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Investigation of the possibilities of using oleaster fruit flour in the production of low-fat- low-cholesterol mayonnaise

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 137 - 144, 24.03.2023


The aim of the study is to investigate the possible usage of oleaster fruit flour (OFF) (Elaeagnus angustifolia) in mayonnaise formulation by reducing the fat and egg yolk ratios. Mayonnaise samples with four different formulations as control, low-fat low-cholesterol mayonnaise-I (LFCM-I), low-fat low-cholesterol mayonnaise-II (LFCM-II) and low-fat low-cholesterol mayonnaise-III (LFCM-III) were produced. The oil, egg yolk and sugar ratios were decreased with the incremental percentage of OFF. The substitution of egg yolk and fat in the mayonnaise formula by the addition of OFF caused an increase in pH value, viscosity, firmness, consistency and work of shear, whereas a decrease in the acidity, total cholesterol content, peroxide value, TBARs value and conjugated dienes ratio. Considering all of the physical and chemical analysis results, the OFF can be used as a fat and egg yolk substitute in the mayonnaise formula; however, it was concluded that the mayonnaise-like sauce, which has higher emulsion stability and better physical characteristics, can be obtained by combining OFF with various stabilizers.


  • Beker, M.P., Fernández, O.A., & Klich, M.G. (2020). Seasonal and spatial variations in the concentration of phenols in Elaeagnus angustifolia. L. Pastos y Forrajes, 43, 25-29.
  • Carcelli, A., Crisafulli, G., Carini, E., & Vittadini, E. (2020). Can a physically modified corn flour be used as fat replacer in a mayonnaise? European Food Research Technology, 246(12), 2493–2503. DOI:
  • Çakmakçı, S., Topdaş, E.F., Kalın, P., Han, H., Şekerci, P.P., Köse, L., & Gülçin, İ. (2015). Antioxidant capacity and functionality of oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) flour and crust in a new kind of fruity ice cream. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50, 472–481. DOI:
  • Darvishzadeh, P., & Orsat, V. (2022). Microwave-assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from Russian olive leaves and flowers: Optimization, HPLC characterization and comparison with other methods. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 27, 100368.
  • Depree, J.A., & Savage, G.P. (2001). Physical and flavour stability of mayonnaise. Trends Food Science& Technology, 12(5-6), 157–163.
  • El-Bostany, A.N., Ahmed, M.G., & Amany, A.S. (2011). Development of light mayonnaise formula using carbohydrate-based fat replacement. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5, 673–682.
  • Ghazaei, S., Mizani, M., Piravi-Vanak, Z., & Alimi, M. (2015). Particle size and cholesterol content of a mayonnaise formulated by OSA-modified potato starch. Food Science and Technology, 35(1), 150–156. DOI:
  • Kaur, M., & Singh, N. (2005). Studies on functional, thermal and pasting properties of flours from different chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry 91(3), 403–411. DOI: https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2004.06.015
  • Kouhanestani, S.B., Abbasi, H., & Zamindar, N. (2019). The effects of oleaster flour, active gluten and sucrose replacement with potassium acesulfame and isomalt on the qualitative properties of functional sponge cakes. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 22, 1–16. DOI:
  • Kurt, S., & Zorba, O. (2005). The effects of different levels of non-fat dry milk and whey powder on emulsion capacity and stability of beef, turkey and chicken meats. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 40(5), 509–516. DOI:
  • Liu, H., Xu, X.M., & Guo, S.D. (2007). Rheological, texture and sensory properties of low-fat mayonnaise with different fat mimetics. LWT School of Food Science and Technology, 40(6), 946–954. DOI:
  • Madzlan, K. (2008). Determination of cholesterol in several types of eggs by gas chromatography (Penentuan kolesterol di dalam beberapa jenis telur menggunakan kromatografi gas). Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science, 36(2), 000–000.
  • Maneerat, N., Tangsuphoom, N., & Nitithamyong, A. (2017). Effect of extraction condition on properties of pectin from banana peels and its function as fat replacer in salad cream. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(2), 386–397. DOI:
  • Ouraji, M., Alimi, M., Motamedzadegan, A., & Shokoohi, S. (2020). Faba bean protein in reduced fat/cholesterol mayonnaise: extraction and physico-chemical modification process. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 1774–1785. DOI:
  • Öztürk, H.İ., Aydın, S., Sözeri, D., Demirci, T., Sert, D., & Akın, N. (2018). Fortification of set-type yoghurts with Elaeagnus angustifolia L. flours: Effects on physicochemical, textural, and microstructural characteristics. LWT School of Food Science and Technology, 90, 620–626. DOI:
  • Phuah, E.T., Beh, B.K., Lim, C.S.Y., Tang, T.K., Lee, Y.Y., & Lai, O.M. (2016). Rheological properties, textural properties, and storage stability of palm kernel-based diacylglycerol-enriched mayonnaise. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 118(2), 185–194. DOI:
  • Raikos, V., Hayes, H., & Ni, H. (2020). Aquafaba from commercially canned chickpeas as potential egg replacer for the development of vegan mayonnaise: recipe optimisation and storage stability. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55(5), 1935–1942. DOI:
  • Rodriguez, J.J.R., Amaya, G.C.A., Baez, G.J.G., Aguilera, G.C., Urias, O.V., & Nino, M.G. (2018). Physicochemical, functional, and nutraceutical properties of eggplant flours obtained by different drying methods. Molecules, 23(12), 3210. DOI:
  • Sahan, Y., Gocmen, D., Cansev, A., Celik, G., Aydin, E., Dundar, A.N., Dulger, D., Kaplan, H.B., Kilci, A., & Gucer, S. (2015). Chemical and techno-functional properties of flours from peeled and unpeeled oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 88, 34–41. DOI:
  • Sahan, Y., Aydin, E., Dundar, A.I., Altiner, D.D., Celik, G., & Gocmen, D. (2019). Effects of oleaster flour supplementation in total phenolic contents, antioxidant capacities and their bioaccessibilities of cookies. Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(5), 1401–1408. DOI:
  • Sarraf, M., Sani, A.M., & Atash, M.M.S. (2017). Physicochemical, Organoleptic Characteristics and Image Analysis of the Doughnut Enriched with Oleaster Flour. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 41(4), 1–9. DOI:
  • Tyl, C., & Sadler, G.D. (2017). pH and titratable acidity. In S. S. Nielsen (Ed.), Food analysis (pp. 389-406). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
  • Worrasinchai, S., Suphantharika, M., Pinjai, S., & Jamnong, P. (2006). β-Glucan prepared from spent brewer’s yeast as a fat replacer in mayonnaise. Food Hydrocolloids, 20(1), 68–78. DOI:

İğde meyve unu kullanılarak az yağlı-düşük kolesterollü mayonez üretimi ve karakterizasyonu

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1, 137 - 144, 24.03.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, mayonez formülasyonunda yağ ve yumurta sarısı yerine iğde meyvesi ununun (İMU) (Elaeagnus angustifolia) olası kullanımını araştırmaktır. Kontrol, düşük yağlı düşük kolesterollü mayonez-I (DYDKM-I), düşük yağlı düşük kolesterollü mayonez-II (DYDKM-II) ve düşük yağlı düşük kolesterollü mayonez-III (DYDKM-III) olmak üzere dört farklı formülasyona sahip mayonez örnekleri üretildi. Artan İMU yüzdesi ile yağ, yumurta sarısı ve şeker oranları düşürüldü. Mayonez formülünde yumurta sarısı ve yağın İMU eklenmesiyle ikame edilmesi mayonezin pH değerinde, viskozitesinde, katılığında, kıvamında ve kayma işinde artışa neden olurken; asitliğinde, toplam kolesterol içeriğinde, peroksit değerinde, TBA değerinde ve konjuge-dien oranında azalışa neden olmuştur. Tüm fiziksel ve kimyasal analiz sonuçları göz önüne alındığında, İMU’nun mayonez formülasyonunda yağ ve yumurta sarısı ikamesi olarak kullanılabileceği; ancak, daha yüksek emülsiyon stabilitesine ve daha iyi fiziksel özelliklere sahip olan mayonez benzeri sosun İMU'nun çeşitli stabilizatörlerle kombine edilmesiyle elde edilebileceği kanısına varılmıştır.


  • Beker, M.P., Fernández, O.A., & Klich, M.G. (2020). Seasonal and spatial variations in the concentration of phenols in Elaeagnus angustifolia. L. Pastos y Forrajes, 43, 25-29.
  • Carcelli, A., Crisafulli, G., Carini, E., & Vittadini, E. (2020). Can a physically modified corn flour be used as fat replacer in a mayonnaise? European Food Research Technology, 246(12), 2493–2503. DOI:
  • Çakmakçı, S., Topdaş, E.F., Kalın, P., Han, H., Şekerci, P.P., Köse, L., & Gülçin, İ. (2015). Antioxidant capacity and functionality of oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) flour and crust in a new kind of fruity ice cream. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50, 472–481. DOI:
  • Darvishzadeh, P., & Orsat, V. (2022). Microwave-assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from Russian olive leaves and flowers: Optimization, HPLC characterization and comparison with other methods. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 27, 100368.
  • Depree, J.A., & Savage, G.P. (2001). Physical and flavour stability of mayonnaise. Trends Food Science& Technology, 12(5-6), 157–163.
  • El-Bostany, A.N., Ahmed, M.G., & Amany, A.S. (2011). Development of light mayonnaise formula using carbohydrate-based fat replacement. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5, 673–682.
  • Ghazaei, S., Mizani, M., Piravi-Vanak, Z., & Alimi, M. (2015). Particle size and cholesterol content of a mayonnaise formulated by OSA-modified potato starch. Food Science and Technology, 35(1), 150–156. DOI:
  • Kaur, M., & Singh, N. (2005). Studies on functional, thermal and pasting properties of flours from different chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry 91(3), 403–411. DOI: https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2004.06.015
  • Kouhanestani, S.B., Abbasi, H., & Zamindar, N. (2019). The effects of oleaster flour, active gluten and sucrose replacement with potassium acesulfame and isomalt on the qualitative properties of functional sponge cakes. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 22, 1–16. DOI:
  • Kurt, S., & Zorba, O. (2005). The effects of different levels of non-fat dry milk and whey powder on emulsion capacity and stability of beef, turkey and chicken meats. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 40(5), 509–516. DOI:
  • Liu, H., Xu, X.M., & Guo, S.D. (2007). Rheological, texture and sensory properties of low-fat mayonnaise with different fat mimetics. LWT School of Food Science and Technology, 40(6), 946–954. DOI:
  • Madzlan, K. (2008). Determination of cholesterol in several types of eggs by gas chromatography (Penentuan kolesterol di dalam beberapa jenis telur menggunakan kromatografi gas). Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Science, 36(2), 000–000.
  • Maneerat, N., Tangsuphoom, N., & Nitithamyong, A. (2017). Effect of extraction condition on properties of pectin from banana peels and its function as fat replacer in salad cream. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(2), 386–397. DOI:
  • Ouraji, M., Alimi, M., Motamedzadegan, A., & Shokoohi, S. (2020). Faba bean protein in reduced fat/cholesterol mayonnaise: extraction and physico-chemical modification process. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57, 1774–1785. DOI:
  • Öztürk, H.İ., Aydın, S., Sözeri, D., Demirci, T., Sert, D., & Akın, N. (2018). Fortification of set-type yoghurts with Elaeagnus angustifolia L. flours: Effects on physicochemical, textural, and microstructural characteristics. LWT School of Food Science and Technology, 90, 620–626. DOI:
  • Phuah, E.T., Beh, B.K., Lim, C.S.Y., Tang, T.K., Lee, Y.Y., & Lai, O.M. (2016). Rheological properties, textural properties, and storage stability of palm kernel-based diacylglycerol-enriched mayonnaise. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 118(2), 185–194. DOI:
  • Raikos, V., Hayes, H., & Ni, H. (2020). Aquafaba from commercially canned chickpeas as potential egg replacer for the development of vegan mayonnaise: recipe optimisation and storage stability. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 55(5), 1935–1942. DOI:
  • Rodriguez, J.J.R., Amaya, G.C.A., Baez, G.J.G., Aguilera, G.C., Urias, O.V., & Nino, M.G. (2018). Physicochemical, functional, and nutraceutical properties of eggplant flours obtained by different drying methods. Molecules, 23(12), 3210. DOI:
  • Sahan, Y., Gocmen, D., Cansev, A., Celik, G., Aydin, E., Dundar, A.N., Dulger, D., Kaplan, H.B., Kilci, A., & Gucer, S. (2015). Chemical and techno-functional properties of flours from peeled and unpeeled oleaster (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 88, 34–41. DOI:
  • Sahan, Y., Aydin, E., Dundar, A.I., Altiner, D.D., Celik, G., & Gocmen, D. (2019). Effects of oleaster flour supplementation in total phenolic contents, antioxidant capacities and their bioaccessibilities of cookies. Food Science and Biotechnology, 28(5), 1401–1408. DOI:
  • Sarraf, M., Sani, A.M., & Atash, M.M.S. (2017). Physicochemical, Organoleptic Characteristics and Image Analysis of the Doughnut Enriched with Oleaster Flour. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 41(4), 1–9. DOI:
  • Tyl, C., & Sadler, G.D. (2017). pH and titratable acidity. In S. S. Nielsen (Ed.), Food analysis (pp. 389-406). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
  • Worrasinchai, S., Suphantharika, M., Pinjai, S., & Jamnong, P. (2006). β-Glucan prepared from spent brewer’s yeast as a fat replacer in mayonnaise. Food Hydrocolloids, 20(1), 68–78. DOI:
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Naciye Ünver 0000-0003-4211-3102

Şerafettin Çelik 0000-0002-5605-5735

Sema Sayar 0000-0001-7252-1954

Berfin Ergün 0000-0003-3650-3147

Yasin Yakar 0000-0003-3297-3379

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünver, N., Çelik, Ş., Sayar, S., Ergün, B., vd. (2023). Investigation of the possibilities of using oleaster fruit flour in the production of low-fat- low-cholesterol mayonnaise. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(1), 137-144.

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