Prof. Dr. Z. Fuat Toprak
He graduated from Dicle University, get MSc degree at Firat University and had PhD from Istanbul Technical University (ITU). Has more than 160 of published studies in water resources, hydraulics, fluid mechanics, global climate change, statistics, and fuzzy logic sciences. Introduced to two new methods (SMRGT and ZFT) and brought four concepts (“climatic identity”, “time coefficient”, “stream coefficient”, and “ideal velocity”) into literature. He was supported with Overseas Fellowship by BHS, IRD and TUBITAK to attend conferences held in UK, Macedonia, USA and Australia in 2004, 2009, 2013, respectively. Invited to more than 150 of scientific meeting held in more than 20 countries. He has worked as reviewer for more than 30 international journals indexed by SCI and as consultant, reviewer, and panelist for many national or international institutions. Supervised numerous masters and doctoral thesis. He was responsible to a sub-tile under 6th Theme at the 5th World Water Forum held in Istanbul in 2009. Rewarded two times. One of master thesis he supervised was selected as the best thesis. He is member of numerous professional organizations. He had worked as Vice – Rectors of Sirnak University (2018 – 2019) and as director of both Renewable Energy Application and Research Center and Solar Energy Application and Research Center at Dicle University. He is the head of Civil Engineering Department at Dicle University for 8 years.
Dr. Senai YALÇINKAYA worked as Assist. Professor in Marmara University Faculty of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering. He continues to work as a research and teaching member in Istanbul Marmara University.
Metal cutting principles, Manufacturing Processes, Cutting Tools, Wear and Friction, Die & Tool Design, Corrosion and Surface Protection Materials in Machine, Experimental Design and Analysis. Friction and wear theories, Corrosion and surface protection of machine materials, 3D Printer Extruder.
Metal cutting principles, Manufacturing processes, Machine design, Experimental design &analysis, Friction and Wear, SLS, Friction and wear theories, Corrosion and surface protection of machine materials, 3D printer,
Certified Production Techniques and Applications
Machining processes,
Theories of Friction and Wear,
Machine Design and Machine Elements
Corrosion and Surface Protection of Machine Materials,
Cutting Tool Design
Additive Manufacturing
3D Printing,
Mechanical Engineering
Material Design and Behaviors
Machine Design and Machine Elements
Dr. Selman Aslan şu anda Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi'nde Ulaşım Hizmetleri Bölümü'nde Dr. Öğretim Üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır. 2011 yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi İnşaat Mühendisliği bölümünden mezun oldu. Yüksek lisansını 2015 yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi'nde tamamladı. Doktora eğitimini 2020 yılında Çukurova Üniversitesi'nde tamamladı. 2019 yılında Illinois Institute of Technology'nin Chicago, Illinois, ABD'de bulunan İnşaat Mühendisliği ve Yönetimi programında Misafir Araştırmacı olarak görev yaptı. 2014-2020 yılları arasında Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü'nde araştırma görevlisi olarak çalıştı. Araştırma ilgi alanları yapı işletmesi, iş güvenliği ve proje yönetimi ile ilgili diğer konuları içermektedir.