): 269-277. Öztürk H.I., Akın, N. (2018). Comparison of some functionalities of water soluble peptides derived from Turkish cow and goat milk Tulum cheeses during ripening. Food Science Technology, Campinas, 38(4): 674-682.
  • 38 Park, Y.W., Juárez, .M., Ramos, M., Haenlein, G.F.W. (2007). Physico-chemical characteristics of goat and sheep milk. Small Ruminant Research, 68: 88-113.
  • 39 Park, E. Y., Morimae, M., Matsumura, Y., Nakamura, Y., and Sato, K. (2008). Antioxidant activity of some protein hydrolysates and their fractions with different isoelectric points. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 56 (19): 9246-9251.
  • 40 Polychroniadou, A., Michaelidou, A., Paschaloudis, N. (1999). Effect of time, temperature and extraction method on the trichloroacetic acidsoluble nitrogen of cheese. International Dairy Journal, 9: 559-568.
  • 41 Pritchard, S. R., Philipps, M., Kailasapathy, K. (2010). Identification of bioactive peptides in commercial Cheddar cheese. Food Research International, 43: 1545-1548.
  • 42 Rashidinejad, A., Bremer, P., Birch, J., Oey, I. (2017). Nutrients in Cheese and Their Effect on Health and Disease. Nutrients in Dairy and Their Implications on Health and Disease. 177-192.
  • 43 Re, R., Pellegrini, N., Proteggente, A., Pannala, A., Yang, M., Rice-Evans, C. (1999). Antioxidant activity applying an improved ABTS radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26 (9/10): 1231-1237.
  • 44 Salum, P., Govce, G., Kendirci, P., Bas, D., Erbay, Z. (2018). Composition, proteolysis, lipolysis, volatile compound profile and sensory characteristics of ripened white cheeses manufactured in different geographical regions of Turkey. International Dairy Journal, 87: 26-36.
  • 45 Safitri, N.M., Herawati, E.Y., Hsu, J.L. (2017). Antioxidant Activity of Purified Active Peptide Derived from Spirulina platensis Enzymatic Hydrolysates. Research Journal of Life Science, 4(2): 119-128.
  • 46 Santiago-López, L., Aguilar-Toalá, J.E., Hernández-Mendoza, A., Vallejo-Cordoba, B., González-Córdova A.F. (2018). Invited review:Bioactive compounds produced during cheese ripening and health effects associated with aged cheese consumption. Journal of Dairy Science, 3742-3757.
  • 47 Sarantinopoulos, P., Kalantzopoulos, G. and Tsakalidou, E. (2002). Effect of Enterococcus faecium on microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Greek Feta cheese, International Journal of Food Microbiology. 76: 93-105.
  • 48 Sieber, R., Bütikofer, U., Egger, C., Portman, R., Walther, B., Wechsler, D. (2010). ACE-inhibitory activity and ACE-inhibiting peptides in different cheese varieties. Dairy Science and Technology, 90: 47-73.
  • 49 Terzaghi, B.E., and Sandine, W.E. (1975). Improved medium for lactic Streptococci and their bacteriophages. Applied Microbiology, 29(6): 807–813.
  • 50 Turantaş, F., Ünlütürk, A., Göktan, D. (1989). Microbiological and compositional status of Turkish White cheese. International Journal Food Microbiology, 8: 19-24.
  • 51 USK (Ulusal Süt Konseyi), (2016). Dünya ve Türkiye'de Süt Sektör İstatistikleri,
  • 52 Ünal, M.Ü., Şener, A., Cemek, K. (2018). Biyoaktif peptitlerin sağlık üzerine etkileri. Gıda 43 (6): 930-942.
  • 53 Virtanen,T., Pihlanto, A., Akkanen S., Korhonen, H. (2007). Development of antioxidant activity in milk whey during fermentation with lactic acid bacteria, Journal of Applied Microbiology,102: 106-115.
  • 54 Wishah, R. 2007. Utilization of some adjunct bacteri strains in cheese production in additional to starter culture and their effects on the cheese propertis. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara. Türkiye. 101 s.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Zübeyde Öner 0000-0003-2557-0731

Ayşe Mine Sarıdağ Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6525-7059

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 44 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Öner, Zübeyde, ve Ayşe Mine Sarıdağ. “KEÇİ SÜTÜNDEN ÜRETİLMİŞ BEYAZ PEYNİRLERDE OLGUNLAŞMA SÜRESİNCE MEYDANA GELEN DEĞİŞİMLER”. Gıda 44, sy. 3 (Mayıs 2019): 523-33.
IEEE Z. Öner ve A. M. Sarıdağ, “KEÇİ SÜTÜNDEN ÜRETİLMİŞ BEYAZ PEYNİRLERDE OLGUNLAŞMA SÜRESİNCE MEYDANA GELEN DEĞİŞİMLER”, GIDA, c. 44, sy. 3, ss. 523–533, 2019, doi: 10.15237/gida.GD19048.
MLA Öner, Zübeyde ve Ayşe Mine Sarıdağ. “KEÇİ SÜTÜNDEN ÜRETİLMİŞ BEYAZ PEYNİRLERDE OLGUNLAŞMA SÜRESİNCE MEYDANA GELEN DEĞİŞİMLER”. Gıda, c. 44, sy. 3, 2019, ss. 523-3, doi:10.15237/gida.GD19048.


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