Ali Kilicarslan graduated from the Middle East Technical University’s Gaziantep Campus in 1989 with a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He received an Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1994 and a PhD of Mechanical Engineering in 2000 from Istanbul Technical University. He is the Editor in Chief of Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering He is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hitit University, Corum, Turkey, teaching Advanced Thermodynamics, Energy and Exergy Analysis of Thermal Systems, Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. His research areas are based on thermal systems, refrigerants and refrigeration systems, air-conditioning systems, heating systems, alternative and renewable energy systems, gas-fired pulse combustion, cogeneration and trigeneration systems, gas and vapor cycles, experimental and theoretical analyses thermodynamic cycles. He supervised 12 M.Sc. and 1 Ph.D. theses. He published 50 scientific papers in international journals and conferences and also published 26 scientific papers in national journals and conferences. He was Director of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences between the years of 2008 and 2017. He also served as a Dean of Engineering Faculty and Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering between the years of 2015 and 2021.
Dr. Akif AKGUL was born in Izmir, Turkey. Dr. AKGUL received his B.S. degree in Electronics-Computer Education from Kocaeli University in 2009 and in Electrical-Electronics Engineering from Sakarya University in 2013, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Sakarya University in 2011 and 2015, respectively, in Electronics-Computer Education and Electrical-Electronics Engineering. His Ph.D. thesis work was on chaos-based cryptology. He has been to The Institute of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology (ECIT) of Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom in 2015 as a Visiting Researcher. His current research interests include random number generators, cryptology, data hiding, blockchain, IoRT, chaos-based engineering applications. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hitit University, Turkey, where he has been involved in projects concerning the study of chaos-based applications.
Ali Kilicarslan graduated from the Middle East Technical University’s Gaziantep Campus in 1989 with a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He received an Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1994 and a PhD of Mechanical Engineering in 2000 from Istanbul Technical University. He is the Editor in Chief of Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering He is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hitit University, Corum, Turkey, teaching Advanced Thermodynamics, Energy and Exergy Analysis of Thermal Systems, Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. His research areas are based on thermal systems, refrigerants and refrigeration systems, air-conditioning systems, heating systems, alternative and renewable energy systems, gas-fired pulse combustion, cogeneration and trigeneration systems, gas and vapor cycles, experimental and theoretical analyses thermodynamic cycles. He supervised 12 M.Sc. and 1 Ph.D. theses. He published 50 scientific papers in international journals and conferences and also published 26 scientific papers in national journals and conferences. He was Director of the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences between the years of 2008 and 2017. He also served as a Dean of Engineering Faculty and Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering between the years of 2015 and 2021.
Hayati TÖRE graduated from Mechanical Engineering of Hitit University in 2012 (Çorum, Turkey). He received her M.Sc. degree from Hitit University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in 2015. He is currently a Research Assistant at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Hitit University, which he joined in 2019. In his master’s thesis, he studied "An experimental investigation of a heat pump operating in the cooling mode for different refrigerants". Currently, he is a Ph.D. student at Hitit University.His research interests are HVAC(heating, ventilating and air conditioning) Systems and Phase change in Condensation Phenomena.
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