Caner Yelbaşı is an Assistant Professor at the Mardin Artuklu University. He holds a MA and PhD degree from the Departments of Middle Eastern Studies and History in SOAS, University of London. His research interests are the Late Ottoman Period, Russian Colonialism in the North Caucasus, Circassian Studies, Nation and Nation-state ideology, Para-militarism, and Modern Turkish History. His articles have appeared in Middle Eastern Studies and the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. He is the author of “The Circassians of Turkey War, Violence and Nationalism from the Ottomans to Atatürk” (I.B. TAURIS, 2019). In his book, he focused on the political and paramilitary activities of the Circassian community in Turkey in the very late Ottoman and early Republican periods. Currently, he is working on Russian colonialism in the North Caucasus in the 19th century and its impact on the Black Sea Region.
Prof. Dr. Abdullah EKİNCİ (Harran Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Adnan DEMİRCAN (İstanbul Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ahmet AĞIRAKÇA (Mardin Artuklu Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ahmet KANKAL (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yaşar OCAK (TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ali Murat YEL (Marmara Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ayhan BIÇAK (İstanbul Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Aynur ÖZFIRAT (Mardin Artuklu Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Erdoğan BOZ (Eskişehir Osmangazi Üni.)
Dr. Erica C. D. HUNTER (SOAS Uni.)
Prof. Dr. Feridun M. EMECAN (İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Hayrullah ACAR (Mardin Artuklu Üni.)
Prof. Dr. İbrahim ÖZCOŞAR (Mardin Artuklu Üni.)
Prof. Dr. İlhami GÜLER (Ankara Üni.)
Prof. Dr. İlhan KUTLUER (Marmara Üni.)
Prof. Dr. İrfan AYCAN (Ankara Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Julian RENTZSCH (Johannes Gutenberg Uni.)
Prof. Dr. Kadir CANATAN (İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Kayhan DELİBAŞ (Adnan Menderes Üni.)
Prof. Dr. M. Sait ÖZERVARLI (Yıldız Teknik Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Mahmut ATAY (Selçuk Üni.)
Masoud Jaafari Dehaghi (University of Tehran)
Doç. Dr. Mateo Mohammad Farzaneh (Northeastern Illinois Uni.)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Mahfuz SÖYLEMEZ (İstanbul Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZDEMİR (Ankara Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Musa Kazım ARICAN (Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Nüket ESEN (Boğaziçi Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ömer AYTAÇ (Fırat Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Ömer Bozkurt (Mardin Artuklu Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Recep ŞENTÜRK (İbn Haldun Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Richard FOLTZ (Concordia Uni.)
Prof. Dr. Saim SAVAŞ (Uşak Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Sami ŞENER (İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Şinasi GÜNDÜZ (İstanbul Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Turan KARATAŞ (Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey Üni.)
Prof. Dr. Vahap ÖZPOLAT (Dicle Üni.)
Doç. Dr. İrfan YILDIZ (Dicle Üni.)
Doç. Dr. Oktay ÖZEL (Bilkent Üni.)
Doç. Dr. Ömer TÜRKER (Marmara Üni.)
Doç. Dr. Salih AKIN (Université de Rouen)
Doç. Dr. Ziya POLAT (Mardin Artuklu Üni.)
ISSN: 1309-6087, e-ISSN: 2459-0711
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