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Dergideki görev ve sorumluluklar:
Dergi indeks yönetim ve iletişim sorumlusu
Asyraf Isyraqi Bin Jamil is currently a senior lecturer/assistant professor of Islamic Education Programme, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia. He teaches and publishes in the fields of history, philosophy and administration of Islamic education. He is proposing a research project on multi-religious education in Malaysia to study the needs and ways of implementation of multi-religious teaching and learning within Malaysian education system.
Dergideki görev ve sorumluluklar:
Dergi indeks yönetim ve iletişim sorumlusu
Dergideki görev ve sorumluluklar:
Makale editöryel süreçleri yönetme ve takip etme
Makaleleri sayıya hazırlama ve sayıyı yayınlama
The Aim of The Journal
The Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Researches (JIER) published by the Interdisciplinary Educational and Research Association (JIER)A) is an internationally eminent journal.
JIER, a nonprofit, nonprofit NGO, is concerned with improving the education system within the context of its corporate objectives and social responsibility policies. JIER, has the potential to solve educational problems and has a strong gratification for the contributions of qualified scientific researchers.
JIER has the purpose of serving the construction of an education system that can win the knowledge and skills that each individual should have firstly in our country and then in the world. In addition, JIER serves to disseminate the academic work that contributes to the professional development of teachers and academicians, offering concrete solutions to the problems of all levels of education, from preschool education to higher education.
JIER has the priority to contribute to more qualified school practices. Creating and managing content within this context will help to advance towards the goal of being a "focus magazine" and "magazine school", and will also form the basis for a holistic view of educational issues. It also acts as an intermediary in the production of common mind for sustainable development and education